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Vincent Winfield Aug 2010
the fenris wolf is bound by
a cat's footfall
the breath of fish
the beards of women
and perhaps your regret

you follow a high note
until it reaches an inaudible frequency
you told me I was your golden pedestal
but I was only a stepping stone
and now you're swimming naked
through the river of success

let me tell you
life is not a one night stand
with some military man
who will dip his brush in alcohol
and stroke you with his stupor
life is not a ****** ****
it is a hard bargain
and I think lachesis
would be disappointed.
Graff1980 Mar 2019
Old one-eyed jack,
old all father
dressed in
****** black,
walking down
a windy path
while Fenris
nibbles on his chains
and the Midgard serpent
goes on searching
the tree of life
for something
like an apple
to sink his fangs

Slipperier than
all his other
trickster friends
doesn’t make amends
just contends
with puckish trends
acting like a nave,
a slave
to playful

And all those
valiant Valkyrie,
well I would concede
going to the halls
to drinks some mead
but I am not a warrior
just a very bad bard.
Tom Cooney Jul 2015
There are two wolves inside all men.
There is one that is Jealousy, Selfishness, Rage, and all other terrible things.
There is one that is Honor, Peace, Wisdom, and all other good things.
Or at least that's how the saying goes.
That saying also says that those two wolves fight, and the one that wins is the one that you feed.
Well, here's the problem with that-
If the Beast is the size of Fenris, the Godslaying Warg of indescribable power...It's not gonna matter for anything how much you feed that White Wolf.
That White Wolf is gonna use all the energy it gets from the food you give it just to keep itself away from the Beast, dodging its assault.
The White Wolf can't fight the Beast. It can survive the Beast. That's all it's gonna manage.
So, when you're trying to be that White Wolf, and you're trying to keep up with the giant, slavering Beast that wants nothing more than to ****, eat, and forget you, the same as it wants to do with anything else- sometimes you wonder why you keep evading the Beast.
Because it hurts so much from the exhaustion and the burdens that feeding yourself place on you that you don't know if you WANT to keep moving.
Is there really anything wrong with just...laying down...relaxing...letting it all end?
After all...the poor Beast over there just wants to eat...and he's been starving as long as I've been alive...
Michael Marchese Jan 2018
And I just sit and I just stare
And I just wander in my room
And I just think and I just talk
And then I look upon the moon
That girl is mine and she is beautiful
A beacon in the night
She glows a Fenris in my heart
That will devour starry light
And every ******* thing in sight
If she is half or she is new
Or not a moreso often blue
If she don’t tell me who the hunter is
Who gazed upon her womb
Like some abomination Cretan
This no Spartan son of mine
This lesser-landed Ath-en-ian
Now beholden in eye thine

— The End —