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what a great illusion
the pursuit of love

Searching exteriorly
for something that’s existent 

Sabila Siddiqui Jul 2019
My soul screams to speak,
but my lips remain sealed,
as no word slips.
It is just dead silence.
My head tenses,
as I am unable to utter words.

I find my tears
weighing all the emotions
as they trickle down my cheek silently.

Exteriorly, it is silent
even though there is chaos screaming within.
Nick E Mar 2018
Frozen, frozen i stood in space
Embarking on a  journey unprepared
With a heart quickly changing pace
How could this be?

How was I rendered impaired?
Questions, a million questions ran through my head
Trapped in plethora of thoughts with nowhere to flee
They say before you die your life flashes before your eyes
But I was well alive and no blood was being shed
Instead it ran through my veins like an unchained greyhound
Racing an endless track trying to catch a prize
How could this be?

Is this a dream? Am I in bed?
To which reality am I bound?
Silence, silence was all that prevailed
Like an operation room with a surgeon about to incise
Immobile exteriorly, erupting interiorly
With a flood of emotions my body was assailed
Warm and cold, fast and slow, ennemies and allies
How could this be?

Could a drug have hindered my movements?
Is this all a hallucination?
What substance could cause such a rush?
What dream could cause such palpation?
So there i was, filled with thoughts to amaze
Confused, uncertain, my body leading me astray
Ready to quit, with a stomach light as hay
There could only be one explanation
Frozen, frozen I was, by her gaze...
Let me know your thoughts
Emmanuel S Aporu Apr 2022
Each pair of feet sauntered peacefully along the street,
So did the streams of sweat that coursed down their faces as homage to the heat.
But all their faces were stained with a blank stare,
And their demeanor showed all the signs of despair,
The joy-sorrow balance seemed to be even;
But the wrenching agony inside them could never be hidden.

Their silences were so deep for no words were spoken.
And each heart beat as if it was already broken.
But no one was hurt – at least exteriorly,
Yet their individual anger inside churned fiercely.
That anger I tell you was every man’s only defense;
For how else would you live in such a world of indifference!
S R Mar 2020
How beautiful—today the birds are chirping,
sun agleam against a cobalt backdrop
no clouds in sight and buds blooming through grass.

How uplifting—today the world is singing,
a staccato symphony of voices crying out,
singing from terraces, yards and windows, for all to hear.

How ironic—today is the death of the world
as appears, yet it’s backdrop, it’s soundtrack
unlike what’s been imagined, at least not exteriorly.

How instead—no fire and brimstone
with tears in the eyes as loved ones embraced
instead of through Hell raining down, it was a silent, melancholy spring.

— The End —