God masterful and silent
Hovers over me
Like bees in the summer
There buzz loud and obscene
I'm reminded of sins
Once long forgotten
I'm reminded of you
And how you managed
To burn every rose petal you saw
Its a wicked game we play
Tooth and tooth
Molars exracted, canines chipped and worn
The viens in my body run like roots
From toe to head
They pulse and wait
They wait for God to answer
They wait for the buzz of the bees
They wait for a reason to bleed
So I step foot on the front doorstep
And scream his name
And that wretched buzz answers back
I've lost this war haven't I?
I've lost you and gained nothing else
But silence
So I'll walk back inside
And l'll lie back in bed
I'll shut my eyes and forget the world
I'll forget the buzz.
And I'll forget
Ever meeting you
Christopher Zaghi 2014