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silly me for falling for his charm, there was no substance in it
silly me for falling for his charm, there was no substance in it
the smooth lines roped me in, I am but a fool
the smooth lines roped me in, I am but a fool
I am but a fool, silly me for falling for his charm
there was no substance in it, the smooth lines roped me in

after a time the clouds clear, all is visible to the eye
after a time the clouds clear, all is visible to the eye
the heart has no common sense, awakening from the dream
the heart has no common sense ,awakening from the dream
the heart has no common sense, after a time the clouds clear
awakening from the dream, all is visible to the eye

can't dwell on something untrue, too right
can't dwell on something untrue, too right
no love match ever eventuated, nothing was meant
no love match ever eventuated, nothing was meant
nothing was meant, can't dwell on something untrue
no love match ever eventuated, too right

the heart has no common sense, nothing was meant
silly me for falling for his charm, too right
can't dwell on something untrue, the smooth lines roped me in
no love match ever eventuated, awakening from the dream
I am but a fool, there was no substance in it
after a time the clouds clear, all is visible to the eye
Advait Apr 2016
”Let there be Light,“
He said.
”Let there be Night,“*
And never said.
Yet without the night,
Occured it would have not
The birth of light.
Yes young knight,
The night eventuated the light!
So it is in our life,
The night is never averred,
The night is never asked,
But remember young knight,
The crusade of life,
Is like a cosmic void,
Without the night,
The light is never in sight.
Make your light bright,
And carry on,
Carry on with your fight with the night!
"Just kidding, young knight,
Let your anger flow,
Join the dark side." :P
Journey of Days Mar 2017
racing through conversations
planning through scenarios

seeing endless possible outcomes to a present that has not eventuated,
may not...
probably will not happen...

constantly processing
analysing faces
check out the body language
looking for nuances
shifting positions
seeing endless possible outcomes to a present that has not eventuated,
may not...
probably will not happen...
constantly processing

where is the off switch? this is ******* exhausting
Dark n Beautiful Sep 2015
When I walk through a room and
If the silence is too cunning and too strong
I recall a poem: I once read Bird of Texas
I usually let my eyes zoom in on a target
Most of the time, it’s the exit
With the red lights, or the doors with the double bolts

Poetry writing is like double bolts locks
We lock our thoughts and emotions inside ourselves
and worried about what others might think of us
I seriously doubt that Dr. Seuss worried about his unique way of rhyming

Do not like them,
I do not like
green eggs and ham.

Same here with me, I don’t care if you like my poems or not
My eventuated submission: or my manner of speaking.
Is your way of critiquing gratifying Sam I am?

Do not like them,
I do not like
green eggs and ham
well here's another empty page
what do I fill it with
I could write about the stars
or the green men on Mars
but ideas such as those haven't eventuated
I am searching through the maze of my mind
for any gem that I can find
but it seems
the bank
of ideas
has gone belly up
maybe I could write a poem
about a tea cup
Marshal Gebbie Sep 2022
Australia, in that time, was a harsh and unforgiving place with a people born of convict stock. Hardship depicted that things were black and white and, should circumstance turn bad, matters were dealt with in a manner reflecting the brutality of the country.

The relentless dry heat of the baking sun, the listless hang of the eternal eucalypts and the everlasting expanse of red rock and vast flat plains, the shimmering mirage on the horizon and the impossibility of what lay ahead.

Whatever eventuated to destroy the life of the Frye's was borne
in the unrelenting hardship of the country and the oppression of the circumstance prevailing at that time.

To some degree a vestige of the same inherent legacy remains, subliminally, in the heart and minds of the denizens who chose to live in Australia to this day, reflecting, to a large degree, the extreme of the vastness and unforgiving nature of this land .

Who fled these shores 55 years ago for the abundance of New Zealand.
A reflection on reading John Wiley's tragic account in his poem "Frye's Clump"
Mateuš Conrad Sep 2017
how did it all come about,
this short-hand evolutionary observable
  how the greek letters lost
their names, and became musical
syllables, in the roman castrato

    how α became a,
   how β became b -
    however did γ become g?
         how δ became d -
      how ε became e -
             how ζ became z -
how η became n -
     θ & φ became neither thought
nor philosophy, or the point -
how ι gained a head with i -
how kappa remained, κ or k -
how lambda (λ) became L -
or how Γ met the mirror -
      laughter eta eta eta...
  how from mu came em...
      and from nu came en...
     from ρ (rho) the p -
and from chi (χ) the eks (x)
ψ (psi) + π (pi) came the p (ee) -
o remained o - omicron -
       stern sigma (Σ) into smoothed S -
   τ (tau) remained true to tao
of the latin t -
         the υp of upsilon remained u -
even though more about
exfoliating the nu (υ vs. ν) -
   and sharpened the ω into w;
with ξ (xi) the "11th anomaly* of Q...

ars geometria, the post-scriptum
of cubism: that imploded cube.

modern art: everything about perspectivism,
modern art can be accounted for
being beyond the standards "expected":
if you only take into account
the meagre outputs of architecture...
for all the l.s.d. consumed during the 1960s,
we have edinburgh's appleton tower
to show for it...

flaky mosaics peeling off...

  i still can't believe that psychology
retains both the latin word, as the german word,
from ego through to selb,
    ego: inhale -
       cogito: exhale -
but as anyone suffering from a mental
illness -
    ego: exhale
     cogito: inhale -
    res vanus = ego per se -
    res cogitans = ego ut nihil -
      nihil qua sum omni -
slouching away from "narrating",
      mental illness and the automated
narrator -
    the enforced unwelcome thought,
and as all thinking that's not welcome
is, and passes us, and as our egos
cannot become turtles or spiky defensive
  automated thinking becomes
painful -
             mental illness is all about
the automation of thinking,
forced thinking,
  well... it's just "thinking"...
the irony via this medium reveals:
              to not think, is to actually think.

and then in classical orientation -
plato would have been a darwinist -
he would have settled for forms -
the history of **** silimilus -
but perhaps aristotle would have convened
on the linguistic evolutions,
esp. from greek to latin...
      how ω became w which later became
ł & even later (л + λ) -

i can only admit one truth these days:
history has become crushing -
    it's crushing day by day -
whatever system in place -
  man, the eventuated hoarder -
if not by hoarding and filling his home
with "antiques" or worthless junk -
still, man has become a hoarder -
                     a hortmensch -
whether in objects, or whether in
history, grievances, respects, prides,
and failures or successes -
it's so exhausting to hoard so much,
whether under a roof of a house,
or inside the cranium and a receding

history is a crushing dead-weight -
it becomes a blessing
   having drunk the previous day,
and not remaining some minor details,
but then, comes along dates,
like in england, 1066, 1914,
  1997... 1966...
               does all this history even matter,
given that,
  we're currently talking about
a genesis, where so much more
unwritten history took place,
than in the current year,
   of the supposedly written history?

i'm just asking for a zoological
invocation of historical content -
for there is but one historiology -
it's most certainly zoological -
       but even then: it's a crushing
dead-weight of what is needed -
        rather than what is necessary;
who are these censors of history out there?

i wish it was a different history
of existentialism to begin,
   once it arrived to england from the continent,
from denmark, germany & france,
the only answer to these thinkers came
in the form of psychiatrists,
notably r. d. laing -
  it's so sad to have spectated this,
how existentialism in england became
rooted in psychiatry,
as if reading books was somehow a psychiatric
        continental existentialism,
died the sad death of its influence -
both at the hands of english psychiatry,
and french postmodernism
(the deconstructivism of derrida) -
but you can't ignore why
only psychiatrists took interest in
the movement...
                these days?
everyone's suspect -
           and everyone is: the usual type.

— The End —