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Jon Sawyer Mar 2014
In the mixing bowl
thou hast perfected praise.
Conforming to your mould,
your flaky crust begins to rise.

Steamy and buttery out of the oven,
you make my life chill,
when the morsel of butter enters the
    blueberry canyon
to have its fill

Chemically inducing nirvana,
a world in the eye of God,
blueberry bursts of epic epicness
down my throat you trod.

In my stomach you swim, my friend.
"It is not good for muffin to be alone,"
pop goes the cherry muffin to join you,
and in swims a blueberry clone.

Nom nom nom.
19 March 2014
Demitrius Aug 2010
Epic storys told every day
I can never speak my mind.
The grip I have on reality
Indeed its quite unrealistic.

To always know the current
Hurts like neddles poured into a current.
My thoughts are congruent with bullets
Before and after shots fired. This is my fire.

I live with my own spirits
I have jedi mind tricks.
I kick it with my mind all the time
We drink soda and walk the streets at night.

But the mind is not to be wasted, not mine
This is me, I am who I am..
Every day I give all I can..
I'm not a gangster, but I'm a fighter
both with my fists and as a writer
I am the dark poet.. quietly killing on the lyrical scale,  
Edgar Allan Poe-etic is my poison, injected and inhaled
willingly taken, slowly destroying me from the inside out
making my veins blaze within me so that my blood cells shout
my heart beat slows as the affliction eats away almost as if to say
to drop rhymes upon the beat, slowly symphonic, deathly harmonic
Or rather perhaps, along the lines of pure demonic.
Lyrically woven into my blood, I cannot help but bleed.
Music has shaped me into the man I am, seeing in depth what you could not believe
I've seen wondrous nightmares and beautiful wastelands, you couldn't possibly conceive
The wilderness heart beating in my chest has made me a beast of a writer
For even in the darkest of my days my writings are always lighter.
Doomsdays upon apocalypses, Dragons among faeries, each of these I've dreamed
I cannot begin to explain the sheer epicness of these things I have seen.
Lyrically woven into my blood, I cannot help but bleed.
Gabriel Jan 2014
Can you smell the little pastries cooking down the hall
Can you hear the sound as my heart begins to crawl
Interlaced corridors of cordial metaphor
A coffee cake pace in a curious position set a forth
Can you see how sensual measures make me shake
Can you feel that you are my love's potentate  
Lost in a scatter-brained impulsiveness to force annealing
Chasing that radiant love that feels like constant healing
Knowing that it is pouring in half of your soul
Knowing that equally given will always equal a whole    
Giving all the potency of love a spirit can possess
Realizing that Love was never really a test
But more falling into a breathtaking abyss
Lost in the epicness of her every kiss
Stacy Mills Dec 2015
As I've walked this earth throughout the expanse of my existence, i have seen such beauty that has awed and bewildered my senses completely.
Then I met you!
I look back at those things i thought magnanimous; and they dull in comparison. The sheer epicness that your magnificent individual presents exudes; it astounds me. And no matter the lengths I go to try to put to  put to words the wondrous excitement that envelopes me when you r within view, I will never  be able to describe it fully enough in any world. There are no words that will ever come close.
LERCH Apr 2018
To amuse, and inform, and infuse young souls with enthusiasm. Ya know, thats how you change the future.

To express the distress, and attempt to illustrate the awesomeness of the epicness, but words are futile devices.
Travis Green Jan 2023
You give me a plethora of peppiness
When you introduce me to your unaffected delectable sexiness
Full of untouchable lush robustness
And immeasurable top-level seductiveness
Your indefatigable masterful flex is
The best, most pleasurable treasure
Suffused with richly smooth expressiveness

Your sexually psychedelic impressiveness
Takes me into the depths
Of your errorless effortless effervescency
In my mind, your measureless superlative verve
Swirls in my dream world
At the convergence point
Of  sheer immersing rapture

I feel the hard-hitting and far-reaching effects
Of your ever-fresh and ecstatic epicness
Treading through my vessel
You are the unstoppable chocolate man of my dreams
Sweet and delicious, beardalicious, skillful winsome lips

Your dope mocha glowingness
That enchants every inch of my existence
Your masculinity stimulates me just to dwell on thee
To dream of your artistic swaggerrific prolificness
How it dances through my submerged mind
Makes my heart ache for you in ways that amaze and captivate me

I wanna hold you like a boldly colored bouquet
Of elegant, enchanted, and extravagant flowers
Stare in wonder at your dark sienna brown eyes
While you guide me deep into your wild tameless ruggedness
Make me consumed by the desire for your elite kick-*** heat
Travis Green Jun 2022
You bring me irresistible
Joyous excitement
The sweetest and most
Keen dreams
When we kiss
When we drift
Into one another
When we love each other

When you draw me
Into your crash-hot
Top-notch swagger
Your smooth splashy flex
Enraptures me deeply
Makes me deliriously
Feverish and sweet on
Your impeccable
Poetical incredibleness

You lapse me
Into your hypnotic
Chronic enthrallment
You intrigue me
You read my mind
So effortlessly
You take me
Into your time portal
Where you nuzzle up to me
Where you hug me
Touch me, rub me
Make love to me

Your red-hot
Four-star suaveness
Rocks my globe
Robs my soul
Make me flow
Into your showstopping
Boulevard awash
With dopeness

I want to traverse
On cruise control
To the inmost depths
Of your ******
Stellar epicness
Love me more
Give me fresh
Ebullient joy
Stream into my core
Open the door
And explore
My gorgeous
Radiant art

You give me
Boundless triumphant feelings
You engulf me
In your nameless
Priceless brightness
So exquisitely fierce
So deliciously earthy
You got me secured
To your spectacularity

— The End —