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Jack McAdam Jul 2010
A man stands in the falling water,
Black outlines his figure.
I stand there, staring at the mysterious organism,
Squinting my eyes in the darkness.
He is gone.
The trees sway in the rhythm of the wind,
Bushes rustle and twigs crackle under a pair of enormous feet,
And the mysterious figure looms over me,
Red eyes; the only thing I can see in the night.
They enlargen and expand by an almost colossal amount,
And then nothing.
The only thing I can hear is the blood in my ears.
Then I awaken,
And find myself in the bed I lay,
With the darkness that surrounds me.
Copyright, Jack McAdam
27th of July 2010
Jermon Feb 2019
Enlargen my flaws
Show me the world isn't a perfect place
Enlighten my world
Know the universe isn't down phased
Hold my powers out
Know vulnerability isn't a sage
Cross my fingers down
Know hope is always part of us*

A nature romantic sort

— The End —