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laura-jessica Jan 2018
never ending love
never ending lov
never ending lo
never ending l
never ending
never endin
never endi
never end
never en
never e
nothing l
nothing la
nothing las
nothing last
nothing lasts
nothing lasts f
nothing lasts fo
nothing lasts for
nothing lasts fore
nothing lasts forev
nothing lasts foreve
nothing lasts forever.
hi! this is my interruption of love. if you have a different idea i respect that! please respect mine **
smallhands Mar 2016
attach a little close to-
resting lovely, so nervous
the loops secure you at my edge
above, in nooks, violet open
and shut for the sound

high and far, my light will lose
if yours is stolen
I'd hold the quarters

denser theory, buzzing fly,
straight plummet
my flighty fingers, technical shocks
designed for me

it was a shattered route
shifting sheets foremost
blustery notes tuck me away
over hushed aches, harms it
revolves around every whimper
takes my debating love across

attach a little close to this
seems years, leaves loops,
hearts burst,
stays apart
stays a fully strange one
attach a little close to a poem
that is closing

Haruharu Jun 2017
Stuck on a train heading for destruction.

I missed all the stops, I can't get off.

My feet won't move.

The crash is closing in.

I accept my fate, my endi..

— The End —