As I lay here thinking back to the days;
When everything was simply and alright; Wondering
How this all happen. Some days I do.... really
I* do, want to go back, but I know I can't for
This is where I'm suppose to be; This is where it is at.
Everyday I wake up, make some
Breakfast, and greet the new day. Ready to
Live, I put on my pants, shirt, and
A smile to keep me moving through the day. Keeping the
Negative thoughts from my mind, it's hard, but
Keeping those thoughts away, most of the time,
Prevents a lot of crap and stuff from happening.
And so here I lay as the last thoughts of the day
Goes rushing through my head;
Everyone will be fine, **In. The. End.
copyright; 2011 McNally, Inc.
Just came to me as I was getting ready for bed.
Inspired by the one the only LOST.
"If we don't Live Together, we're gonna Die Alone."