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Rhianna Powell May 2016
could be the Midas touch, except not at all. Everything touched does not solidify into something valuable, instead it disassembles immediately losing the vibrant colors.

As I shuffle through this once magical place, the trees swoop low reaching for extending with their spiny tips.

My legs are bruised from the countless blows I took from myself. My feet are blistering in the dirt beneath my spoiled flesh. The tears are relentless down my cheeks, the flow hasn't slowed just as the river my comrades think is so beautiful. Contrast it with my face, let it haunt your memories, tell me you think it's beautiful now. continuing down this rotting path, my limbs dismantle as they have grown weak, my head topples to the hard earth with a disturbing thud.

an overwhelming sense of peace consumes my mind at the idea of no longer continuing to ***** a seemingly perpetual journey through the coldest hell I have ever been in. I used to be warm now I am shaking vigorously lying on the ground. my eyes tilted toward the movement in the brush. the sounds grow louder as they draw nearer to where I lay. the moon has abandoned me, my last true partner. he has gone behind a curtain of smoke to hide his eyes from what he is about to witness. of course, he knew he couldn't save me!! silly man why did he try, maybe it was because I couldn't touch him from so far. He smokes another cigarette immediately turning my eyes black. the trees are ripping at my intestines. Now, the peace has gone and there is nothing left to do but close my eyes and await the horrendous ending.

and then I felt her soft hand, and my tears no longer fell for fear of dying.
I was saved.
Torin Apr 2016
I haven't cried in years
My cheekbones are aching
Trying to fight back tears
My eyes are stinging
I hate to cry
It's painful
I cry because you cry

I've dealt with pain my whole life
I've grown accustomed to it
I'm beginning to think maybe
It is meant to always be a part of me
Even if you become
Yet another source of pain
I deal with
It's who I am.
And it's what I must do
You know I'll always love you

Still it's strange
I had a sinking feeling
I knew something that I couldn't know
And I really don't know what to say

Whatever makes you happy
Whatever helps you sleep in peace
Whatever disassembles your nightmares
And  using the parts they are made from
Creates dreams
It's always in your head
And in your heart

My sweet angel
I wish I was holding you now
I wish that I was happy
You know I'll always love you

Please don't cry
Travis Green Feb 2023
I am so sweet on his unbeatable
Far-reaching exquisiteness
Formidable thrilling slickness
Sweet sizzling hot superstar
I love how strongly built

His blossoming and charming body is
How he appeals to my senses
Hunky yummy stunner
I wanna kiss his fresh warm lips
Feel his relentless seamless masculinity all over me

Feel his luscious tongue run down
My bare brown neck
Mesmerize my youthful yielding smoothies
Spit on my deliciously sweet tips
Show me his wild fiery side

Flaunt his enthralling hot sauce
I wanna be wrapped up
In his empowering and energizing enticingness
Feel the heavy thrashing impact
Of his badass savage masculineness
Crashing into my gaytasticness

Hold me spellbound
Lost in his seductive love storm
Talk ***** to me, make me thirst
For his treasured arresting majesticness
Make me melt into his sexaliciousness

Feel his ample appealing rhythm
Of ageless amorous ecstasy
Make me sweat while he impresses me
With his brazen breathtaking flex
Feast on my blithe and beguiling femininity

Immerse me in his perfectly compelling superbness
Make me tremble as he disassembles
My soft, ****** dimension
Pour his rich, alluring gloriousness in my core
Give me a shot in the arm that stonishes me

Take me deep into his gateway
Of unparalleled volcanic enchantment
Captivate me with his epic frenetic heat
Fresh, seasoned, and teasing dream Daddy
Console me, take control of me

Give me everything his entireness contains
Carry me high into the bright nighttime sky
And fill me with priceless indescribable delight
Bring me into his awe-striking and devouring flame
Where he spellbinds my fine-framed rainbow design
Jonathan Moya May 2022
The oceans recede,
its pylons exposed.
The great elephants rust
in the junkyard they fell
when Chukwa shifted.
Even his severed legs
can’t hold up the earth-sky.
The sea grass stiffens
to a verdant wave,
curl exposing the horizon.
The ivory house
built on the beach
(the one with the
bench in back
where children played
and the family picnicked,
the one with the
red flame corvette idling
on the cracked street)
disassembles in the winds.

The "world-elephants" are mythical animals which appear in Hindu cosmology. The Amarakosha (5th century) lists the names of eight male elephants bearing the world (along with eight unnamed female elephants).  They sit atop Chukwa, the Cosmic Tutrtle
Travis Green May 2023
He takes my breath away
When I gaze at his dreamy beaming masculinity
His delicious splendiferous vigorousness
His devilish distinguished debonairness

I am gob-smacked when I stare
At his compact mantastic masterpiece
Trapped in his flaming gangbuster hurricane
Of his unrivaled indescribable passion

His irresistible glistening sweetness
Has me so delirious with happiness
So out of my brain, so enticed by his game
Hankering for him to devour my flame

Rain down his wildness upon my entireness
Show me his pipe game, pulverize my domain
Take me to his unparalleled ******* station
Dominate my brazen silken gayness

Take me with his formidable force
Allure me, explore me, make me sore
Knock on my back door and tour through my core
My dope, robust **** boy

Rejoice in my incredible ****** delectableness
Feel my limbs tremble as he disassembles my dimension
Check out how he flexes his stunning pumped-up guns
Confess his hottest sauciest thoughts to my vulnerable moist body

Make my bouncy brown behind and thighs shake
Make me elated and discombobulated
Be my extravagant fantasy romancer
Love me, touch me, make me back it up
Like a brand-new monster truck

I wanna watch him go out of control
Stroke me properly with his strong chocolate pole
Get his freak on, turn up the volume
Of his ungoverned destructive thunder

Make me hot as the scorching desert sand
Be my delectable muscled plug
Make me fall in love with the way
He thrusts his heavy *** tool into my pool of pleasure

Move me with grooviness and hoodness
Make me go crazy as he takes me down
Make me breathe deep and long
As he rocks my inner walls
Come to a mad top-class ****** and nut in my guts
Selina Jan 2020
His hands caress her skin in a way she’s never felt before
He peels back each layer of softened vulnerability
Not quite prepared for the horror lying underneath

Beneath him, she shivers quietly
Each breath a struggle
As he opens a door
That has been carefully locked for far too long

Her emotions tumble out slowly
Like a strained creek
The water dripping through the rocks
Bending and swirling endlessly

His piqued curiosity turns to bewilderment
As he slowly becomes aware of the secret treasure he has discovered
He watches her writhe as everything pours out
Knowing he is the one who opened the floodgates
But not quite ready for the responsibility of calming the tides

And so he closes them
Locks her door again
Making sure to throw away the key
Because some secrets were never meant to be told

As her body becomes her own she returns angry
Not at the man before her
But at herself
For allowing a ****** she promised to never reveal

But through the guilt a part of her soul is saddened
As some hope remained that her secret could be trusted
To the man who dared to venture into her in the first place

And so he leaves her, ***** and alone
To blacken his hands with another
Forever scared of opening up Pandora's Box
Not quite ready to face the music

Meanwhile, her body decays
Because before the man closed the door
He took a part of her with him
And with every other stream he contaminates
He leaves a portion of her purity

Now a piece of her is spread across many
Like a broken up jigsaw puzzle
Never truly able to fit together again

She disassembles
As her soul leaves her body
And she regrets
Ever letting herself feel at all

— The End —