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Madison Lee Nov 2014
Began falling apart,
with every word you failed to say.
In search for a way
to express how i feel,
Unable to grasp the fact
this is real.
Desprite to honor you
but the words don't exist,
That justify how much you were loved
and are missed.
I'll cherish the memories
and in my heart you'll live on,
I will never stop loving you
just because you are gone.
Mostly i'm sorry
lost the last chance i had,
To thank you to your face
for being my dad.
Thank you for everything
for just being you,
This devoted, inspirational, loving
man that i knew.
I pray that your at peace now
no longer have to fight,
Just promise you'll be there waiting for me
when it's my turn to go into the light.
So now you rest in a beautiful place
healthy and free bright smiling face,
Know that you were loved by everyone you touched
a hero seen by many,
Dad you were to me just as much!
I was blessed with the twenty-six years
that we had,
Yet saddened my son
will never know my dad.
I'm glad you got to see him
before you had to go,
And trust me when he is older
there's not a thing about papa he's not gonna know.
I know now that your gone
things will never be the same,
But for the husband, father and papa you were
forever i will continue
to honor your name.

— The End —