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Gaye Dec 2016
My thermometer showed water lilies,
While the I drank the sky in a perfect line
Now, choke me with that smile
And let me borrow small pieces of your time
Afterall it's a cashless transaction.
judy smith Dec 2016
Amid the flood of horror stories about demonetisation comes a heart-warming incident from Bulandshahr district where the groom’s father asked the bride’s father to welcome the baraatis (wedding guests from the groom’s side) with a simple cup of tea to avoid an expensive marriage in light of the note ban.Traditionally the baraatis are given many gifts from the bride’s family, but seeing how stressed the bride’s father was about trying to arrange cash for the marriage, the groom’s family told him that a ‘simple ceremony’ would do just as well.“The marriage was fixed before demonetisation. We faced a cash crunch like everyone else. After queuing up for 10 days, we got Rs.2,000 only. We told the bank officials that there was a marriage in our house. We got a letter of approval but even after that we did not get any cash,” the groom’s father Vijender Singh told The Hindu.

Thoughtful gestureMr. Singh said that he then spoke to the bride’s father Kali Charan, who was also facing a cash crunch.“When I spoke to Mr. Charan, he was sounding down as he could not arrange funds for the ceremony. I proposed to him a simple marriage ceremony. He initially hesitated as he was feeling bad. But I managed to convince him and finally we decided to hold a simple ceremony,” Mr. Singh said.The marriage between Dinesh and Veena took place on Sunday.Dinesh hails from Jaleelpur village in Jahangirabad in Bulandshahr district while the girl is from Jaypee Nagar.“We, along with the baraatis, reached Bulandshahr on Sunday. After completing all rituals, a cup of tea was offered to the baraatis,” Mr. Singh said.Mr. Charan said that he initially “hesitated” to do a simple ceremony due to social stigma.‘Initially hesitant’“Even on the day of marriage we were feeling bad about how the baratis and locals in our village will react. But everybody encouraged the step and appreciated us. I am thankful to God that I have chosen a good family for my daughter,” said Mr. Charan.The district administration also appreciated the thoughtful gesture of the groom’s family.Setting an example“During demonetisation, we have experienced that rural areas have suffered the most. But decisions like holding simple marriages shows that our nature is to help each other. This example must go on to serve humanity. The State government will facilitate the family for setting an example,” said Bulandshahr district magistrate Aunjaneya Kumar Singh.Read more at: |
Mohd Arshad Aug 2018
In the pious Ganga
Sadhu dips with expired notes;
Man jumps off the roof!
Mateuš Conrad Sep 2017
i'll have to admit to this: yes, i drink, i smoke, i talk very little, i ******* to fine art... which leaves me as a: persona non grata, in the realm of courtship; but, hell, give me a beer, a few smokes, cool afternoon sunshine of september, and a sonny clark album, and: i turn all sparrow, jittery and joyous in both my heart & soul, with that ever brooding hawkish mind.

and wouldn't you know, i do remember being
a teen playing computer games...
sim city 3000, probably the only game
that had a decent soundtrack -
people talk, like they always do,
seemingly as birds, although with less celebratory
  why is it only mozart that gets into
the crib with the baby?
   or beethoven?
           i'm not into cheap-*** poetry-jazz fission,
i can't stand that crap,
        it's just plain insane -
   the whole point of jazz is it's formidable lack
of "operatics" -
then again i have to excuse *chet baker
half his teeth missing, but that's the sort of jazz...
and i never understood why it was always
a the beatles vs. the rolling stones debate
between miles davis vs. john coltrane...
with this belgian so crisp,
        and that enticing pinch of the fizz...
wouldn't be an afternoon without
the sonny clark ensemble...
    art farmer on the trumpet,
          jackie mclean on the alto saxophone,
the piano man,
          paul chambers on bass,
         & philly joe jones on the drums...
and no, i'm not brown nosing -
            but i find jazz superior to classical music...
and i'd sure as hell prefer playing a baby
jazz rather than classical music, had i conceived
one & kept it...
         i wish this could be a tremendously...
         kafka's the castle?
           finish on what note, what "keen" observation?
i thought i made that already...
   rambling tommy... ah right, chet baker...
it's friday and i'm not lonely and hardly
     a persona from a morrissey lyric equipped song...
mrs. robinson, mr. jones...
                 + a guru dubbed: "the fluke",
  and the rest is some hybrid of welsh & jewish...
      no, wait, i had a point...
the current you-tube hysterics of demonetisation,
        shh, i'll let you in on a little secret...
   you do know that, all you-tube videos have
been demonetised per de fallíta, i.e. by default
when using a samsung tablet...
        yep... been using this product for some time,
and every time i watch a you-tube video,
i jump straight to the video,
    haven't seen a single commercial in a year or so...
't would probably be easier spotting
                  a tornado, or a tumbleweed;
so yeah... jazz... and thy funny thought
of darth vader beat-boxing,
    hey! darth! what's with the rice krispies
slogan (snap! crackle! pop!)? **** man,
       download an upload into the digital age.
JP Mar 2017
to prevent
the World War III
a day before
if all government
Demonetisation of money
Declaring gold and silver
are just metal and
Invalid for any transaction..
basu maan Mar 2020
The same old frightening way, “From midnight onwards…”
No, not demonetisation, the PM announced Lockdown.
Offices and services, malls and halls, come to a sudden halt
Enjoy being bogged down, no more option, why do frown?

While office is closed with a big burly lock on guard,
Laptop is there at disposal and internet to connect,
Why to put on blue-collared shirt? Work from home,
Because works in leisure do tend to be more correct.
Why not try a new hobby that haunted him always?
Why not find out how much fire’s really there within?
In fact, was it a wild wilder dream to be an artist?
Or that fire was there but a muse was direly missing?

Why not swap? No, not wives, or gals, as in movies
But works, yeah with her, why not give it a real try?
Let her hang on to the cell-phone in Ts and shorts
With legs flung upwards on the sofa, the lazy way!
While cooking in newer styles - fusioning recipes
Surprising dishes with more surprising tastes!
While dancing in the kitchen - from tap to oven
Cooking, washing utensils and throwing wastes.

Why not spy on the idiot box that always bawled
Ugly regressive news – **** and riot and oblivion?
Sail through the channels with the raft – the remote!
Peep into those secret rooms she entered alone.
Why not move away from news and discovery
And unearth what’s in there in the daily soaps?
Trespassing into her unknown unseen terrains
Keeping her engrossed indoors while he slogs!

Lit up the fireplace or boost the air-conditioner,
Write a poem in her praise and recite knelt down,
Dance as the bird of paradise prepensely dances,
That you haven’t done in recent past, why frown? (2020)
Written during Lockdown
JP Nov 2017
a thought
the day are not far off
the best Alchemist of the world
will leak the formula
Entire Financial System
will crash and
give a 100 times
effect of Demonetisation..

— The End —