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Meka Boyle Feb 2013
I cannot write about you,
Because you don't matter.
Your presence smudged across my
Pale forehead
Like the faint Thursday morning remnants
Of a lopsided cross
Painted on by a solemn parish member.

I cannot write about you,
Because you were never there.
Your words landed
Soft and heavy,
Dissolving upon my tongue
Like thin, crisp flakes
Of communion
Placed into eager outstretched hands
And wide, gaping mouths.

I cannot write about you,
Because you didn't see me.
My half whispered laments of
Despair and something close to
Heartache, burnt out
And sizzled
Amidst the constant wavering glow
Of a hundred uniform candles.

I cannot write about you,
Because there's nothing to say
That can express the emotion
Or lack thereof
That comes with closure.
The tall, ornate cathedral walls
Hold fast amidst the winds of time.
A testament to an old religion,
Forgotten and misused
By it's devoted and deluded deciples,
Who drag their weary feet
Up the tall, crumbling
Stone and frankincense stairs,
Yearning for something
More than what this poor,
Decrepit world can
Offer to their deprived hands,
Stretched out to the kingdom of God
In desperate reverence.
I cannot write about you,
Because there's nothing to say.

I once was lost but now am found,
Was blind, but now, I see.
ryanë Smith Dec 2017
There once was a king who stayed in a castle

He loved story tellers and listened to them often but mostly at night. sometimes before bed they kept him awake. the story tellers always kept him wondering what happened next so he never stopped listening.

If a story didnt have a happy ending he would have the story teller banished to the dungeon never to be seen again, true or not its time to believe them. he didnt allow them to tell stories of faiding species, the hardships of surviving.. Here.. and how we are all doomed eventually. He only liked stories about books written by ancient deciples, Wounds being healed, lovers meeting from past lives and infinite impossibilities. Those stories with the least evidence most easy to believe.

Some days the king corrected his story tellers “no no no its like this. I’m the king and i know how it goes” he said, “anyway you like your highness” spoke the story teller. The king realized the story made no since so he sent the story teller to the dungeon and asked for a new teller. The dungeon door opened to reveal all the lost story tellers had become ghost on there way to take the king to the dungeon. He tried to ask his gaurds to protect him but they disappeared along with all of the tellers he had in his castle, and he was doomed to spend the rest of his days in the dungeon incased in a dark void of silence
Pointlessness metaphors metaphor
Corey Johnson Sep 2018
Angels and demons are in constant battle for souls to follow
A war on us people to choose our path good or evil
God and the devils deciples to steer us towards their end
What's really to say witch ones better my friend
People are dieng to know and one thing's for sure we will never know till then.

                 Corey Johnson
Its been the way its been for simply years
Man responsible for everyones tears
Hes the man the one without fears
His debt to earth so deep in arrears

Now we have one more to as if save all
Without any idea of a coming fall
Its heartbreaking all his own call
Already shown life the door end of hall

To know look back far and our now
And the answer of future is mans sow
I'd give my life to be wrong this I vow
Its just a matter of time as it will allow

So many deciples follow them in a line
Earth could have been forever so divine
Religions and man playing god ever fine
Earth five times destroyed sixth unsublime

The meek will inherit earth words of man
Speaking for god as man works his plan
Wealth and greed his heart all demand
Soon once more earths fire burning sand

terrence michael sutton  
copyright 2018
Right in front of all eyes to see to view
A politician doing his best to copy
The very pope himself hes trying to be
But for politics and of late getting sloppy

Hes placed and created a law now never
Complain about methods or as well he
Protecting all hes trying to represent true
Upon every land over oceans and sea

This is my planet its yours as well all true
But as good as ownership hes calving name
Taking over at his beck and call it seems
Warnings in place dare should any complain

Chicken do as they'er told sheep cattle too
Seems that countries now on that list to be
And all following as if hes lord master too
Over every ocean over all lands the man is he

So tied of that name it dominates all T V 's
Goodness knows what all do not know
Telling only he and his deciples such as seems
Doing his best to have every mind to blow

Won't be long a disc in ones **** unseen
By his law with all to see upon a scan
All of every woman ever born or living
All of every *** of living this day man

terrence michael sutton
copyright 2018

— The End —