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Michael Kusi Mar 2018
Message started humming, and the Knights stared in bewilderment too.
Lady of the Night asked, What are you doing, and Message I am singing the Nike chant to you.
Drozen is dead and that is the ultimate good, because his body now reeks in fire- victory.
Breastplate Bearer said, So tell me how did you come about the Imperial Candicacy.
Message took a deep breath and said, Well me and Drent stepped forward, and others at the Wisebeing Assembly because to rule was on our lips.
Then the Advocate- Counsel spoke up to our shock, You will all fight for this sacred Dahomeyian Rulership.
Drent and I look at each other in disbelief, I whispered to myself, how could I slay my brother.
My father who held the Dahomeyian Rulership put his head in his hands, but I could not see my mother.

Then Drent interrupted me to say, He had to defend his Rulership that was bankrupted and abused.
Message retorted, You forgot he had the Treasuryist arrested and killed on no charge.
You loved him as our father but my keen perception saw through the familial mirage.
Begin, the Battlefare Grader, as they fought each other to be an Imperial Candidate.
This struggle was about getting the Dahomeyian Rulership, it was not about hate.
Finally I and Drent were the last ones standing after all the bloodshed, Drent was too weak to make a fist.
I cried out to the Battlefare Grader with tears streaming down my eyes, I cannot **** for this.
The Advocate- Counsel curtly said, Either he dies or you do, The Dahomeyian Rulership is worth the risk.
I lifted my weapon and staggered under its newfound heaviness, poised to take the life of mine own sibling.
Stop, Message, STOP!, called out my father, from his entrapment on the Lexicon Podium in desperate pleading.

You do not hold the Dahomeyian Rulership anymore, the Advocate-Counsel said with a frown.
My father yelled back, I will not stand to see you destroy the Dahomeyian Royal Family, my sacred bloodline, for a mere Rulership crown!
I put forth an Intervention Amendment, and I choose Message and Drent as Imperial Candidates to proceed.
The Advocate General said, Very well, this is a good resolution so no one else has to bleed.
So I and Drent stepped forward, and the Flaretine Scholar was writing feverishly with his pen.
I had no idea who would win the Dahomeyian Rulership, me or Drent.
I had forgotten about Drozen, he must have left to gather mercenaries.
Both me and Drent went down with one hand on the floor and us in the Coronation Stance on bended knee.
The Advocate General scolded me saying, Your Coronation Stance is off, you should have your foot more forward and stop shaking.
I was still shook I almost killed Drent, and that my father who held the Dahomeyian Rulership was forsaken.

Drozen came to interrupt the proceedings, and snatched us away before I could hear the Coronation Verdict.
I could see the Diablo-Robots my mother told me about at bedtime, and their presence made me sick.
After Drozen pushed the Damocles Stone, I screamed in horror until I could not cry.
Then I vowed I would do whatever it takes, so that Drozen would be dead by I
I can still feel my father’s presence with me, although I cannot explain why
I hope my father is still alive, so we can rehabilitate his name with a Downtrodden Argument
What was your father’s name, asked Lady of the Night, and Message replied sobbing, His Dahomeyian Leadership name is the Legate.
Michael Kusi Jul 2018
The Manyman stepped back and waved his hands saying, No, no, I meant my nephew! My beloved one!”The Alliance Project pointed at The Manyman and said, “Seize him.” The Dahomeyian Scepter Guardians put him under guard and led him away. The Peacemonger for Strengthened Weapons looked on and a shiver ran up his soul. Message called out from her palace, “I am coming to lead you!”
The Alliance Project pointed at the Seragon Mountains and grimly noted to Message “A war is just to determine which side will have a victory parade after people die but before everyone is dead.” Message nodded and started to come down. She took her Dahomeyian Scepter and put on her Galvatar Watch. Message pushed a button and the Celestial Blade Saber came into her hands. Message walked out to where the soldiers were gathered. Suddenly there was a rumbling from deep inside the mountains. They turned black and shifted to the right side. Arthur took his side by The Alliance Project and Message and pulled out Excalibur.
A ominous figure rose from the mountain. It spoke in a conversation of tongues as it set down in front of them. One of those tongues, a deep baritone that was cold in its logic, said, “ Silly Message. Pretending as if you like war because then you can save your people. Your true motives were crouched in the shadows until the bloodshed threw them into the dying light. When others see who you really are  they get ashamed because you are a shame.”
Message said, “ High talk from a person who always disagrees with himself.” The Alliance Project yelled out to the Dahomeyian Army, “Take your positions! This is war.” Message walked out in front of her Dahomeyian Army and cried out, “Soldiers, now is the time to end that monster who afflicted this planet under two heritages!” The Dahomeyian Army gave a shout and then charged.
Message went forward but the Alliance Project held her back saying, “You do us better staying back and directing the battle.” Arthur can lead the head-on charge and I can focus any reinforcements as needed. We have new roles now.” Message huffed and sat down on the grass. It was a small hill, but she felt that she was even smaller because she was no longer part of the action. Message looked up at the sky and noticed for the first time that it had three moons…..
The Alliance Project directed Paroah Chariots to encircle Mythology and to have suppression fire while soldiers kept up the heat on Mythology. Mythology was hit many times but refused to go down. Arthur flashed Excalibur and suddenly Mythology fell to his knees. But when the Dahomeyian saw his face, he was grinning, a smile that was chilling because of its unpacked evil.
Mythology called out to Arthur in a woman’s voice, The light from your Excalibur has freed my forces, and now they are ready to arise and swallow this forsaken planet. Say goodbye now, because no one will remember you later.”
Mythology looked at the moons above and suddenly, ominous warriors began to drop from those moons. Each clad in armor and carrying a weapon that seemed to be half blade, half hand-cannon. The Alliance Project went into the Isotrain Mechanism preparing to fly up to cut off the source, and Message ran after him. Message yelled out, “I am your Dahomeyian Rulership and I demand that I come with you as your commander, and I order to come as your wife!!!” The Alliance Project shrugged and Message sent a note to Arthur on her Galvatar Watch saying, “ Hold off those beings until we can get to the moons and destroy the source. Only use Excalibur for stabbing but don’t use the Light Power because it attracts these fiends.” Arthur said, “Got it. We have to get in close for hand to hand combat.” Message turned around and said, “See I can do a lot better being a part of the action.” The Alliance Project shrugged and piloted the Isotrain Mechanism toward the Tripodate Moons.
Michael Kusi Mar 2018
Message put on Lady of the Night’s garment, and it changed her countenance
Take this watch, Dragon-Man said, it is the access to the Winged Fire-Lance.
You press this button on top and then the Fire Lance is yours to wield.
This is just a reconnaissance mission and Message curtly replied, If Drozen comes I will not yield.
This Winged Lance-fire is the perfect instrument to pierce Drozen’s chest box.
Dragon-Man shook his head but he knew there was no use arguing when the SheTalkMan talks.
So Message left the Isotrain Mechanism to go to the Logre Market to buy
And also to inquire where Drozen was, because Message also appointed herself a spy.

Legate, one of the Federation is here, the traveler with the Nourishless Caravans said with glee.
I don’t concern myself with a mere mouthpiece, that is a tiny morsel, the Legate replied to he.
Message came to the market, and asked, Excuse me, but have you seen the Drozen creature.
I am looking for Commander of the Numberless Clans who is this high with these features.
The being replied, I’m confused, I thought you were here to barter and watch gladiators?
Message yelled, You don’t sound like a Scimitan, and she drew out her Celestial Blade Saber.
He kneeled with terrified pleas, Please, your Imperial Candidacy, I am a Dahomeyian  who came here to survive.
If I tell you where Drozen is, he will make sure I will not remain soon alive.
Message put the Celestial Blade Saber back in the Estateian Scabbard, and said, Subject follow me.
You will use these Premo-Cartridge Gems to purchase the Federation some elite weaponry.
Meanwhile I will hunt for Drozen, using the Decipherment Charter to receive what you know.
Drozen has been reaping Death across these Realmic spans, and it is time for him to pay what he owe!

Message and the Dahomeyian Subject set off, and soon reached the market with this plan to destroy.
Meanwhile Dragon-Man was waiting in the wings with the Isotrain Mechanism, shielded by the alloy.
The Dahomeyian Subject went to the bartering station, and asked, I would like some fire power.
The person threw back his head and laughed mocking, I am sure you would, this is the final hour.
Help, Help! The Dahomeyian cried out, and Message started running to this man’s aid.
The man stood up and said, Diablo-Robots arise, and suddenly the place was filled with with raid.
So you are alone, Drozen taunted, as Message took out the Celestial Blade Saber and Winged Fire Lance.
Is this the way to treat the suitor you spurned because as an Imperial Candidate you couldn’t handle romance?
I have already sunk an Anvilic Block  into this Dahomeyian’s mind, and if you don’t come he will die.
Message was so shocked at this sheer evil that she, for once, was unable to reply.

Message extended her Celestial Blade Saber into the Dahomeyian’s head, and he fell with a thud.
Lady of the Night yelled out, No! And Message down below said, Take heed this is the first shed blood.
Drozen screamed, Attack, attack, and Dragon-Man said, This is the War the Federation was built for.
So let us go as the Federation to conquer in victory, because Message needs us for this  Battlefare war.
The Isotrain-Mechanism began firing, and Breast-plate Bearer was laughing as the missiles hit.
What’s so funny, Lady of the Night barked, Oh it is amusing the one who speaks would start conflict.
Message was on the ground, and used both her weapons to deadly effect.
Dragon-Man told Breastplate-Bearer to stay and fire, while the Federation went in the Paroah chariot.

The Paroah Chariot rumbled over the ground, hitting Diablo-Robots and rolling over their remains.
The battle was sometime fierce, and those who were dead had a better fate than those in pain.
Message was fighting alongside, and Dragon-Man used the Abyss Sword for deadly lightling.
The Diablo-Robots fell back terrified, because the blinding heat was so frightening.
Drozen cried out, Advance, but they stood by sullen, afraid of this fight.
Then stepping forward to speak and break the impasse was Lady of the Night.
I offer a solution for this impasse, because neither you nor us can win this toil
We will offer you Message for a Claimant joust, and the victor will gain all spoil.
Message said I volunteer on behalf of my people-nation, to save this planet I will be a  gladiator.
Because I left one planet that was destroyed, so this one I can be a savior.
Dragon-Man whispered, are you crazy, and Lady of the Night said Reinforcements are coming.
The Covenantial Project is leading them, but we need to stall for the time being.
This Claimant Joust will give us time, and Message can handle herself.
I just need my garment back, so I could disguise as a Diablo-Robot for stealth.

Message was on the Alieno-Machine, and Drozen said, Now we as brethren are united.
We should have a lover’s quarrel every now and then so that none of us are dead.
It is better to step forward in my presence, then hide forever in the shadows.
Message defiantly replied, I stay there because it is my position to continue battle.
Drozen said haughtily, Battle, how could you say such horrible things and who really sent ye?
Message banged on the door and yelled, I come as the Imperial Candidate to pass judgment to execute thee.
Drozen said, Fine, if that is what you wish, you can lose this Claimant Joust and be gone.
In the midst of it all Lady of the Night was watching in her garment, and wondered what the hell  was going on.
Michael Kusi May 2018
Message cocked her head as if to understand what Arthur had just said. She pulled a lock of hair back and questioned, “All of them? How?!” Arthur sighed and said, “When time was not, Mythology
was. He is made up of twelve force-beings who many people in the past had to worship. They were joined by the strength of the Five Arguments, Power, Dominion, Acceleration, Presence, and Existence. There is this legend that an Argument called the Thirteenth was supposed to join and did not. If one of these
arguments are missing, they will not exist, or cease to exist the way Mythology is as a composite being. But these force-beings were always in disharmony, and as a result chaos and calamity was in the world.
The only beacon of hope in the world was Troy.”
Message nodded and said, “So that was how the Trojan War began?” Arthur said, “ Yes. Forget that Helen and most the beautiful woman nonsense, it was only a façade. What Mythology really wanted was to destroy the world, just as he wants to destroy this one. When the Trojans scattered all over the world his mission was deterred at every turn by their descendants throughout time. ” Message gripped her chair so hard that she thought that her veins would pop. Message inquired, “But what can I do about this threat? The Assembly of the Many voted me down and if I try to take action, those fools can take away my Rulership, as they did my father’s.” Arthur grinned slyly and said, “You can’t do
anything, but me and the other Projects can. We serve the Dahomeyian Rulership but are independent, and we don’t answer to the Assembly of the Many. That way, if anything happens….Message and Arthur yelled out together, “The Dahomeyian Rulership is not responsible!”
Message pursed her lips as she said, “ Whatever you need, I can give it to you.” Arthur said, “We first need to go on a reconnaissance mission before we can take further steps to combat Mythology. We need to know the enemy.You can stay back so if we need anything we can contact you and you can
forward it to us by Galvatar watches. I will also give you Lady of the Night’s hook-up so all of the Federation can be on stand-by. “ Message nodded, relieved that something was finally going to be done. Arthur stood up and as his walked out he said, “ Tell The Alliance Project I have a mission for him so his
days as a house husband are over.” Message laughed.
When the Alliance Project came home, he was startled to see Message crouched over the laptop with a familiar look on her face. He thought, “This is the face she has when she is determined to
fight…..””Honey!” Message said as she ran to The Alliance Project and gave him a kiss. “ Don’t honey me, what are you up to?” Message smiling seductively at him and said, “ Just a little Battlefare. I was going to send the Projects to fight Mythology.” The Alliance Project sighed and replied, “ What did the Assembly of the Many say?” Message’s smile turned into a snarl and she snapped, “The Projects are under the Federation and I am their head. It was an executive decision.” She also turned around and
said, “Need I remind you I am your head as well?” The Alliance Project sat down and pondered this decision. He got up and said, “Ok, where is Arthur and the Covenantial Project. We can bring some Scouts from Earth and go. “ “But” The Alliance Project said, waving his hands around, “This is only reconnaissance, not a combat mission.” “Right” Message, agreed, but her fingers were crossed behind her back.” “ Why are you winking” The Alliance Project demanded. “I had something in my eye,”
Message laughed.
Message, Arthur, The Covenantial Project, and The Alliance Project were in the Dahomeyian Arsenal preparing for the mission against Mythology. The Covenantial Project said, “ Mythology can
sense courage, so we need Strength Suppressors to be put on the side of the Isotrain Mechanism. Arthur and the Alliance Project nodded in agreement. The Covenantial Project then said, “I will pilot and Arthur will wield the Lifeforce Seeking Missiles. We have to see who Mythology interacts with on Dahomeyia,
because I am sure he has spies. Then we will disengage, go back up, and Message you try to convince the Assembly of the Many that Mythology is the biggest threat there is. I will send out communications to Essence because we need her in this fight.” Everyone nodded.
Far off in the distance, in a place measured not by light-years but by light-timelines, there should a woman warrior with a wicked recurved bow in her hand. She sighed as she thought of how she was not able to get to Troy, Camelot and Dahomeyia in time. Someone tapped her on the shoulder and asked, “Essence?”
She turned around.
“Dahomeyia needs you now more than ever and  sooner rather than later.”
Michael Kusi Jul 2018
Message looked at Arthur’s flight toward Mythology through the window. She looked out the window and shouted to the outside, “With every down, we will hunt their breath!”  The Peacemonger for Strengthened Weapons looked shocked and his face turned pale. He turned his head upward and said in the loudest voice he could, “Don’t you mean with every breath, we shall hunt them down?!” Message waved her ******* at him and said, “I mean what I said!” Then she slammed the window shut.
The Peacemonger for Strengthened Weapons turned to the Manyman he was speaking to and complained, “Message is the most aggressive person in our army. She is always dragging us into fights that we have to bail her out by our power.” The Manyman nodded and said, “What if I told you that she doesn’t have to drag us into fights anymore.”  The Peacemonger stroked his beard and said, “Interesting. I am listening so go ahead.” “The Manyman said, “There is a group called the Headless who wants to overthrow Message. You would be in the line of succession so you could rule us and stop Message’s nonsense.” The Peacemonger crossed his arms and said, “You never heard it from me, but I like that and when you succeed, I will be the Dahomeyan Rulersbip. I will funnel you weapons, so that when you overthrow her, I can be the one to slam her prison door shut in her face. We do not want to **** our ruler, that would not be nice,” he cackled.
Message called Arthur on the Galvatar watch, “Where are you? I can’t see you.” Arthur replied, “We are in the inside, but we don’t see, OHHH. I see it. He is just like what my mom said tormented my ancestors.” “ Message said back, “Okay so you have seen him, you can pull back.” Arthur replied,”I have to avenge my ancestors who now sleep because I was not born when Mythology attacked. Good-bye.” Message pleaded, “Arthur! That was not the plan!”, but her Galvatar watch soon fell silent and she was pacing back and forth.
The Alliance Project opened the door and said, “You were never one for plans, or to follow a plan once it has been formed. Karma is really something, huh.” “Get out”, said Message, not amused at all. The Alliance Project cocked his head and said, “You know now we would have to be put on the War Footing, right?” Let me gather the Dahomeyian Army as a safeguard.” Message buried her head in her hands and said, “What have I done?”
The Alliance Project assembled the Dahomeyian Army. As a Project he was the Peacemonger Marshal of the Dahomeyian Army, even though the Dahomeyian Army was headed by Message as titular Ruler. The Dahomeyian Army advanced toward the Seragon Mountains where Mythology lived. Suddenly someone said, “Look up there.” The Isotrain Mechanism came down in front of them.
Inside was Arthur, bloodied but proud. He said to the Dahomeyian Army, “I did my ancestors well. I stopped Mythology. It took the king of Camelot and Avalon to defeat a deity.” “The Manyman who was talking to the Peacemonger for Strengthened Weapons went and angrily asked Arthur, “ Where is Wayne, my son? He went with you on the expedition!” Arthur said, “ I don’t know of this Wayne of whom you speak of. I went by myself and triumphed with my sword.” The Manyman said, “Where is my boy?” The Alliance Project stepped between Arthur and the Manyman and showed The Manyman a projection.  He solemnly said,
“Wayne never existed. You never had a son.”
Michael Kusi Mar 2018
Dialect and The Legate flew together in the darkness, silence was the moment.
So how did you get out of Dahomeyia, Dialect asked, and The Legate said, Atonement.
I knew I had to crown Message with the new Dahomeyian Rulership, hubris was in my breath.
Because I thought she deserved it after all the pain I had brought her through this death.
I went through the Great Beyond looking, but I could not find her in her presence.
But I felt in my heart she was there, even though she was trapped in an angry essence.
As I was traveling I saw a load with her inside unconscious, I pierced a hole to free.
Then I left before she would wake up, and know that it was me.
What will Message do when she sees you Dialect asked, and The Legate said I don’t care.
I am done wandering from Realmic Span to Realmic Span, I will make my last stand there.

The Nova Knights prepared to leave, and Dragon-Man dreaded that soon was his trial.
Then Message said, The door is locked, and Breastplate-Bearer no longer had a smile.
Shark-Devil called out in the darkness, Message, this should bring back memories.
Breastplate-Bearer said, We have to get out and Dragon-Man grimaced and said My enemy.
Lady of the Night warned, The Isotrain Mechanism will not open as long as we are imprisoned.
Dragon-Man asked The Dragon-Power, How do we get out, and the Dragon Power said, **** him.
Dragon-Man ran down the stairs to the Holdment, and pressed his watch to the stand.
But it was no use, the Isotrain Mechanism refused to open or respond to his command.
Breastplate-Bearer called out, Hey if we will die, at least we died together strong.
Dragon-Man curtly replied, I don’t intend on dying, when my trial would prove me wrong.
Suddenly the Ararian Tower was opened, and the skies were filled with rain.
There is only one man that can do this, Drent said, and I thought I would never see him again.

The Legate touched down near the Tower, and Dialect ordered the Diablo Robots to assemble.
Message watched from the Tower unmoved, because her heart was hurting still.
Dragon-Man urged, Our fight is outside, now that we can go and leave the Tower.
Be careful with these Shark-Devil, called out the wise counsel of the Dragon-Power.
Dragon-Man said, Breastplate-Bearer, you will pilot the Isotrain Mechanism for fire.
Lady of the Night, take out the Paroah Chariot as a Battlefare Platform when things get dire.
Shark-Devil said, I will end you all, The Federation and the hopeless The Legate as well.
The Legate I hope you enjoyed your time at the Great Beyond, this time you are going to hell!
The Legate stepped down, and said, I would like to have a moment with my daughter.
Officer Thon noticed, Could not hurt for a family reunion, before we begin the slaughter.

The Legate went to Drent and Message, and they both looked on him displeased.
The Legate fell down to a Coronation Stance, with one hand down and forward knees.
What are you doing? Shrieked Message, and Drent coldly said, Father this is embarrassing.
The Legate replied, I am claiming the Dahomeyian Rulership as my own, so I can give it in.
You see, I kept the Coronation Verdict on me to give it to Message as Imperial Candidate promoted.
But Drozen interrupted the proceedings with his violence so I held on to it instead.
When I came back to where our home planet was, all of the inhabitants were dead.
Message I warned you about that mercenary fool, but you refused to take heed.
I was stripped of my Dahomeyian Rulership for unbecoming conduct of greed.

Message was speechless, and she did not know what to think or tell.
Shark-Devil mocked, I’ve always wanted to **** a king, and now one is available.
Father get up, Message pleaded, We would need you in this Battlefare to live.
I fear it is too late for me, The Legate intoned, and fell backwards over the cliff.
Message cried out No, as Drent had to be restrained from going after him.
Then Message took the Coronation Verdict and said, I am now the Federation Helmetchief.
As holder of the Dahomey Leadership, Shark-Devil I condemn you to death.
You and what army, Shark-Devil asked, and Dialect said, The Diablo-Robots of the Numberless Clans
And Drent said, the Patriot Knighthood Way stand by them to lend a fighting hand.
Shark Devil your transgressions are ended, said a voice that pierced the darkness.
Flying down from the skies with the Federation on Centaur-Raptors who shook the earth.
The Federation is assembled and now is the time to answer the cry for relief.
It was the Covenantal Project, who came by piercing the Presenceless Weave.
Shark-Devil yelled out Charge, and the Ongolic Horde stepped forward to Battlefare stand.
The Covenential Project told Message, All we wait for your Rulership is for you to say the command.
Michael Kusi May 2018
Message drew out her Celestial Blade Saber and prepared for The Conflict.
But she felt the energy of Nihilist, and knew she was the strongest warrior she tangled with.
Message spoke to The Alliance Project and said, I’ve never encountered a woman who has basically goddess power.
The Alliance Project said on the watch, Stand down and we’ll get you out of there, this fight isn’t yours.
Nihilist, Tell that loved one of yours good-bye, because this is now your end and doom.
The Alliance Project turned on the Isotrain Mechanism and said, We must rescue Message soon.
Breastplate-Bearer ram their ship, and the Projects will go in and help Message fight.
Message is too good a warrior to lose to this type of power, because we have The Insight.
Message knew that her best chances were at long-range, because up close she would have died.
She touched her Celestial Blade Saber all the way up to the end, to fuel the Acidier flames inside.
She then pulled a button on the handle of the Saber, and fired it as Nihilist charged.
Nihilist kept coming as each missile from the Blade Saber hit its mark.
Nihilist grabbed Message by the waist with her hands and held her up, all the time mocking.
She shouted, No enemy can see me and live, and Message taunted, The Federation is coming, keep talking.
Nihilist pushed on both of Message’s sides, and Message felt her hips and ribs go out of alignment.
She started to black out and wondered if it was wise to get this assignment.
Suddenly Message had an idea, and put the Celestial Blade Saber through’ Nihilist’s foot to the ground.
And used the Death-Touch to **** Nihilist’s leg, so it was lifeless, and Nihilist roared with a raging sound.
Nihilists tried to pull the Blade Saber out but it would not come out, it was attracted to the Death Touch.
Message knew that she did not have time so she had to go to the cockpit because she was in a rush.

She ran to the cockpit, and she saw activity all around the ship as they prepared for the fight.
But Message remembered that on spacecraft like this, the cockpit was to the right.
She entered the cockpit, and used the Death-Touch on both of the pilots.
Message then told The Alliance Project, I will join the Isotrain Mechanism by flying into it.
The Alliance Project responded incredulously, You will crash our ship? Message giggled, You was going to do it first.
She started to fly Vibrate’s spacecraft into the Isotrain Mechanism, but made sure to crash into its side.
That way the Projects could get out and fight, and no one on the Mechanism could have died.
The Celestial Blade Saber suddenly snapped into Message’s hand, and she thought Nihilist is free.
And with all that pent-up energy and anger, she is surely coming after me.
The Covenantial Project said, We are on Vibrate’s ship, and are headed to link up with you.
Suddenly Nihilist burst in and said, Tell me, what would it feel like to see your insides on the outside too.
Message wrestled with Nihilist, and although Nihilist was stronger, Message was skilled in hand combating.
Soon Message was on the floor with Nihilist’s foot on her chest, and Message wondered if this was the end.
Nihilist said, You will die by the blade you used so badly, and pulled out a blade to strike her neck
She ****** down but the blade was stopped short, by the Excalibur of the Templarist Project.

Arthur pushed Nihilist off of Message and they soon began to fight with respective blades anew.
Message was so engrossed with Arthur’s blade skill she forgot she had a mission to do.
Meanwhile the Covenantial Project and the Alliance Project were fighting Achilles, and doing well.
So well that Vibrate was aggravated, and she was holding a scepter and muttering about hell.
Message knew that that scepter was the key to something and she resolved to steal.
So she put the Concealment Garment on a Netherbeast, and turned him into Message to be killed.
Message then kicked him to Vibrate, who utterly disposed of this Netherbeast in disguise.
But as Vibrate was doing so, she momentarily turned her eyes.

Message snatched the scepter out of her moving hands, and suddenly she heard a voice.
It was the words of her father the Legate, who said, You were my one and only choice.
To hold the Dahomeyian Rulership and lead the Federation to victory,
This power is now yours, and you wield the Dahomeyian Kingfather Scepter.
Vibrate knew with horror that the scepter was out of her hands.
And was now in the reach of someone who was purposed to command.
Message said to Vibrate, This is your end, you will die here on this ship.
Your reign of terror across the universe is over, because of what I grip.
Message and Vibrate charged, and soon much blood was shed.
But Vibrate saw to her horror that all of it was hers, and that she had bled.
Suddenly Message pushed the Kingfather Scepter into Vibrate’s chest.
Her chest collapsed into her backbone, and she fell dead and lifeless.
Achilles looked up and said, Mother! as he sank to one knee in respect.
The Alliance Project said grimly, You’ll join her, and he put the Abyss Sword between shoulder and neck.
The Alliance Project then held up Achilles and screamed, This **** was made by this face!
This was the weak spot of anyone, The Alliance Project pushed Achilles off the ship into space.
Message took the Kingfather Scepter and roared, Where is Nihilist, I have unfinished business.
A Netherbeast was speaking to Nihilist from afar and said, It is better to retreat than die in this.
Nihilist went into a Beacon Pod that detached from the cockpit, after warding off Arthur’s blow.
She could not believe that someone so righteous could be so strong, so she knew she had to go.
Nihilist said, I will take the place of Vibrate, and Achilles only wanted to conquer a kingdom not there.
Then all will know the name of Nihilist, and when people hear it, they will tremble with The Fear!
Michael Kusi Jun 2018
Essence looked out on the horizon, her eyes filled with tears. Her face looked to be grim determination, and she murmured to herself, “This time, the Founded will not stop me. I don’t care if they have written this planet off to die, it is too new to do anything else but live.” Crossfire handed Essence her bow and said, “Let’s get moving. Dahomeyia needs us. I heard they have a new rulership called Message.” Essence nodded her head and replied, “ I know of Message because I met her father. He was a good man.”
Crossfire and Essence packed the Whirlship and prepared to head out for Dahomeyia. Crossfire tapped Essence on the shoulder and whispered, “I had packed the Warberite missiles for your Crossed Bow for this special threat. This time, we will get to Dahomeyia before its too late.” Essence and Crossfire set off in the vast realms where space met reality. Essence looked out and said, “The stars look so nice, it is a shame that beings like Mythology are out there.”  Crossfire retorted, “Beings like Mythology are not just out there, they always just are.”
Deep below in Dahomeyia, in the place where it was either water or earth, there was a rumbling. It was light, but there was no happiness there in spite of the shining brightness. An entity got up, and it did not appear that he was talking to himself as it was that all of him was talking at once. And all of the voices were combative. “ Well what we do with the new Dahomeyian Rulership?” argued one voice. “She is too unstable, she will never be able to unite the forces against us in time, replied another. Suddenly the entity sat down and all of the voices said, “We must break free and move to the surface and make ourselves a name. Then Dahomeyia will tremble, and after it will be no more.” A deeper voice said throughout the midst, “Yes, yes, but we need another, outside force to break in so we can break out. We must entice the Dahomeyians to be reckless and attack, so they can force open a way. Their efforts have  to be strong enough to break through, but not strong enough to be a threat. Message will do that job for us, because she operates in haste and is not measured. She is what beings would call impulsive. “
Suddenly on Earth a text appeared on the screen. “Delta Knight Ms. Harris”, a person said to a woman in a wheelchair busy on her phone. "Yes, I was paying attention" said Lady of the Night, still playing a game. The courier cleared his throat and said, “You have a message from the Dahomeyian Rulership.” “Oh so I have a message from Message”, Lady of the Night said laughing. Lady of the Night looked at the screen and Message seemed out of breath. Her words came out so fast that Lady of the Night put her finger to the screen and said, “Honey, I need you to slow down. How can I help you?”
Message gasped and said, There is a force on our home planet that is trying to destroy us. I need the resources of the Federation in order to fight it. Arthur is already here and the Covenantial Project is on his way. I know you are the Battlefare Commander of Earth so can you forward us resources to fight this threat? Lady of the Night replied, I can send a Battlefare Expeditionary Force under Breastplate-Bearer to aid the Dahomeyian Armed Forces. We would need three days to get mobilized and another week to arrive at Dahomeyia. So Message, don’t move until they come. Agreed?  “Yes”, Message said, but she held one of her hands behind her back and crossed her fingers. Lady of the Night sighed and said, “Message don’t think that you are slick. If you do a preemptive strike and it doesn’t go well the consequences are on you.” Message turned from smiling to scowling, crossed her arms in front of her and said. “Alright.”
Message clicked off the screen and Arthur sat there with Excalibur. Message threw up her hands and grumbled, “No one wants me to attack but I don’t even understand the threat. He might as well be an urban legend.” Arthur stood up and said, “Get me a person to pilot a mechanism and I will do a Battlefare Reconnaissance on Mythology. I’ll turn this urban legend into a cautionary tale.” Message clapped her hands and said, “I’ll drive you in my chariot to where the Mechanisms are.”They arrived at the Mechanisms and Arthur was examining them. He said to one of the people in the hallway, “ My good man, do you know how to pilot a machine. "The young man nodded yes and Arthur mused, “You will do.” Arthur got into the Mechanism and Message hollered as he was leaving, “Keep me updated. Use the Mechanism log to record Battlefare data on him. By the time you get back we will be ready for war.” Message giggled at the thought of going to war again and the young man piloting the Mechanism thought that it was strange, but dare not say anything. Arthur took off.
The Peacemonger for Strengthened Weapons was talking to a Manyman and he was saying, “I convinced my Rulership to do the rational and sane thing and hold off attacking until we are strong enough to win. “The Manyman then asked, “Then what is that ship going to where Mythology lives. The Peacemonger bit his tongue so hard and cursed under his breath and then yelled,
“Message is such an idiot!”
Michael Kusi May 2018
The Netherbeasts all lined up on Planet Earth and Message roared, Now fall!
I am not a Project who will have mercy, I will take this Scepter and **** you all!
The Netherbeasts stood there all with smirks, they thought Message was bluffing.
But soon they were vaporized, because Message fired her scepter and turned them into nothing.
Message! The Alliance Project called out as he suppressed a smile
Play nice with the Netherbeasts, they just lost a war so let them live a while.
Message then turned and walked and Lady of the Night said, It is good to have peace.
Message nodded and replied, Some of us aren’t alive to see it, others died because they wouldn’t fall on their knees!
Lady of the Night laughed and said, Stop being dramatic, as they went to the Arurian Tower.
To meet on how to organize the Federation with the rest of the Dragon Power.

The Dragon Power said, We will be the advisory council to the Projects, and the Federation.
Also to the Dahomeyian Rulership, congratulations to Message on her elevation.
Message bowed her head and said, I am a ruler without a people, a queen without subjects.
So the Dahomeyian Rulership is awesome but it has no more substance.
The Alliance Project spoke up and said, People had been tried to find another home planet.
The people of Schmita were displaced, so you can be their ruler on Schmita and manage it.
We can even rename it Dahomeyia, if you are willing to take on that task.
Message jumped up and down saying, This is what I dreamed of, I am free at last.
She then asked, One more thing, before I leave and rule this kingdom to be.
The Alliance Project, will you come and govern this people with me.
Everyone smiled as The Alliance Project said, I thought I was supposed to propose.
Very well, I accept, because every new planet need a Project for it to grow.

The Covenantial Project said, You will be the Defender for this new Dahomeyia planet.
So no Drozen, no Vibrate can come around to destroy, because of your might.
Arthur, you will be the Templarist Project for Earth with you Excalibur.
There is no warrior in earth or in the stars above with your sword skill and caliber.
Message, as Dahomeyian Ruler you will be the head of the Federation.
And I will be the Commandant Project who overseas the entire organization.
All of them nodded and Message had tears in her eyes because of the joyous news.
After all of this time, she finally have her own new planet to view.
Message and The Alliance Project went home, each one of them proud.
Because they had to prepare for the Coronation, when Message would be crowned.
Michael Kusi May 2018
The Alliance Project was silent as he thought of what Drent said. He then got up and shut off the computer, telling Drent, “Let’s think of happier things for now, when is my palace going to be completed?” “ You mean Message’s palace, she holds the Dahomeyian Rulership after all, laughed Drent.” The Alliance Project laughed as he said, “Okay, our palace, is that better?” Drent looked at the structure and said “It should be 4 months, and it would be like the White House.” The Alliance Project looked up and saw the sun that used to be Schmitan but was now the star that presided over Dahomeyia. He sighed and said, almost to himself, “At least I would have an open roof for the summer.” Drent patted him on the back and said, “That’s the way to think.”
Message looked at the Peacemonger for Strengthened Weapons with a harsh eye. The Peacemonger had known wars all over the galaxy, but never had he met a glaze that the one that came from his commander. Message slammed the Kingfather Scepter on the table and said, “Is there any threat you want to tell me about?!” The Peacemonger’s words came out half-apologizing, half-timid, “Well, there is something, but…but.. we always thought it was a myth.”Message pointed the Kingfather Scepter at the Peacemonger’s chest and said, “Tell me what IT is or you will go to meet IT in hell.” The Peacemonger started sweating profusely and said, “It lives under the sea of certain planets, and feeds off of lifeblood and courage. We did not think it was on this planet but we must have been wrong. That is all I know!” Message pointed the Kingfather Scepter away from him as the Peacemonger nervously sat down. He had heard of her father the Legate but even the Legate did not seem as violent as Message. His  new commander seemed….unstable. But he dare not say that out loud or in the presence of mixed company.
Message pulled out a map and said, “ We have to attack IT where he lives and destroy him. Any remnant remaining can multiply in the sea and continue to haunt our world.”  The Peacemonger stammered, “ Well, but…but… we don’t even know where IT is? And I heard when you say IT’s true name, your…I mean our planet starts to die. How can we fight an enemy that is everywhere and nowhere at the same time?” Message looked grimly as she started speaking to herself. She laughed and the Peacemonger thought, “Our ruler is not only unstable, she is insane.” Message then stood up and said, “Ready a submarine powered by the Supernovan force and equip it with Lifeforce-Seeking Missiles. The Federation has its first mission under me as Dahomeyian Rulership. This foolishness will destroy Dahomeyia over my dead body.”
“Yes your Majesty” The Peacemonger said as he walked out the room, his steps closer to a run.
Message pulled up the screen to talk to the Dragon Power about this new threat. The Dragon Power spoke and Venil  of the Dragon-Power said, “ We cannot say his name either, because the destruction that occurred before time warped our tongues so we cannot say its syllables. But it is a powerful deviance from the good, and has the power to destroy planets. We will send the two Projects to assist you, as well as the rest of the Federation.”
Message then pushed a button, and Arthur came into focus. He looked slightly confused as he was telling a cashier, “ No I want a chainmail shirt, not a chain store's male shirt!” She laughed as she said to herself, "They don’t make them  anymore, just like they don’t make you anymore. "Arthur walked into the dressing room and said, “ This is Arthur. Is everything fine, my Dahomeyian Rulership.”
Message nodded and told Arthur,
“Make sure to bring Excalibur, and I hope he is waterproof.”
Michael Kusi May 2018
The night was still as Message lay there trying to sleep. Next to her The Alliance Project was snoring. “I don’t know if something is trying to get into him, or out of him” she grumbled to herself. Soon she fell into the realm of sleep reserved for those who dream.
She held up both hands to see sleeves covered in Dahomeyian royal native dress. Off in the distance, she saw someone running toward her. It was her father, The Legate. He went on one knee and said, I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. Essence could not come in time. I could not come in time. I don’t deserve you.” Message put her hand to her face and felt that it was full of tears. She cried out,” I forgive you Father, it was not your fault. Father, please come back. I need you.” The Legate started to fade away as he said, “Tell Essence I said thank you.” Message was left alone. She lifted up her hand and it was gone…….
Message sat up, gasping. She touched her body to make sure that she was still there, and she was. She squinted to see if her father was around, and no one else was there. She sat on the edge of the bed and pondered what that dream meant. The Alliance Project was still sleeping, but now had started snoring. Message went downstairs and a servant met her there. “Do you need anything, my dear Dahomeyian Rulership?” “No, thank you”, said Message curtly. The servant stepped back, frightened by the intensity of Message’s words. Message went to go get a glass of water from the Hydration Hookdown that was attached to their house. “Essence, Essence,”she whispered. It was a word that became a chant.

“You know what happens when you drink too much water and go to bed?” Message turned around and gave a weak smile. The Alliance Project was there. “So you woke up. Your snores even wake you up haha”, she said as they giggled together. They went back to bed and Message slept, but that thought still haunted her.

The next day, The Alliance Project went to oversee construction of a new pipeway that would provide the planet with water. Message entered the Assembly of the Many to call for a response to Mythology. Some voices murmured in the background. “We don’t even know if he is the stuff of children’s tales, how do we fight that?” Message overheard their words but did not see their faces. She stood in front of the Assembly and said,

We face a great threat that will destroy us all if we do not take action. Therefore I am asking that we arm a submarine and go and find Mythology. When we attack first we have the element of surprise. If we counter-attack, we might lose. And if we lose, there will be no more we.

Drent, the new Advocate-Counsel, nodded in approval. The Assembly of the Many cast their votes, and the Marshal Peacemonger gave the results to Drent. Drent counted them and said with a solemn voice,

“The Assembly of the Many has said no to the Mythology resolution, your Dahomeyian Rulership.”
Michael Kusi Mar 2018
Message said, I ask leave to make a speakage to the Federation troops.
The Covenantal Project nodded and replied, Your Helmetchief, who holds the Dahomeyian Rulership, may address this group.
Message stood on top of the mount and entered into a Battlefare Stance.
The Winged Fire-Lance and the Celestial Blade Saber were in both her outstretched hands.
Message screamed with zealous fervor, Soldiers, Shark-Devil has transgressed the Federation’s Charter and must suffer as an apostate.
This Battlefare struggle will make all you brave troops who were trapped in the land of the unknown great.
Victory is now because death is choked in the air sweetened with the taste of sure progress.
I Message, will lead you forward, into the sunlit uphills with Shark-Devil heart torn out of his breast!
But I thought Shark-Devil was my battle to win and fight
Dragon-Man whispered with concern to the nearby Lady of the Night.
Lady of the Night scolded, Hush Message is the Helmetchief, she can have any enemy prize that she wants.
Message then lifted the Winged Fire-Lance and the Celestial Blade Saber and shouted, ADVANCE!

Dragon-Man urged, You heard our Helmet-chief, Now is the time get into the fight that must be won with bled.
Shark-Devil told Officer Thon, I will make you the Designated Casualty to go out and **** Message dead
The plain was a whirlwind of activity, with The Federation and Shark-Devil at a standstill.
Officer Thon then saw Message and thought, Now is my time to go out for the ****.
Because Message had rushed out too far forward on her Centaur-Raptor, she was helmed in far.
Officer Thon told his soldiers by mind-speak, Keep her cornered until I can come to finish her.
Message used both hands to deadly effect, the body count became mere body calculation.
Because Message was ready to die as Helmetchief for the sake of the Federation.
Officer Thon stuck a Scythe Dagger to Message’s Centaur-Raptor, it fell down with her on.
Message got up bruised and got ready to battle to the death with Officer Thon.

Dragon-Man was searching for Shark-Devil, the one who had destroyed his family tree
Shark-Devil was in the rear protected, directing the Battlefare operations by telepathy.
Dragon-Man suddenly arrived in Shark-Devil’s presence, and Shark-Devil taunted, this is the last face you will see you fool.
Dragon-Man kneeled down and said, No, Shark-Devil, The Great Beyond is where you will go back to rule.
Lady of the Night jumped off of Dragon-Man’s back to leap high, she truly soared in the air.
But by the time she brought her weapon down where Shark-Devil was, he was not there.
Shark-Devil had gone to Officer Thon’s assistance, and taunted Message, my killing offer still stands.
Message retracted the Winged Fire-Lance and Celestial Blade Saber into her watch, and called on the Death-Hands.
Dragon-Man and Lady of the Night were rushing to help Message in her fight, but the odds were against them coming in time.
Suddenly Breastplate-Bearer pulled up in a Paroah Chariot, and cried out, Follow me on this, because I leave no man behind.
Shark-Devil and Officer Thon were closing in, and Message prepared herself to take lives of two.
When Dragon-Man and Lady of the Night showed up behind Message, and Lady of the Night said, We outnumber you.
Then they started to fight, and soon all of them were bloodied, bruised, and battered.
They struggled as if no war before existed, and no war after mattered.
Dragon-Man suddenly readied himself to strike Shark-Devil, he prepared the Abyss Sword for a mighty blow for Shark-Devil’s death.
OWW, MY ARM, cried out Message, and Dragon-Man saw to his horror his Abyss-Sword had pierced Message’s left biceps
Michael Kusi Mar 2018
Message, Dragon-Man, and Lady of the Night left the Dragon Tower to take care.
Message asked, Where will I sleep, and Lady of the Night asked, What do you mean where?
Just go back to where you came, and Message yelled, Where I came from was destroyed.
Dragon-Man soon realized that more tact would soon have to be employed.
You can stay with me, and both Message and Lady of the Night looked at him without stop.
Yeah I have a fully furnished two-bedroom, very comfortable co-op.
Message wearily asked Is this punishment for when I brought you in front of the Federation.
Dragon-Man said, No, consider it a very special Dahomeyian Rulership invitation.
Message desperately looked at Lady of the Night, but Lady of the Night looked away.
Message then said, Alright, I guess I could stay at you coupe for a couple of days.

Lady of the Night left, and Dragon-Man and Message walked onto a field.
Where is this, Message asked, and Dragon-Man replied, it is one of my hidden skills.
I play as part of a football league for fun, and we need an extra teammate.
Message enthusiastically shouted, I wish to play this toe-spectacle so it will be great.
Soon Dragon-Man’s team came, and he was simply Jonathan Maine, Quarterback.
But Message’s happiness did not equal her football skills, all of them she lacked.
Jonathan threw her passes, and she dropped each and every one.
The one pass she caught, was in the other teams end zone as an interception.
Message huffed at the end of the game, This toe spectacle is silly.
Dragon-Man said, From someone who holds a Dahomeyian Rulership, really?
You have the Death-Hand, but your Death-Hand is made up of Butterfingers.
Message stared at him with a glare that could melt ice, and made that look linger.

They soon pulled up to the co-op, and Message and Dragon-Man were walking.
He was surprised at the newfound ease, with which they were talking.
Message and Dragon-Man arrived at the door, and Dragon-Man held it for she.
He figured there was no harm in displaying a little chivalry.
The door was still opened, he was puzzled but thought that it was nothing.
Little did he know that on the other side, someone’s heart was racing.
So as Dragon-Man took the door and stepped inside, something happened that made him feel weak.
Because Message turned around and kissed him, and that kiss was not on the cheek.
Michael Kusi Mar 2018
Message and Dragon-Man walk back to the Arurian tower to chase Shark-Devil.
To go to the Great Beyond, and do Battlefare on this evil being’s level.
Here is the Paroah Chariot, Breastplate-Bearer said with anticipation.
Ill join you as a weapons specialist to help you in what you are facing.
Lady of the Night popped out from behind the corner and said, Boo.
You cannot fight in the Great Beyond without the great Lady of the Night too.
Breastplate Bearer continued, so the Paroah Chariot has a submarine mode.
And for those who feel the call of nature, it also has a built-in commode.
Message, Dragon-Man, and Lady of the Night stared at him in astonishment.
Then Dragon-Man asked, would we need more people and what about Drent.
Message replied, Drent can hold down Earth along with the Covenantial Project.
So that when we come back with Shark-Devil’s head, it will end a glorious exit.

Dragon-Man, Message, Lady of the Night, and Breastplate-Bearer hopped in.
Dragon-Man said, There is the lake, and Message murmured, It’s time to win.
The Paroah Chariot transformed into a submarine, and Dragon-Man became captain.
Suddenly the Paroah Chariot stopped, and Dragon-Man demanded to learn what happened.
It must be Vibrate, Breastplate-Bearer said, and Message demanded, Who is she.
Breastplate-Bearer replied, She is the tying fabric of universal history.
She created the Council of the Faceless Tongues, and Drozen.
I think that we disturbed where she was because she was once frozen.
Message yelled, Whatever she is, she can die by the Life-force Missiles.
Breastplate-Bearer fire them, and this Vibration will surely bristle.
Breastplate-Bearer pushed the button, but the weapons system was locked.
Message, Lady of the Night, and Dragon-Man looked at him in utter shock.
Lady of the Night said with concern, So what do we do now we are stuck.
Breastplate-Bearer was about to speak and Message warned, Don’t say we’re out of luck.

He continued by pointing, See these breastplates, we can put on the Helmeted Headdress
And fight our way to the Great Beyond, that is our first option and our best.
Lady of the Night put on the Helmeted Headdress and said, It’s kind of heavy
Breastplate-Bearer retorted, So is a body floating in a lake, so just follow me.
Message piped up and said, Is this a good time to bring up that I can’t swim.
Dragon-Man shot back, No need to swim when we are just going down in.
Dragon-Man kicked in the door after they put in the armor, and said Join.
Message followed muttering, and holding on for luck a Dahomeyian coin.
Lady of the Night took her Nike Sling and hoped that it could cut through water.
Message took the Celestial Blade Saber and Winged Fire Lance and prepped for slaughter.

Vibrate laid in the Perishment Cave, and echoed sound throughout the Lake’s surface.
She knew she would need the Federation’s energies, otherwise effort would be worthless.
Her monster called Frenquenwave touched her chains, and she petted his head.
The army of the Netherbeasts were behind him, ready to make the Federation dead.
Lady of the Night looked and said, What’s that, it looks as if someone is lying there.
Let us go and rescue them, before they go down and start dying there.
Closer, my lovely, closer, murmured. Vibrate as Lady of the Night entered in the cave.
Suddenly Vibrate’s chains snapped, and she leaped onto the back of Frenquenwave.
Vibrate on Frenquenwave said to her Netherbeasts, Now is the time to feast on the Federation.
Message looked and said, I see someone on a fiend, and Dragon-Man warned, Be patient.
She ran into the cave against Dragon-Man’s warnings, but a shot to her thigh stopped her short.
Vibrate rode up on Frenquenwave with a bow and warned, To **** you now would merely be sport.
The problem with fidelity to an organization, is that all organizations must end.
You of all people should know how a Dahomeyian Rulership could be finished, friend.
Message agonized, and took the Racqui arrow out of her own thigh.
And shoved it into one of Vibrate’s eyes, while yelling, You die.
She got up hobbling, as the rest of the Netherbeasts closed around.
Message held onto her weapons in both hands and did not give ground.
The rest of the Federation joined her, for a fight under the sea.
Meanwhile somewhere Shark-Devil was cackling, and roaring with glee.
Michael Kusi Jul 2018
Lady of the Night pushed a button and suddenly a  bright light started flashing in the Arurian Tower. It started screeching, “Code Fight, this is not a drill.” She turned around in her chair and asked the Dragon-Power, who were all on the wall. “Tell me, what is the way to defeat Mythology?” Setil, one of the Dragon-Power replied, “You must sever the Arguments from the force-beings, but that is the easy part. Then you must defeat all of the Arguments in turn. But remember, an Argument can only be defeated by an Argument.” Lady of the Night nodded her head and said into the intercom, “I am going to need Paroah Chariots, Centaur-Raptors, and all of the Mechanisms to assemble outside the Arurian Tower for further instruction.” Lady of the Night then pushed a button on her wheelchair and it transformed into the Galvaric Armor. She
then took her Parisia Bow and went outside.
The different forces of the Federation were outside, some in Paroah Chariots, some on Centaur- Raptors with wings outstretched, and Breastplate-Bearer and Dialect standing by an
Isotrain Mechanism. Lady of the Night cleared her throat and said to herself, “Now let me see if I can do this Battlefare Intonment Message is so good at.” She raised her voice and her bow and
said, “Now is the reason for why the Federation is formed. There is a force out there called Mythology who must be defeated. Dahomeyia was destroyed once, it can never be destroyed
again. Got it?!”
A Courier sat there with a blade looking disinterested.  Lady of the Night glared at him and pointed her bow at him saying,”Didn’t you just here what I said?!” The young man got up,
and he was very tall. He shrugged his shoulders and said, “Ma’am, where I come from, we have to see the threat in our eye to believe that it is real, and until I do, I’m calling nonsense on all that
you claim.” Lady of the Night withdrew her bow shaking and asked, “Excuse me, but what is your name?”  He said, “ My name is Bobby, and I am a Courier for this Federation. Who are
you? Nice speech by the way.” “Lady of the Night almost shook with rage as she said, “I am the Delta Knight of the Federation and Battlefare Commander of Earth. For your insolence you will
be promoted to Scout and be part of the Vanguard who will attack Mythology first. Not only will you see Mythology, you cant miss him.” “Cool” said Bobby as he boarded the Isotrain
Mechanism. Lady of the Night shook her head and said, laughing, “I don’t know where they recruit these people, but they are always the fighters we need.”
Lady of the Night met with Breastplate-Bearer and Dialect and told them, “ You guys will be the Addition to the Dahomeyian Forces. Dialect, you can command the Mobile Forces as
a Peacemonger Marshal  that will pin Mythology down and strike at long range. Breastplate-Bearer, you will be the Peacemonger Marshal in charge of the Ground Soldiers of Magaian
Tiger-Hounds, Brackti-Guard, and Scouts who will deal the final blow in concert with the Dahomeyian Army. I will sent enough Couriers so that you can get all the supplies and
weaponhoods you need to win. Victory is ours, okay.”“Got it,” said Breastplate-Bearer and Dialect as they boarded the last Isotrain Mechanism. Breastplate-Bearer looked back at Earth and
said, “It’s a shame she cannot join us in this fight, it will be glorious.” Dialect responded, “We need her on Earth because the skills she has, cannot be replaced and what we do she makes us
better.” They both nodded in agreement.
Michael Kusi Apr 2018
Dragon-Man sat in the Isotrain Mechanism, ready to command from the cockpit.
He pressed the Abyss Sword, and sat back as the Isotrain Mechanism started.
The Covenantial Project said, I will sit at the Place of Honor on your right side.
Get ready because to reach Vibrate, you will have a tight ride.
The resources of the Federation are behind you, and you will lead us to victory quick
Message sat behind Dragon-Man as the Dahomeyian Ruler, and this was her flagship.
Dialect was in the Communications Room of the Isotrain Mechanism, ready to give orders.
Suddenly the Isotrain Mechanism stalled in mid-air, as it was approaching Earth’s borders.
Message shrieked We are going down, and The Covenantial Project said, This ship must rise.
Vibrate thought that putting the Earth in a Netherlock will be our total demise.
Dragon-Man, fire a Lifeforce Missile in the air and set it to HellBreak mode.
Dragon-Man did as The Covenantial Project said and broke that nefarious hold.
The different Federation Mechanisms behind them were suddenly free to fly-walk.
Message asked, Where are we going , and The Covenantial Project replied To the Schmita planet rock.

There is the Chieftain Caesar and Vibrate seeks to destroy him, he is part of our alliance.
So we must get there and battle with him in this war, otherwise he would not stand a chance.
Message nodded and said, We will rain thunder and fire, and Dragon-Man suppressed a smile.
But to get Schmita was not an easy journey , it would take a little while.
The fleet of Federation Mechanism numbered in the hundreds, all filled with warriors for the fight.
To battle Vibrate and her Netherbeasts of darkness, because they swore to uphold the  right.
Finally they reached Schmita, and when they got there, Dragon-Man could see people running.
He shook his head and said no, and Message piped up saying, She must have known we were coming.
The Covenantial Project said, Good, now she can see the face of those who will bring her to slaughter.
Dialect replied from the Communications Room, It appears that she has cut off all sources of water.
I guess so that this planet rock would be forced to surrender on bended knees.
Or fall to dehydration, and contamination of watered disease.
Message said, We have Hydration Hookdowns to keep the planet stable.
But we must bring Vibrate to battle as soon as possible and we are able.
Dragon-Man interrupted, Excuse me, but we must first have a plan.
Message scoffed, This is why I’m the Dahomey Ruler and you’re Dragon-Man.
If we wait, Vibrate will get stronger and able to attack us on her own ground.
But if we attack and cut off the Gamaid  Airwaves we can weaken her, because she depends on sound.

Dragon-Man nodded reluctantly, and they got off the Isotrain Mechanism one by one.
Message looked at Dragon-Man smiling and said, This is going to be so much fun.
The Federation Mechanisms were up in the air, and Message told Dialect a command.
We are here to uphold our alliance and give Schmita a helping hand.
Vibrate may tamper with the waters, but she cannot destroy our bravery.
Because to die on this planet rock is better than her tyrannical slavery.
Dragon-Man protested, No one is dying, and Message whispered, Hush, It’s Motivation.
Drent called down from his Federation Mechanism, We can hear you two lovers talking on the intercom.
They both blushed, and The Covenantial Project, First we must find Vibrate and get her pinned.
Dragon-Man said, I can use my Disembodiment power to access her and helm her in.
Message replied, Be careful, and Dragon-Man said, I can take someone else with me.
Dialect said, I will come, so that she can not trap you in a place you cant get free.
So Dragon-Man teleported to where airwaves and sound met and man was not.
But he did not know how strong Vibrate was, or what weapons she got.
Dialect took up a position by his side, and Dragon-Man saw a horrific sight.
It was Vibrate with thousands of creatures and soldiers, ready for the fight.
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Dragon-Man and Drent prepared to face off, in a fight one would not survive.
Breastplate-Bearer was grinning from ear to ear, because in these environments he thrived.
Lady of the Night and Message took their positions, and listened for Dragon-Man’s signal.
Then Drent cried out, I want all of them wiped from this forsaken planet, and Message giggled.
What’s so funny, Drent barked, and Message laughed, You will never be good at a Battlefare Intonment.
Brother you were always the one to take the good and turn it into Drent.
Brother! Lady of the Night and Dragon-Man asked in utter shock.
Yeah he is a Dahomeyian and a useless, spoiled chip off the old block.

The Bracti took out their Howitzer-Rockets and Drent said, **** everything that moves!
Lady of the Night fought valiantly, as if she had something to prove.
Message reached out with her Death-Hand and put it into a Bracti’s chest.
By the time she reached the other side, he was a bloodied pulp of a mess.
Dragon-Man tried to get close to Drent, but Bracti were always interfering.
Meanwhile Breastplate-Bearer was fighting strong like a warrior apparent.
Suddenly everyone heard a voice to stop, that was so strong they fell to that command.
Both Dragon-Man and Drent tumbled down together, but they were so weak they could not stand.

Who are you, asked Dragon-Man in a tone enfeebled by this noise that did not destroy.
I am the The Covenantal Project, it replied, The masteress of the Chyrsanium Alloy.
I am the Marshal who presides over the Dragon Power, and called you to the Federation.
Drent, you will be head of the Patriot Knight Way, and fight alongside Dragon-Man.
And why should I obey you, sneered Drent as he got up off of shaken knees.
It is a choice, said The Covenantal Project, but this time choose wisely.
Drent snarled, How can I fight alongside someone I always wanted to decimate?
And Dragon-Man replied angrily, It was not just you, I too fought a long time with hate.
But if this is true, we must put aside our differences and fight as a Federation to be free.
We will either bury our enemies together, or our enemies will bury us separately.
Drent said, See this face, how could I lead a Knight Way of the Federation with these features!
The Covenantal Project said, There is a Nectarskin with healing balm that cure your Injury Fevers.
Message was smiling, Lady of the Night was frowning and Breastplate Bearer was talking to Bractii.
Drent said, Okay, and Dragon-Man whispered, It will be alright, I too would have fought me.
The Dragon-Power were watching the proceedings, and most of them could not have more glee.

Segril of the Dragon-Power was saying, the Federation is fully formed, and now we can Battlefare.
Etil was silent because he did not realize the Covenantial Project would arrive over there.
Dragon-Men asked Drent, So, where is the Logre Markets I heard so much above
Drent said in a hushed tone, They are closed for this Quadrant Rotation because of the Clamant joust.
They take beings from other planets and turn them into Paridiate Gladiators.
We would have to lay low until it is over, because they might take us for later.
Message chirped, O Brother, are you afraid of a little Claimant jousting  because of your youth.
Drent was silent because he knew that his sister’s words were the absolute truth.

The Diablo Robots arrived to Drozen, and one of them asked Please master have mercy.
Drozen snarled, Mercy is for creatures who win, and deserve that right as worthy.
I will not **** you, but you will go to Lavaic Mines to make my weaponry.
Perhaps in the future I will take you and you will be of some use to me.
Etil and the Council of the Faceless Tongues were arguing over the next plan.
Drozen said, I will take care of all of them, Drent, the Federation and Dragon-Man.
The Legate said, I sense a presence that I have not seen a long Realmic span.
Is it Drozen? Asked Dialect, No, it is the someone I actually respects.
The being who spans  against rotations and against spans,  the Covenantial Project.
Michael Kusi Mar 2018
The Isotrain Mechanism was getting ready to go take flight.
When a voice cried out, Don’t leave yet you need me for this fight.
Who are you, Lady of the Night cried, and how do I know I can trust?
What about me, Dragon-Man protested, and Lady of the Night said it’s not you it’s us.
I am the Breastplate-Bearer and it is my life’s fulfillment to be the Delta Knight too.
Because Drozen is coming after all of us and what we love, it is not just you.
I carry the Breastplates for all the Knights of the Federation to carry.
So we must be going on our way soon, we cannot stop or tarry.
Because The War will be the event that will define our generation.
And it for this reason that we are all warrior-soldiers in this Federation.

Dragon-Man said, You speak like one who knows war and does skirmish
Bring the Breastplates to the Isotrain Mechanism so it can be furnished.
Breastplate-Bearer also said, I have a Space-craft Vehicle ready to conquer.
Dragon Man replied, We fight to win, but we carry the battle with honor.
You can handle the Lifeforce-Seeking Missiles as your job on the team.
Suddenly Lady of the Night let out a primal, unladylike hell-scream.

A woman was lying on the ground, and she looked so close to becoming a vegetable.
We need to rebuild her, said Breastplate-Bearer, because she looks so dead and still.
There is no time for chivalry, warned Dragon-Man, and she is too delicate to dismantle.
Lady of the Night said, Move out of my way you two, this is a situation I can handle.
She went to the Isotrain Mechanism and got a suitcase from one of the lockers.
Dragon-Man and Breastplate-Bearer looked at each other shocked that she was a doctor.
Suddenly Lady of the Night put the hands of life on her, and she woke up coughing.
Dragon-Man was about to speak, but caught himself because this does not happen often.
Do you want to join a cause greater than yourself, Breastplate-Bearer said over Dragon-Man’s glare.
It sure would be nice to have another woman on the team, Lady of the Night said over there.
The woman came to, and Dragon-Man saw that next to her was some sort of pamphlet.
He opened it with his watch and it was titled the Coden Battlescream Scroll fragment.

The woman sat up, and Breastplate-Bearer asked, so by what name do men call you?
She said, I am called Message, and I am the official courier for the Dragon-Power too.
I came to bear tidings of evil, but when Drozen first captured me he put in the Pandora load.
That if I ever completed my mission, I was to fall down, die and explode.
Dragon-Man, Message, you are safe with us, and you shall be the Sigma Knight.
Message asked, Can I just ask for one thing when we go and start this fight.
Dragon-Man nodded and Message said with vigor, I want to take Drozen’s head.
Back to the Dragon-Power, because one of them also wants us dead.
So when we get back, we must figure out which of the Dragon-Power turned traitor.
Dragon-Man said, In order to do what you yearn, you will need the Celestial Blade Saber.
Message took the Celestial Blade Saber in her hands, and tears began to form in her eye.
Dragon-Man said, It’s all going to be okay, I would hate to see a pretty woman like you cry.
Message then turned her head and said, I can cry because I am not an Earth woman but a Dahomeyian.
Drozen came to our planet to destroy us, and those he captured he put Pandora loads to shut us in.
I managed to break out, and vowed that if I ever met Drozen, he would meet the Hades-Grasp of the Death-Hand.
But now I am the Sigma Knight, and with the other Knights we serve at your command.

Dragon-Man prepared the Isotrain Mechanism, everyone took position for this journey.
They knew now that this war was not just to fight Drozen, but to take back territory.
On Earth Shark-Devil looked at the Isotrain Mechanism leaving and thought this is opportunity.
With the Fabrix Cloth I will be able to track Dragon-Man’s every move, Shark-Devil said with glee.
But what about the other knights?, Officer Thon said, Shark Devil said This fight is between him and me.
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Message stepped off of the Isotrain Mechanism and breathed a sigh of relief. That breath was labored, because of the remains of Vibrate’s destruction of Schmita. “We will rename you Dahomeyia”, she spoke out loud. “You will suffer no more”, she said as her words echoed in the air. She listened for the space to speak back and nodded as if to agree with what she already said. She looked back and saw The Alliance Project gingerly step off of the spacecraft.
Message shouted at him, “You can breathe the air, it is like your oxygen silly”. The Alliance Project looked up and said, “This planet is beautiful it is just like Earth”. “Our Earth”, Message replied. The Alliance Project pointed to Drent, who was directing the construction of the new planet.” I could think of no better man to tell people what to do”, The Alliance Project mused. “I can”, Message  replied smiling, looking into his eyes.
The Alliance Project and Message got to the Rulership Palace in the middle of their new kingdom. It was still being renovated, but the main body was finished. The Alliance Project took off his shoes, grinned and said, “Come here, I want to show you something.”  Message giggled and pulled back and said, Chances are, I already saw it.
He motioned Message over and turned on his laptop. It turned on and The Alliance Project asked, “Did Drent set up the wi-fi yet. I have to watch my movies.” Message pointed,
“The wi-fi is Dahomeyian Rulership and the password is Legate.” She sighed for a second, but The Alliance Project did not notice as he typed.
“Got it!” The Alliance Project yelped as he pulled up their wedding. Message smiled as The Alliance Project pointed out the people of the Federation and his law school who were there.
He then fast-forwarded to the wedding kiss. He teased, “Aww we bumped noses.” “You bumped my nose first!”, Message giggled.
They watched the rest of the wedding until they were in each other’s arms. The Alliance Project whispered to himself, as Message laid asleep next to him. “This is the peace I looked for and that I always wanted. It may be on a different planet, but maybe I needed to come here to find rest.”
“Honey did you say something?” Message questioned as she pushed up on the sofa. “Nope”, The Alliance Project said as he cracked a smile. It was the first smile he had in a while.
Suddenly The Alliance Project’s cell phone rang. “Enjoying the wi-fi?” Drent said laughing.  “It’s like the dial-up in my youth but it would have to do.” The Alliance Project replied.
Message got up and said, I have to go meet with the Peacemonger of Strengthened Weapons, I will be back. They kissed briefly, and Message stepped out of the door. The Alliance Project looked under the bed and pulled out the Abyss Sword.  He held it up in the air and whispered, “Old friend you have been retired.” Then the Alliance Project kissed the Abyss Sword.
“I hope you don’t kiss Message with that mouth!” The Alliance Project rapidly turned about and saw Drent, with a smile that was half-smirk, half-grin. They embraced, former enemies who were now not only friends, but relatives.  Drent sat down on the couch and said, I have to show you something important.
Drent got onto The Alliance Project’s computer and pulled up a Interstellar Map. He pointed to a dot on the Map and said, “See that?” “What, I don’t see anything” The Alliance Project squinted as he looked at a tiny dot moving across the Realmic Span. Drent said, “I think that is Essence and she comes to planets who are in danger of being destroyed. She is headed to our planet.” The Alliance Project questioned, “ But she is so far away, what do we do in the meantime?”
“We wait.”
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Vibrate walked in front of the Schimita people who were too terrified to speak.
And taunted, So this is the meager price I get for a Federation defeat.
Vibrate stepped back, and the Schmita people began to run.
As the sky darkened because she had killed off their sun.
Vibrate levitated on high and shouted, Ground swallow!
For those Schmita people foolish to stay, there was no tomorrow.
The ground opened it mouth and the people fell screaming into it.
Then shut tight, as Vibrate calmly flew away admiring their lack of grit.
Vibrate prepared her forces for the Earth’s invasion to conquer.
She told the Netherbeasts that This killing was not too high a price for honor.
She found a Federation Mechanism and said, Those fools they gave me their weapon to destroy.
Nihilist told her that her forces were ready to leave when they could be deployed.
Vibrate gave the order, and Nihilist boarded the Mechanism with her Netherbeasts.
While Vibrate looked back at Schmita and said, Achilles my son, you will soon be free.

Message sat in silence as the Isotrain Mechanism approached the Federation headquarters.
She fumed, I can’t believe we were forced to retreat because some people did not have water.
The Alliance Project intervened, We need water to survive, and besides now we have our strength.
It is better to fight Vibrate here than to be chasing her up and down the universe’s length.
The Covenantial Project intoned, I sense that Vibrate is moving with her forces towards us.
So to get to Earth quickly and set up a defensive perimeter is an absolute must.
Otherwise she is too strong, and we would be quickly defeated and overrun.
And as her victory prize, she will absorb the powers of the Earth’s sun.
Message held up Gartillery’s eye-shooter and said, But what about this Eclipse visor.
It can block off Vibrate’s energy and harness the power of the sun and surprise her.
I should wear it because I am the Dahomeyian Ruler, so this prize is mine.
The Alliance Project shook his head laughing and said, You can’t handle looking at sunshine.
Give the Eclipse Visor to the Covenantial Project, so that he may finish what he could not pursue.
His eyes can stare at the sun without blinking and we all know what your eyes do.

Message handed the Eclipse visor to The Covenantial Project in a huff, and then sat.
The Covenantial Project said, This visor also tells me where Vibrate is headed at.
She is trying to isolate the planet Earth, by using a life-hopping strategy.
I will summon the rest of the Federation to fall back and come to Earth to come join me.
The Covenantial Project pushed a button on the visor, and sent out a message to all parts of the galaxy.
It simply said, A force is arriving for your planet that had been there before time.
Come to Earth to join the Federation in this fight, we leave no one behind.
He then shut off the visor and sat down in his seat, while Message looked out the window.
None of them realized that someone had been listening to them on the low.
Nihilist shut off the intercom system and said, They are amassing forces toward the Earth-rock.
Vibrate nodded and said, As they leave we will pick them off after we freeze them with the Anvillic lock.
Nihilist jumped up and down and said, I love the way you think my queen, but what about the Federation?
Vibrate replied, I will give them all to think about when my son Achilles arises to give his presentation.
I will lock down the Earth so that no one on it can leave the Earth or come in.
Then Achilles will start the slaughter of mankind, and I will soon join him.
But all those who are going to Earth are fools, they will never arrive.
Because when I finish with the Federation, the wounded would wish they would not survive.

The Isotrain Mechanism arrives at the Arurian Tower, and The Alliance Project meets Lady of the Night.
She has a prosthetic leg because her injuries were very severe, but she said, I am ready for this fight.
Message snorted and said, What are you going to do, roll over them with your wheelchair?
Lady of the Night stood up and said, No I will **** them all off, because my fighting ability is still here.
Breastplate-Bearer ran up to The Alliance Project and said, We have detected seismic activity hard
It almost has vengeful emotions, and we don’t know if it is nature or an act of god.
It is the anger of a demi-god, Message said as the others looked on her in shock.
Because Achilles is coming to meet us, and I’m guessing that he doesn’t want to talk.

— The End —