O, mosquito for taste of blood you seek,
For miles and miles you fly, within radius,
To earn a warm and idle skin to *****;
By day in cravice dark by night with us.
O, mosquito you small but deadly thief;
On wings of silence came you trespasser,
A drop of blood you've stolen whilst to leave
Me unawares that I'm being the loser.
Alas, you left behind a virus strange,
Of potent evil concoction which spread,
And corrupted my veins by this exchange:
My good liquid for diseases I dread.
Like being bitten by a winged vampire,
My body shaking my soul is on fire!
Mosquitoes can carry a host of deadly diseases.
In 2002, I had contracted dengue fever from an aedies mosquito that landed me in hospital for two weeks. I was ravaged with fever. My blood palates was going lower and lower. My body ached and weakened and my thoughts was I'm going to die. Malaria is another disease, mostly in the tropics, transmitted by mosquitoes.