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Max Alvarez Mar 2016
Aún la novedad
Mi soledad
Será cierto ser
Le pregunte a un señor
Hombre vago
Barba blanca
"Porque soy así"
Me dijo
"Cuéntame de la última vez que abriste los ojos y vistes"
Me quede callado
Subió la voz y pregunto otra vez
"Cuéntame de la última vez que abriste los ojos"
Y al terminar sentí mi sangre revolver
Empezó a reír y grito
Y se quebró
Mis venas agarraron la tierra
Empecé a crecer
Salio el vago otra vez
Estirándose en un árbol de nuez
Lo alcance
Me dijo
"Logras lo que tu quieras, lo que tu puedas, ponte las pilas, agarra la tierra, y verás"
Crecí otra vez
Al tercer cielo
Vi los siete mares
La luna y sus lunares
Mi mujer y el sol
El futuro en su infancia
Mis manos y la mercancía
Empecé ahogando en el mar
Ahora vivo en nuevo hogar
Alan Stallsmith Feb 2019
Desire paired with loneliness
Is quite the ugly pair
Light the rooms inside my heart
My guts exposed threadbare

And I ponder, And I ponder
All these mountains with no view
And my wanderlust takes over
While my troglodyte subdues

Desperation paired with insanity
Is quite the gruesome two
You foam at mouth and commiserate
With hallucinating beasts inside of you

And I float there, And I float there
In this vat of carcinogens strong
Perfect aim meets jugular
My cat and mouse shan't take too long!

Reason paired with logic
Is a fable wrapped in dreams
There's people who are sane out there?
No neurosis bursting at their seams?

As I sit here, As I sit here
Etching brainsick into stone
The faces of my personal Rushmore
A mocking comfort (I'm not alone!)

Enmity paired with self-affliction
Are the volcanoes I prepare
No need for collusion or invaders
I'm my own Cotopaxi terror!
Taru Marcellus Oct 2024
amnesia finds me searching for what is lost
                    value or sentiment
                         the words           are               the first            thing           to
                                                              ­                                                       slip
at some point
    originated from these hands
their texture is unfamiliar now
though it's only been one day

full-on compositions are
released to the void
     luckily clouds hold some vapor

I hope it rains tomorrow

forecasts say it's unlikely I will
ever see you again
your disappearance hasn't even occurred
   (to me)   yet

dust will fall
but will ashes
                          this is a lesson in fighting for

I sighed it all away
  before any instinct to clinch
       or swing
          or break

am I better composed than my poetry
simply because I accept
          without questioning

the formulas are lost
      the charge is lost
            the message is lost
yet I still hope to discover myself

amnesia will remind me tomorrow
of another item vanished
but today I plotted out
a future
and nothing was missing
My backpack was stolen earlier this week and its contents included my notebook, my laptop, my dad's ashes and bunch of other loose materials. My first instinct was to release
brooke Sep 2016
i am troubled by the vast
differences between the
distance linking the
synapses in my brain
and Cotopaxi, compared
to how fast my heart starts
beating when a dodge truck
comes grumbling down Main
and for whatever reason I keep thinking

All   I       could    ever     be
is a bud of honeysuckle tucked
into your jeans, practically suffocating,
(have you seen what happens to leaves?)
when you snap their obcordate bodies
and your oils seep into their pilose little

trying to be as smooth as Tennessee whiskey
but let's face it
let's face what?
let's face that I am not any kind of high
That in the past couple months the only
way I've seen myself is in the brash statements
of others tangled up in their ridiculous ideas
about where happiness comes from which
is about as silly to me as people thinking that
money really does grow on trees

there's this churning in my chest that
feels like i am thick as cream and someone
has stirred me up with honey, i could be

i could be sweet.
(c) Brooke Otto 2016

written May 6th.
Michael Marchese May 2017
Although the Andes melt away
Beneath Pichincha clouds of gray
And Cotopaxi shakes the ground
With aftershocks of Spanish crown
Pizarro's cut my Incan rose
My Amazon unconquered flows
From my Quichua eulogy
To Rumiñahui effigy
A martyr for a higher cause
Than dying for her fatal flaws

— The End —