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Robert Earl Jul 2013
I wonder what the world would be like if we were all winners,
maybe there would be no color lines, only religious sinners....

Or maybe future beginners, just always searching for an answer,
Without a questionable question, time is only gonna move faster....

So I can't help being a walking disaster, it's the blood corsing through my veins,
I can only hope to master, the things that I can not change....
A Thomas Hawkins Aug 2010
I close my eyes and picture our first kiss.
Passion, love, serenity and bliss
can all be tasted on your lips
felt corsing through your fingertips
as the world around us ceases to exist
Daniel august Aug 2010
It was a sparkling light,
more like absence of darkness
on the featureless plains
empty and vacant.

It came in a breeze,
Chilling at first
Then, soft- a warm thing
Corsing and surrounding

I let it in
to my very center
to feel it,
I feel love.
Jimmy Solanki Feb 2015
Corsing through the veins
Another being inside my skin
Scarred and revealing
A diminished white dwarf
Or a shiny black hole
Dreams never radiating

I cannot breathe any longer
As I did
Another being inside my skin
Making me stronger

Souls with shady stains
Relics from the darkest reign
Ravaged yet remaining
Jupiter pulling at the seas
Or the desire of the lovelorn moon

I cannot live any longer
As I did
You're the being inside my skin
A chalice of harmony
And an aura angelic

— The End —