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This poem is for my friend.......
When I see your eyes you can't hide it there's no surprise, theres an emptiness like when you realize you missed your last sunrise
the way you look at life with many y's, and the way you bleed your crys like sky's of rain,
I know where it comes from, it comes from the fears of the tears thru the years of a broken heart with pain.
from the birth of a flower to the moment it dies all the highs and lows,
You say no one knows but I do know how life goes
one look at my life and it shows,
I wrote this because it's more then words it's from the heart, something 15 years over due from the start,
And the truth is there's no verse that can express how I feel for you in this rhyme!
And what's worse is the older we get the less time!!
So Before I say thank you to you I'm gonna say sorry, sorry for not being there when you needed it!
And for the man who thought it would be better to give up and forfit,
Maybe run away cause he dont deserve it, losed many friends I'd like to say jus being your friend was worth it, To me whatever you are is perfect

It's hard to see you hurting because I'm your friend and I feel it!
Even when we first met we know it was real ****!
And sometimes it takes a friend to remind a friend,
that to some friends and a little girl  he's still a king and he's not alone! I'll always be beside you till you get that throne
Im not the best at writing poetry but this is for David Johnson my friend and in the end you'll win
There's allways angels willing to help because it's allways a life of sin  

They come in many forms and sizes from a past mother or father
To a beuatifull little daughter that loves and adores you like no other,
from a long life friend who's more proud to call you a brother

And even tho I have no place to say on behave of everybody sitting in the clouds above
You will allways have my respect and   Considerd my brother much love
Let's pull our souls too high
Til the birds couldn't fly
You're the "one" as yourself
Like the single star in the sky
Try to shining strong
You're the "one" as yourself
Like the single rose in the desert
Water my rose not to be  withered
And cause other's considerd
Joining to help the hurted rose in the dry
So, cause later desert will die
Dust of my feet
the dust of my skin•
My clock wise measurementory
of earth 🌍 into SigniaZion
RAĪNBŌW 🌈 Kush I am,
I was made first as earth Father land
among all the verdant hills,
from Adis Ababa,

The Holy Obàtalà the Spirit
was my only comfort,
I had a mystery wife
Called Ur-Babylon MÓÓN🌕,
I had her seperated by the river Euphrates.

Her drank was peaceful she has a Son between the Red ßæ where the dead s
Scrolls īnn was burried.
called ẞÚN ⛅ Kenmet,

her soul was the water
I seek love from.
her drank was peaceful

In her was all my treasures hidden
both of mystic & mysteries
after she emptied herself,
all who comes now calls her a harlot.

I became so angry that her generosity & love was taken for foolishness,
& her kindness for Vein,

So I curse the land
these herbs considerd as weeds
called Mary-Jane,

I wrote revelations in her Brother
to capture our victimize relatives
her deep tears of BRIGHT MORNING STAR 🌞 Cuptic-hellas
the nations that came off from her,

as she shed tears of blood constantly day and night weeping and mourning
culture, religion, tradition
& education
has been stolen away from me
I am emptied & left alone
with no one to comfort me.

I embraced her deeply
for I know her prophet I sent forth will awaken,
and she shall be restored again
to formal glory.

So I returned Kush to dust
if they'll consider my "Art"(Sholomon),
Filled the sea of Kenmet with blood
if they'll remember my "Act" (Iyesus),
I Judged every error & imbalance at Babylonia-Ur
when they ask for my very "Heart"(Yédidiah),
while burning at my everlasting fire from Cuptic-hellàs
when they asked where I AM is "At" (Immanuel),
Hey (ORĪSHA'NLÀ) needed "Ma'at"
 Before (ẞHÆÑGØ) is "Out"
In his Obatàlà "Hat"
Brave Harted Mat of ÔRUNMÎLÅW.
Here Ī Math ÆDÂMHŪ

He who markes the Big bang crystal stars signs & Kinetic Lamuel completed lily ant & ******.

I tutor days,
Appointed seasons
placed time before ancient stones,
beat kingdoms to bruises
And answered himself in scrolls only,
Need no reward from mortal man.
Earth 🌎 Īsreal
Sātalitē Town•
Kyara Robinson Nov 2018
I am the one
   Being miss took I’m not the best
                 a sprial mess
  Never again will my love be considerd
                  I’m strong I say              
   it’s only a weakness they say  
                    Cry baby
     words that put me to shame  
        Thinking should I change
Locking myself away from the pain
Believing there’s nothing to gain  

            (Read bottom to top)

— The End —