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zz Feb 2019
I took my love for you
my broken heart,  my fears
and buried them so deep
that now I wonder
if I ever get the wings
Hildegarda Ares Jun 2010
In a throbbing coccon seized by ablazen web
thou viscid meanders woven by an unabating tempest
then hoarded in a rapture... by the sylph of the sands.

Rising rider, captive of an upwind sail
meadowy sky lover, worshipper of the ephemeral
fettered Why mooring the eluding eons to a transfixed now

as if the twined dreams of a wayfarer,
nomad of the seas, the sands and the skies
trapped in an ethereal time warp.
Copyright Hildegarda AresĀ©2010
Sulekha Vargas Nov 2013
We are like caterpillers.

We were made to climb, eat and sleep.

We want to climb to the top of a rock that takes a lifetime, full of ego.

And we have another choice.

We can be like butterflies!!

But how is it possible to us to become a butterfly?

We must want to become a butterfly so much that we are willing to give up to be a caterpiller!

Does it mean to die?

Well, yes and no.

It may look that you have died, but actually you are still alive.

Life doesnt end, but is merely transformed!

What do we have to do?

We make a coccon around ourselves.

And it may look we are hiding, but this is not an attempt to escape.

We are just changing place.

It may appear to us that nothing is happening, but it is.

Just remember this is a very big step because once you become a butterfly.

You can never go back to being a caterpillar again!

Dont worry about your old and special friends, because once you become a butterfly, you can always find them and help them to become a butterfly as well.

You will be a wonderful butterfly.

The entire world is waiting for you.

The end...or is it just the beginning?

This is 4 everyone, except those who have given up completely (and even they might secretly enjoy it)...

— The End —