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Sidd Kingsley Jan 2012
Here I sit my hands, on top of colorless perfection,
Black overlapping white in sweet embrace.
My fingers brush the cold, the joyful keys of cool percection,
And I’m transported to a heightened place.

As music fills my ears and soul, my colorless friend hears me,
She reacts gently to each playful pluck.
Her body shudders slightly as my hands begin to lead me,
Her voice is soft, I hear my deepened luck.

I listen in this throne as all the colors drain to darkness,
And fair white light seeps through to quicken breaths.
But my subtle hands still find her body, reaching through the darkness,
My sprinting heartbeat, running fast from death.

Her voice grows louder, fuller, as my arms float left and right,
Her ivory keys sing truths of love and fear.
I listen as my voice conjoins with hers, the pure and righteous,
We sing and play in unison through tears.

Then friend and lover, secretly, through open-minded cunning,
Erupts in pleasure, graceful and with life.
Then silence follows, beautifully, and tinged with lifeless cunning,
I drink it in, with gray lines in my eyes.

My love, my life, lays careful as her body, soft, returns.
My fingers- back to stroke her playful keys.
She gratefully accepts my hands, I know her heart returns.
I feel her smiling joyfully at me.

And music coarses through my veins, and coarses through her body,
Our love affair concealed by our desires.
The Dedpoet Mar 2019
A confinement to the street,
I likened it to a bliss of pain.
Not extended like an overrun episode,
But the anxiety is sleepless,
When yesterday approaches,
I wrap myself in the ignorance,
Homeless, timeless,
It grows and defines,
Coarses through my fundamental
A boy becomes an atitude,
I wish i had these experiences in youthful insurgencies.

Its someday in the week,
I lose the raptured schedules,
To hunger is life.
To thirst is life.
The misled winter wraps itself
On my frozen life.
A faint emergence of time
There in the shadows
I once knew a man,
The visions of him asking to feed
My souless self.
Stretched by insistent graces,
In a road of certain contrasts,
Gentle into the street,
I laugh; the revolving doors,
I cry; what or who i never was,
A certain kind of grace to be
Within the containment,
the poor, the  restless,
bleeding my facades,
Shredding the faces I once knew
Destroying my world.

Once I sat upon a throne
Lost in the decimations,
I dont know who I am.

Keep walking.
Telling myself as the night freezes
I will be just fine.
Keep walking
Telling myself in minced
Thoughts as hope flutters against
Nowhere to go.
Keep walking,
The sun rises
And blisters on my feet
Calm the night as the safety
Of day lets me rest.

I will bounce back tomorrow,
And the streets become a ripened spring fruit,
Losing myself
And the art of loss
Is no disaster,
Not unlike losing my keys,
Not unlike losing places,
Not unlike losing names,
Until i reconciled myself
At the fork of the river,
Losing myself is not an art:

The beauty was in finding who I was meant to be.
No pity. I walked my path. I see what it is and i am grateful. To the end. To the beginnings. Life is and i am hapoier than i have ever been.
Morgan Aug 2013
We threw two bottles of hairspray
into the fire just to laugh at the expressions
on each others' faces when it exploded

We sang along to the same **** punk
cover songs we've been playin since
the seventh grade and chain smoked
in the damp grass

We said we'd be star gazing tonight
but our heads started spinning
after the tenth time someone said,
"Chug this"
And then all the white lights
began to blend together,
against the black sky
creating this peaceful yet dizzying
array of light and dark

The moon sort of caught your face
in the left corner
Illuminated your crooked side burns
and danced over the long side of your Mohawk

It was three AM
when the group hugging commenced
I said "goodbye" and "I love you"
at least twelve times before I meant it...
Or before I realized it was
my last chance to mean it

I've never felt arms so strong
squeeze so tight
I've never felt a warmth so comforting
in the midst of such violent anxiety

Your blood,
doesn't match mine
But your mind,
I swear it melts into my eyes,
and coarses through my veins
some times

I'll miss you *****
with every bit of
empathy, love &
sanity I have left
I will miss you
until it hurts
and then calms
and circles back again


everly Jun 2019
old coffee coarses through me
can’t feel a heartbeat
going too quick to pick up a pulse
a sign of life
a drug yet a luxury
prosperity of humanity
and you have none while you continue to slander
my name
my name
being mentioned in rooms i’ve never stepped in

without my control,
a once blank canvas would soon be used as a form of blame and through it peace in you-
preconceived notions are drawn in the minds of associates and strangers
better than an aged painter in the studio he’s only ever known
yet this painter is blindfolded
while this oblivious painter intently tunes in
to sympathize with the selective truths you dispose
‘how could she??’ they say

in an unconventional way
for you to teach them what they don’t want to be
whilst they choose what to hear
words sifted once again like the selection of the finest grain
rejects strawn amongst the boulder
you were once beautiful
a sweet dandelion left to a stem with a rigid bulb at the top
not hideous just no longer wished upon


there’s no lights in this room
just brushes sprawled all out on the rug
with a ray of sunkissed light coming through the duvets-
it’s a bother but you
bring it up when others do
used to be the highlight of the room
but now just something that reluctantly grew on you
you want the dark but i only wish light amongst you past lover

you continue to lead-
incite fine strokes in them for my self portrait
for better or worse
i refuse to recognize for myself
using colors i’d never think you’d use- their masterpiece being guided by your bitter words
i blamed myself for an instant-
something you’d never do
leading me to believe that your heart
never was truly pure when i was with you
Samantha Feb 2013
As liquid sunlight
Slowly coarses through my veins
I am enlightened
BAM Jun 2011
I cant
I cant let you in
To this
This mess of me
Not the best of me
I don’t want to **** you in
For you to spit yourself out
And leave me hanging by a thread
Dangling overhead
This memorywell

If I do let you in
No matter how sweet
Or kind
How understanding
You will leave
Because that’s what everyone does
Why add another burden
To a lifetimes list
Of things to do

You can do me up
Chew me up
Savor the flavor
Spit me out
And reach for a new pack
Im replaceable
Wana see a magic trick?

Like the memory
Of how much you loved me
Like the winds
Which lead me to meet you
Because at the fork in the road
You split

The pressure
Behind my eyelids
Is swelling
Salt water trickles down
Softly pattering a rhythm
To dance alone to
While the pressure
Pulsing through my body
Coarses rapidly
Soon a flood will be released

So you can see
I cannot let you in
No matter how much
I want to trust
All I can do is sin
My nights away
So hopefully
Ill get another day

One is
Better than two
Or even three
You see?
Less chaos to keep track of
Because the thought of being attached
Leaves nowhere for one to run
So lets keep it simple
Son of a gun
With the number one
Deyer Aug 2016
embrace the bruises. embrace the aches that emanate from the surface of your skin. embrace the broken bones that come from the sum of your experience. embrace life's tattoos, the proof that you have used your time; the proof that you didn't just cruise through, unscathed and unafraid.
embrace the disease that coarses through your veins; embrace the pain that brought you here today.
if we were meant to end, heaven sent without a scrape, don't you think that scars would fade away at day's end?
Patrick Leehy Nov 2011
i have you say
on a day quite like today
that your favorite couples you see
are not you and me

i belive that we mesh together
just like the bird and the feather
and we shall fly
just as high

i can see you now, sitting there
your hand carresing your hair
and day after day it amazes me
the beauty that i do see

your beauty runs deep
through and past your body and out with your every peep
it coarses through your complex mind
and gives me awe that i have found such a wonderful find

i want to hear you say
that your favorites are you and i
we do mesh together
and i am as high as a blazed bird
and as you sit ther i wish your hands were mine
just so that i be closer to the beauty that is you
your beauty runs though you into me making me better, stronger
and together we are a wonderful find
Sydney Victoria Feb 2013
For Some Reason A Smile Burns Into My Skin,
I Love The Feeling Of The Flame
My Hands Feel Lighter--No Shackles To Be Found,
My Torso Moves To No Particular Song,
My Arms Strike The Air With Precision,
As The Rhythm Coarses Through My Body,
Butterflies Rattle My Bones For No Reason,
My Foot Taps From The Churning Adrenaline,
Faces Which Plagued My Vision Are Now Friendly,
Characters In A Teeter-Tottering Chapter Book,
My Heart Beats Quickly--I'm Feeling The Vibe,
That Today's Going To Be A Good Day

©SydneyVictoria Feb. 13 2013
Ever Have That Feeling A Day Is Going To Be Great?
Lexie Dec 2019
Does the night remember our relentlessness
Here we drink, wine and stars
Intoxication of souls
Grains of salt, on sugar sweet lips
A taste of stars, for a black hole kiss
We die, the night goes on
To live one more day
Is to outlive all
The earth does not know
Nor will she remember
She bore you, conceived
Brought you forth
Out of the aching of her years
Turn your face
Lift your hand in anger
Were you not human once
Do you still hold your tongue
When angels speak
They crave your words
Your peace
There are no gods here
Maybe once, in an older day
Maybe once, when you knew their names
Passed from lip to lips
No more than a kiss
Their halls are empty
Fires burnt out
Smoke nearly touching the stars now
Their lungs are empty
Breezes settled
Will you quarrel with me here
Raise your hand against another
Lift your voice for a song,
with no words,
that you call anger
Give me up
To the sins of your head
Your heart dare not act out
I am worth these
And I am worth nothing
Change in your pockets
Will never make sense
You return me to the earth
This is your curse
Luna will call my name
Screaming it into the heavens
A voice falling only upon your ears
Turmoil and angst of your conscience
Your ears and neck burn
And you become one with regret
It will name you
Find yourself unable to utter any remorse
As it coarses like fire through your veins
This is hell, she is patient
Jane Oct 2019
Tingles ripple slowly along my spine
Breath wraps around my neck
Fingers trail down my sternum
Need coarses through my veins
Touches between my thighs
Kisses planted across my chest
Delights whispered in my ear
Tongue explores my mouth
Circles drawn on my sensitive flesh
Stars explode behind my eyelids
Arms hold my limp body
She makes me beautiful

— The End —