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Dawn of Lighten Apr 2017
To those who have an estranged parents would not need an introduction,
And those of you who have the gaping wounds would only be christened in self propelled justification,
But any of us in these journeys like all adventures do come to a close.

Proving to everyone your ways are correct,
Or dismiss the very thought you been wrong,
And all finales the conclusions the end is not all we may seem to understand.

No one will know the inner conflict that stirs all emotions into ejected unspeakable anger,
And no self righteous religious leaders would know how to quell the demon shadowed in your best illumination.

For all things are never bygones,
And patriarchs or matriarchs are but a human beings with chipped characters,
But no amount of apologies would dismiss their old follies.

Then the sands come to claim us, breathlessness plunged into a moment of silence,
And all solice come to a halt with all whispers sieze.  

The person you feared all your life has become pale,
Body mass and muscles have left them,
While the frail body yielded them a hunched postures.

No matter the prospect you will not be fooled by their weakness,
Nor will you show sympathy to their coming times,
And all senses of love have been depleted bone dry.

No one can tell you "You are wrong,"
Because no one has dealt with your past,
And the world must shut their mouth.

That was about a 6 month ago,
To some it would take longer,
And others there would be no second thought.

Sometimes deepen pain can never be healed,
And those of you who took the picture of the frail parent in the hospital can't deny your feelings,
As you look at the healthy picture against the dying parents you have made up your mind.

The breath is asunder as the lungs clinge to what little air to grasp,
But those of you who choose to make peace and see the dying person one last time is a better person then I,
For not all of us can forgive and forget.
They say family over friends but some friends are closer then fam. To me its the realationship youve built no matter friend or fam.  To me its all about who really gives a dam. I mean does you fam really care about you or is it just that their blood runs through you. Do your friends really care or are they just tryna use you. Its a matter of time before there true colors shine through. All im tryna say is becareful who you clinge to. Because all the time you've spent trying to fit in to your fam and friends was a waste of time and vain pursuit. So i say get in where you fit in no matter wat others think of you. And that place where you fit in is with the who created and died for you! Every one has there opinion and everyones going to judge you but why care what they say when they dont have a real clue
I do care!
Only if you know what believe is
you can clinge to it!

I do care!
In every little sleep
In every slumbering of my nostril
For every dream of me
For every mile i've gone

I do care!
I never left you behind my memories
as blood to veins,
as flesh to bones,
as hair to skin,
as clothe to body,
so you're to me!

More than my own life
I care for you!
Conflicting is the first thing that comes to mind.
There is no quiet place to think, because the rumble comes from within.
One will struggle to focus on themselves when they are not alone.
Some companions clinge to before in a trace like state, others yearn to escape.
There is however one who is content. One who already knows the outcome of something that eludes others.
This one is calm for it is the only means of egress. This one knows best, that the calm before the storm is tranquil. Also that the storm will rage long before subsides.
Sweet chatters clinge to the drum
The voice spoken in the other room
It always tantalized the less critical
it echoed in their heads fading always to soon...

Some left it where it was
and others brought it with them
I always tried to keep it close
I always tried to hide it with in.
Mark kenny Jan 2020
Don't hate what you have been telling yourself because you woke up
Another journey is set in your course is time to face up.

The days pass by without ceasing even the night won't bulge to your pace
But the only hope of a better tomorrow is if you double your pace.

You don't want to be left behind when the whistle blows
Don't clinge to a past memory because you don't want to grow.

It's a new day to change your perception don't limit your thinking
Because if you are actually crossing over you need to change your thinking.
Another 365days of whatever you make of it in your own small dictionary of Life. All I want is for you to change your thinking to a positive one
Mark kenny Mar 2020
Born in the family of an heavy fighter
Aimted to be a great believer than a fighter.

A new legacy that am working on so I can get fame
Not following the trend that was already in place so I can change the game.

The flows waking me up at my alone time I could see the direction change
A new wave showing me the way I could feel the energy making me to change.

The pen am holding is meant to change lives and steer a new ship
The writer is born with a clear purpose some don't realise they can clinge to the moving ship.

Ideas flowing in even on lonely days the dairy of a lonely writer giving the power to change the game
Physically drained but emotionally still the same writer that will use his ideas to change the game
The true story behind the very reason for writing my story

— The End —