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Classy J Feb 2016
Calabunga as go off shooting bad guys or good guys as long as I get my money. Eating chimichanga's in my Honda that I "borrowed" for awhile. Anti-hero that breaks the fourth wall, because that's my style. Shoot shoot, bang bang, kapow is this kungpow chicken. Oh you thought I was talking about fighting, haha, that's funny. Where are the hunny's, with all this money, you think they'd be on me. Slip zip I can be freaky with whips, go on trips, have insanity fits. Business is business, marvel universe, I killed them all; just saying. If you didn't know the name, it is deadpool, original rip off, yeah I don't care about haters because they are going to hate. Death stroke can't even get a date, with that ugly eyepatch, he couldn't beat me on his best day.
JDK May 2017
There are three kinds of writers in this world:
Those who write from a positive place,
those who write from a negative place,
and those who haven't figured it out yet.
After realizing that I'm part of the second group, I'm choosing to hang up my writing gloves. There's more than enough negativity floating around in the world already without my help.

#sometimesgiving uponyourdreamscanbeagoodthing
Sarah Bat Nov 2012
it's never going to be easy to be four hundred miles from the first home you ever knew
and it's going to get harder when your mother gets diagnosed with cancer
and her best friend is dead and can't take care of her
and you can't take care of her because you're four hundred miles away
and you shouldn't have to take care of her because you're a scared 19 year old kid
but you will anyway because that's just how you operate
take care of everyone else forget to eat don't cry don't you dare ******* cry realize you haven't eaten since breakfast and it's almost midnight drink too much coffee lose sleep
but if everyone else is okay you'll be fine

and it's never going to be easy to be who knows how far away from the love of your life
the person you want to hold in your arms at night so maybe
just maybe
you can cry just a little and let go just a little and stop pretending you're okay and just hurt for awhile because for the love of god you're only 19 this isn't fair  and everything ******* hurts and you're mommy is sick and the closest thing you had to a second mom is dead because she drank herself to death and you can grin and bear it but you're not okay and nothing else is either

so you sit on campus and pour out words so you don't pour out tears
and your fingers are chapped and cold from the breeze off the ocean
and the breeze used to feel like home but now it's just cold and you wish you were warm at home, home home your real home, with your mother and your cat and the things you've seen every day since you could see
your eyes and nose are red and you don't know if it's from crying or the cold and you type so hard you forget to breathe
and all you want is to go home

but instead you close your eyes and scrunch away the tears fighting their way out
and you shove your hands inside your absurdly oversized sweater inbetween bites of the vending machine chimichanga you inevitably burn your mouth on
and you **** it up and tell everyone you're fine and go to class and get good grades
because if everyone else is fine
you can be okay for a few more hours
a few more days
a few more weeks
however long it takes

(but just because you do it doesn't mean it's easy)
kodi Jan 2020
What time is it in Philadelphia?
What's a mile in k-m's?
How much is that in Australian?
What the heck is a chimichanga?

Our liberal party is right wing
We drive on the left side
I'll educate girls: American
I'll share my way of life

And even though the differences
Instructs the way we live
We will still form bonds through our phones
I'll stay appreciative
Lawrence Alvarez May 2020
Memories, how we treasure them like,
do you remember when?
You were fast asleep
In dreamland deep

your favorite fantasy
bout that girl
that you keep

When all of a sudden!
your stomach starts grumbling
buttocks are mumbling and

you get a weird sensation
Something about
A spicy, greasy bean burrito, and chimichanga combination

**** hole is puckering
***** is stuttering
can't wait any longer

Wake - up! Wake - up!

you get up in a haste
there's no time to waste
the goose pimples have started
******* just farted

no time to turn on the lights
or look for your slippers
Something running down the back of your leg

And if that's not enough of a worry
you stub your big toe when you got up in a hurry

get to the toilet and drop your shorts
your ***** starts blasting round after round
making a different sound

until at last
there is a sputter of gas
a big sigh of relief
time to go back to sleep
but wait, oh good grief!

remember when at the store
you thought ? not now I'll get it later

so now you sit with no toilet paper
thinking about it,
and all you can say is,

This some Bull - ****!

— The End —