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Jay Jimenez Aug 2011
I get *** 24/7
I pick up fat girls
skinny girls
both young and old
I like men too both young and old
I here every word
that comes out your lips, tounge, and cheaks
I sit around like a creep and just watch as you sit
I occasionally eat a little bird ****
but I repay with a sliver in your wrist
now you gotta complain and ***** about what I did
I've gone down in history as something truly important
people have sat and planned things I felt the first peice of cement fall from 9/11
I've been the first person to here about the wedding ring
Heard about the death of your mother or father before your family did
But I'll be here to sit your tired legs
I'll comfort you
I'll cherish every moment spent with you
I'll never kiss and tell
I"ll be your shoulder to cry on or your ear when you wanna yell
even though you'll look crazy
I'll never make fun of you
or send you away
thanks for stopping by
just feed the pigeons and watch them sit and play
donna valenz Jan 2015
she looks tired
and serene
like the angel of death has kissed her
****** the life from her crimson lips
the princess has fallen ill
lovesick and torn
the world and its evil
has taken a toll
on her tear stained cheaks
are the scars of the worlds dried up rivers
the salt embeded in her skin
from forgotten oceans
even on the brink of death
her innocence rings clear
like traces life after a storm
LJW May 2015
What do you do when the world stops encouraging you?
You've passed the nubile age of 18-24
you are no longer a fledgling,
in fact, long past that point.
You have no charm in terms of possible potential
you've aged out of that category
Now you are only an uncomfortable, wierd old person in the audience
and God forbid if you try to get on stage,
embarressment, boredom, pity
that is your comeuppance.

What do you do, then, when the world has no more encouragement for you?
By now you should have succeeded, or be on your comeback tour,
not still be in the gate!

Breath, hold in the hate, dissolve back into understanding, breath again.
Your chance hung there like a celluloid moment
on your twenty-third year, you were daring.
When the Midwestern plains rolled by undiscovered still
Preserved innocently in a Laura Ingels Wilder novel.

Rolling green waving grass
sunlight burning warm to my skin
sweat beads down and wets my cheaks
no where to go, everything to be.

The intellectual saddness of Camus was found by only by those diving into the abyss in search of divinity.

Bow your head, take one more breath, release...
your life had mistakes, fear, weaknesses you let rule the day.
Bennet Sarkis Oct 2014
When he was born, his eyes were blue.
Blue, like the sky and the ocean,
Free and limitless and unadulterated.
It was almost as if, should you look hard enough,
You could see into his soul.
Pure and untainted.

As he grew, his eyes became brighter,
Reflective of the yearning inside of him,
A symbol of his youth, his childish joy and wonder.
As if that sky had surpassed its boundaries and flooded into the heavens,
As if that ocean had overstepped its limits and doused the horizon.

He grew and grew, and as his body grew so did his heart:
He lived not for himself, but for others.
Those eyes, which opened directly into his sole, were wide with that childish awe,
Open to the sorrows of the world,
The sorrows which others blacked out from view.

A blink of those blue eyes and there he was, on a hospital bed.
Surrounded by people he once knew,
People he would likely forget.
They would come and go, wish him well,
Ask if he remembered the times when he did this, the times when he didn't do that, the times where he should have done something else.

And they left as night fell,
When the nurses came and put him to bed,
Alone, as he had once been, but now afraid, uncertain.
And he cried, for the first time, tears of baby blue,
Neon streaks upon his cheaks,
illuminated by the moonlight.

And by the time he closed his eyes, those vibrant blue eyes,
They were gray.
Originally uploaded to
PK Wakefield Sep 2015
i love you

(after ******* your throat)

you are so pretty
in short dark
hair eyes
cut by running

with little
rills of
and sweat;

cheaks alive with
glowing of
luster and fair

firm and supple
through the
hip and belly:

i want to be
always kissing
and tasting
into your thighs.
Lori Nov 2018
An unending cycle
One closes his eyes and his heart beats dim as the shrieking of a new born shakes the worlds of people who waited so long for a soul to be born and granted.
As if there was a string tying these two together.
As if a forbidden love between the two extremes that just makes a beautiful explosion.
Its like the saints and the devil are holding hands waiting for someone to say his final words and for someone to wish for a new blessing to be granted.
I am in awe as i see tears on both the cheaks of a mother holding her new born child and a child holding her mother begging her to come back to life.
It is such a wonder how death and life are interwined in such a beautiful piece of art that people don't stop looking at.
Its like they complete eachother and they make the other somewhat more worthy. For what would be life if it were forever and what would be the light if there were no darkness. It is a cycle of hurt and happiness and tears that always has an end and a begining which are so far away yet touch in a way nothing else can
Her cheaks were as red as a rose the day that we met ,
like two peaches yet red in colour ,                                                           and.  as soft as her breast .
Yet the chandelier above our heads
was as dazzling as her looks .
But for all my charming manors  she had her eyes set on the tall man with the whip .With his dark brooding looks
and  his charming ways ,
he had a chilling stare .
With tranquil murmurs that brought a colour to her eyes ,
she turned to him as if I wasn’t there.

if I could just take her away ,
from these abandoned ruins of darkness and dispair ,.
for This fortress of love that dwells in her heart     ,
can only lead to tears when death do they part .

On a white horse called. Charger we would ride with
her on side saddle ,
she as my bride .
Away from these dungeons of darkness  ,
I would give her my heart .
Far away with black clouds moving to and fro  above us ,
could never tear us apart .
I would take her to where God hides his
golden lilies of love .
far away to silver mountain ,
O won’t you follow me ?
for his eyes are as dark ,
as the depths of the sea .

But this night canst only live in the dreams only in part ,
as she hands me a glass of red wine ,
Instead of the keys to her heart .

— The End —