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bjynxthelyric Feb 2015
The overlying theme of this generation
Is veneration for people practicing subjugation over other nations

Private socials are the new public places
Where they run from other faces
Just to fake feel the safest
While they make racist statements

Acting out like cavemen
But somehow claim a falsified sense of sophistication
Irony resulting from a lack of education
Little white lies to fill the empty black spaces

Over saturated pale faces for replacement
The only history they have lacks origination
Dissatisfied with their own situations
They'd buy your black skin if it was worth their down payment

Hypocritical to a sense literal
Coincidental how the long arm of the law
Tends to bend the rules

And grade the 'colored' on a curve
Being vain, with their emotions hues change
So it's easy to see who has the nerve

Claiming ties to land they've never been from
Accomplishing feats and mastering the weather was one
Makes you wonder how'd the pyramids ever get done
While shedding skin, getting burnt and turning red in the sun

What a creature...
Stu Harley Feb 2015
the one drop rule
invisible blackness
black versus white
different categories of race
created by man for evil purposes
such as caucasoid negroid and mongoloid
this is a bunch of hooey
these words are just terms for
marginalising whole groups of people
by some smarty pant with a so-called degree
in anthropology and sociology
who gives people the right to classify other racial groups
I pondered it - anyway just blue smoke and mirror stuff
created by some racist people organizations and institutions
by creating racial and class division plus religion creating wars
God created man - singular form
God created man from the earth (black mud)
and no accident that we are made from one blood
oh yeah - Adam's blood
mankind is just a very large extended family - based on DNA
Europeans are not 100% white
they became white because of environmental adaptations
and they are no better that the rest of God's creations on earth
skin color does not make one racial group superior than another
this is just a head and mind game for social and political advantages
however everyone is a Heinz 57 mixture
White People are mixed with so much stuff - too
oh yeah baby and who is your daddy now
race mixing has been around
throughout the history of mankind and still
it will continue to mix races in the future
just remember this
the neanderthal mated on a regular basis with the homosapien
no race is 100% pure of anything
according to one drop rule - White are neanderthals too
this one drop rule is a silly and hidden taboo that is just plain ludicrous
God is a good God
God is neither Black nor White but He is a Being of Existence of every dimension
God is the all of everything - seen and unseen
God exist in every creation
God is a part of you and me
the will of God lives in every place
God is justice and equality
God don't speech hate and racism
God is love and peace toward all mankind
God does not make men slaves
God gives man the right to be free
God wants man to be inherit the earth and be good stewards
Well ain't God good no matter how you look at it
yes He is good - all the time my brother
yes god is good and everlasting
amen amen amen
Dear Jerry-2: Chinese food kills people more efficiently than do cracked engine blocks. Be forevermore weary (if not wary) of victuals that are to be picked at (with chop-sticks) rather than those to be shoveled (with spoons). โ€” Reflectively [I bought a shotgun at Wal-Mart. They insisted upon loading it: โ€œin case anyone gives you **** on the way out..."]
   Mature souls and keys, souled and keyed alike, appreciate these thorough-going times, well-spent, spirited & sprinted in the la Filipiniana: Masbate City. Who, but the fools what fool us, trolleys on buses, gases on waves and skirts the hoops? The craftiness of crafters crafting @ Kraft, the blister-makers @ Kung Fu Enterprises, know all worth knowing with regards to things known and knowable and knowledgeable. Let us consider drag queens a step closer to the long-term relationships forfeited on radio and forested by the ranger squad.
The Fire Burns Oct 2016



All colors of flesh
and locales

Does this define who a person is?
does it limit their thoughts?
can it determine what they will be?
is it self limiting?

Simply words as adjectives
words to describe
as we need to be able to do that

While people are equal in spirit
we are not cookie cutter creatures
and there is nothing wrong with that

Differences can be separating
Like birds of a feather flock together
They can also be celebrated and used
Learn from other peoples

Teach what you know
learn what they know
and combine to make
yourself and hopefully them
as well a better human
( อกยฐ อœส– อกยฐ) ( อกยฐ อœส– อกยฐ) ( อกยฐ อœส– อกยฐ) ( อกยฐ อœส– อกยฐ)
Here on 2 limbs hobbles a 110-year-old pervert, Kirk Douglas, who
fugged fugging Marilyn Monroe fugless like 1 Aussie **** Kug lass
***** it tightly, sweet, slutty ***** in a perch from the lowest mast
with the queer **** who kicked in your teeth after you back-sassed
a family ******, I meant therapist, 47 centuries ago in the recent past
whilst kaffirs sold for a displaced value & **** got 'em lynched fast
as slaves were replacement-ready when white girls got them gassed
as ******* were placed steady when pink-titted girls had 'em gassed
as slaves were replaced already 'cause **** broads got them gassed
'cause any way you mounted it the leg-breakers struck a broken cast
from short shards of a super speedway's superficial asphaltical blast
that bombed big red dog Clifford's **** ยฝ so big as the 1 before last
so as to cover civilized folks & render traditional gay queers aghast
at the sick **** rumblings of organized colon-clutterer Thomas Nast
& his merrie band of coolies & ne're-do-wells routinely out-classed
dead Charles W. Fairbanks, his nephropathy & deeds done ยฝ-assed
in 1909 when Wales appeared, to ****** ***** on dope, tall & vast
& open to the dirt-bag raunchiest, slickest, iconoclastical iconoclast
whose morganatical marriage meant zero to Cymru lepers harassed
by what ****-****-licking/puking anti-popes did for embarrassment
in the Vatican's most x-pope steady, paederastically-cozy apartment
that was no-less bigger than the *******-******-ghetto compartment
where it was ebonically-taught what the worst navy-bean **** meant
after eating obese Santa's guts before the final Christmas card's sent
Tick them off, each one's deader than the other for keeps like butter
***-spread 'cross lower labial lips that spit, sprawl, sputter & stutter
in the gray-cancer corpse cream cheese of Laura & Isaac Perlmutter
living the lives of 439 felonious fugitives in pig-****-garbage clutter
I was tossin' large rocks at myself when a large rock struck my face
bashin' in my nose to make me look like I was from an inferior race
I was lucky to have my passport if questioned by whites just in case
I was throwin' rocks at myself when a big one struck me in my face
smashing my nose to make me look like I was from an inferior race
I held a new passport, if white officials wanted to see it, just in case
I was droppin' big rocks on myself when big rocks crushed my face
widenin' my Caucasoid nose like an ugly pig of an undesirable race
I needed a good passport, if white officers demanded it, just in case
I was killin' myself with boulders when 1 race-mixed my ***** race
bashin' in my nose to make me look like I had an inferior **** face
I possessed a valid passport, if white cops demanded it, just in case
flattening my nose to make me look as if I was from a Mongol race
I possessed a valid visa, if white pigs demanded 1, & a can of mace
because even with a **** nose I could flee Vietnam without a trace
with leprous tourists, spastically limping to an unknown someplace
far from the rigors of a religiously-generous-bombed-out home base
queerly accented in wool hung crรชpe & whitework embroidery lace
that trails down downed trails florid in flower for a perfumed chase
over a broken crutch mountain to ******* cripples via bracing brace
that holds Big Bertha beyond Elton John's pacemaker's stodgy pace
as excitement builds when 2 ****-buddies present Elton with a vase
that allows Big Bertha to under-pace Elton John's pacemaker's pace
as excitement builds when a ****-buddy shoves up into Elton a vase

( อกยฐ อœส– อกยฐ)
Give me your hirsute/textile/hombre love you lovely hairy rag man,
with your pointy nose, unlimbered leg & warts from Larry Hagman
who from the horse's mountable side snuck up like an airy stag ram
Don't take what little's left via state Santa Christmas merry bag ban
Let's dress like women in debt at the oldest Chuck Berry drag stand
My happiness is easily seen in blood-letting cirques as corpuscular
while my rippling backwards frontage is of a physique so muscular
that it is known by fat aunt Joan as socked-in and highly avuncular
In icy Florida I pine for Klondike my favorite Alaskan lesbian lover
who, in our gay igloo, resembled that big oily ****** Danny Glover

( อกยฐ อœส– อกยฐ)
Refugees flee what's so repressively dangerous that it's forever fled
The bloodied blood biz passes pathogens to bleeders bloodily bled
It is a dreadful situation that ****** folks find difficult not to dread
A gent is obliged to face conflict face first short of living in a shed,
plying the rough trade, rough-necking with ******* or playing dead
When my cruddy teeth are encrusted I brush the crud off with Crest
while working drainward with this golden cake of soap called Zest
Like a woman on public assistance I refuse to let my choppers rest
There was a time when talk of quiz was a precursor to an Iowa test
My basic skills are determinedly under-cutting my housewife guest
whose stems run north to her malignant tissue free mammae breast
In movies shooting orphans with high-powered rifles is done in jest
'cause in Amerika making ammunition is what wage-slaves do best
(tell the dee jay to cue Thus Spake Zarathustra)

Most recent orbitz upon oblate spheroid
launched dawning consciousness, of this android
hood doth dream of electric sheep,
perhaps one named Dan Aykroyd
Yes - band aid together with Blues Brothers

adept at performing renditions, sans Pink Floyd,
asper where soul asylum hoop fully sent
precariously perched upon an asteroid
as aye trundled mine third score journey
around nearest star hearkening greater intent

for this nasal twanging, which annoyed
me as a kid (split uvula courtesy scapegoat)
bullies zeroed in (kamikaze like) destroyed
(thoroughly good) mine self esteem
puncturing psyche whole life, asper yours truly

(long stretched his mein kampf) never enjoyed,
now long since dismissed from class, or rather
painstakingly, sluggishly, woefully
zipped along analogous to an amoeboid
arriving at present juncture (at the outer

limits of the twilight zone) often plaque
tracking, via blunt, fingerlike, lobose diploid
pseudopods, and tubular mitochondrial
cristae eventually brink king edge of devoid
of eternal night and nothingness

in tow with existential demise unavoid
double vision, emasculating spectacle
embarrassment to fellow protozoa,
this vignette by the way...a "FAKE" factoid
but came to in a flash while deployed

in an effort to craft inane rhyme, no reason
either that or share ****** hemorrhoid
verse (barely appropriate material) for
alien, foreigner or humanoid,

thus confabulating prevarication
to entertain, kibbitz, regale with overactive
imagination not jest prominent among Mongoloid,
but storytelling evident with Caucasoid and Negroid.
Racism is rampant in the United States of America. American Negroid men **** 20,000 American Caucasoid women each year. American  Caucasoid men **** so few American Negroid women that the number is listed (in annual crime statistic reports by the Federal Bureau of Investigation) as negligible.
Raj Jun 2020
Black Lives Matter..
Don't say wait..... Don't say later,
Black lives Matter..

None here is creator...
Caucasoid , mongoloid.
Let's love our brother,
Let's love our sister.

Hate isn't a way to go..
United we stand, United we grow..
Draw.. Near to every broken heart.
Roar... Yes Black Lives Matter.

No man small,
No man great.
Under every races the same breathe breathes.
Wait... Revise the dates.. 1990's fades.
With the growth of time let mind grow mates.

Thank you.
PATHETICAL ASSORTMENTS OF FREAKS & WEIRDOS detest the fact that virtually every machine & gizmo, from the internal combustion engine to the beauty salon hair dryer to toenail clippers, was invented & developed by Caucasoid men. The ghetto-pride of America's modern, weak slobs validates mucho willful stupidity.
[Better driver means deader dog.] A black (Negroid) book review fair divides & diminishes us no less than a white (Caucasoid) book review fair. Am I not your brother regardless of my skin color? "Authoress" Alice Walker's "novel": The Third Life of Grange Copeland promotes Marxian victimhood. Walker wallows in the misery of destitute Negroes. She rubs the readers' noses in it. Negroes ARE NOT side-show freaks! Evil woman: Stop dividing God's children and stop calling yourself Alice as that's MY Mother's name! My feet need washing! Where's the pope?

— The End —