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linda barrett Aug 2013
Seven Caesars

A haven in Bensalem
To come in from the storm
The Banquet Hall from Heaven
A zesty place to keep warm
Seven gilded statues wearing breastplates
All seven with spears and raised golden fingers
Its lavish atmosphere scintillates
The overall effect still lingers
Long after the garlic aftertaste
Has departed from your tongue
Sumptuous food will never waste
The ambience is always fun
Pizzaro had his City of Gold
Ponce De Leon had his Fountain of Youth
But we’ve found our treasure hold
Ride Route One North for the proof

@1995, 2006 Linda Barrett

A Time for Love
@2013 Linda Barrett

Two lovers
On Society’s opposite sides
Meet together:
One upholding its
Age Limit laws
Preventing citizens from living
Past their expiration dates
The other
seeks the Spirit world
for answers
Outside of Society’s rules
Both unite as a single unit
Run from the Eye
Which sees them both
Seer and Reaper
Two individuals divided
Against One Society
Add love to the formula
Now what is the product?
Divinus Qualia Jul 2015
You are a familiar
downtown intersection,
even though I'm
from the suburbs.
You are streetlights
that don't flash yellow
at 9:00pm, busy
don't stop but
go slowly. Careful.
You are construction,
hazard lights,
hiding caution signs
in bedrooms
and you are painted
in warning orange,
red lights and green,
stop and go cars
lining the way.
You are brunch time
traffic and stale car air,
loud music on the radio.
You are being late
for our reservation and
not knowing what to order.
You are mimosas
and caesers and sangrias
before noon,
spice in my mouth and
burning my throat.
You are unorganized,
not knowing
formal table settings.
You are hungry, you are
full of Spanish breakfast.
You are unsure about
where we should go,
where will we end up?
You are a lazy midday walk,
the cloudless sky.
You are skipping rocks
under bridges and finding
perfect pebbles.
You are inappropriate
footwear for the task,
my blue dress by the river.
You are slick shore rocks,
tears or waterfalls or sweat,
slipping into danger.
You are sirens, my wailing
drowns by the water.
You are flashing lights,
here and gone and here and -
You are what I think about
in waiting rooms,
off white florescent lighting
and white tile ceilings
and business black chairs
and a heavy ticking clock.
You are the dead space in my life.
You are the dead space.
You are the dead.
You are.

**V. K.
Zac Truskowski May 2014
Being paranoid is being stuck in a prison in my mind, i and yet i know i comitted no crime, and yet with time i still see no rhyme or reason why i m being blamed fo this teason. It feels like i am going cray or maybe i am just too lazy to look on the bright side of things, oh how i hate how much it stings. Being trampled by your own thoughts is a horrible way to go, i think i'd rather freeze to death in the freezing snow. Everything is real, at least that's how it feels, i feel like i haveto *** but i can never make it gleem. Oh this feeling i dread, sometimes i think i'd rather be dead or at least hit in the head, to get these thoughts out of my mind or at least find a fine line between fiction and reality but thats not going to happen on a little caesers salary. Everything feels real but i know its not, sometimes i wanna go back to smoking ***. i know i need help before i start to yelp. If i dont i feel like ill hang by my neck and by then it will be too late to correct. Being paranoid is being stuck in a prison in my mind, i feel like i commited no crime...

— The End —