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Karijinbba Sep 2021
"Ishq woh Aag Hai joh Jagaye Na Lage - Aur Buzaaye Na Buze"*
Many waters cannot,
quench love,
neither can the floods
drown it.
If a man offered for love
all the wealth of his house,
he would be utterly despised.
Many women cannot quench
a real mans heart only one,
A true love twin flame, may.
A twin flame can't be bought
nor sold or given away
his art is priceless.
Loves flame cannot be
except contained by my beloved.
flame who truly loves me.
I would lead thee, bring thee
into my mother's house, who would instruct me to cause thee
to drink of spiced wine;
of the juice of my pomegranate,
or my aged bubbly Purepecha champagne aged by my father David
under my starry skies where I was born.queen of my father's
forest lands.
Oh dearly mine beloved..GR
How I love thee.
Inspired by King Salomon.
and the love of my life.
Părul de foc
Părul de toamnă
Părul de sânge
Părul de magmă

- Părul de apus

Ochii din aburi
Ochii din fum
Ochi de pisică
Ochi de nebun

Buze din nori
Curburi din picturi
Dinți prea frumoși
Să-i ascunzi sau înjuri

Emoții prea multe
Sufletul mare
Mai degrabă adânc
Chiar de mai pare
Mic de statură.

Ambiții grozave
Cuvinte reale
Istorii amare
Și niște animale


— The End —