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Matthew James Jun 2016
We're off to Never never land - Paracetamol, cucumber sandwiches and the lost rent boy

Gav called me up.
Him and Tolly were going out to Never Never Land in Blackburn
3 lost boys off on a curious adventure

Mi mum dropped me off at Gavs 'ouse ont' Shad estate
Gav got us a coke before we caught t' buz in
But 'e sprinkled in some white pewder
"What's this? Pixie dust?"
"It's summat to gi' you Speed" said Tolly
"just drink it!" Said Gav
So I did

"2nd Star t' t' reet and straight on t' t' moornin'!"

But we'd bin sold crushed paracetamol

So we just acted like we were ****** and lied to each other about ow buzzin wi were
But we weren't buzzin
Then we caught buz in
Waitin' for t' affects o' t' artificial amphetamine t' kick in
'N' we got t' Neverland
No mermaids 'ere
No pretty ***** girls
There were a few blokes wi dodgy eyes n limps
But no no, no-n-no no, no-n-no no no no there's no pirates!
Just ****** plastic Palm trees
'N' townies in fluorescent nylon shirts
No peacock feathered hats ere
Just steps n curtains n aggressive faces
'N' me wi' a bowl cut and trepidation
Tryin' t' think happy thoughts

Surrounded bi freebooters, piccaroons, Buccaneers, filibusters and Rovers
Wi' their left foot, right foot dancing
And an eye on t' maidens
Sneering in our direction
Lost boys
That 'aven't grown up

I sort o' skirted round edges feelin' scared
Then went to sit at sides on an empty table 'n' hid

On t' next table were a nice lookin' couple o' blokes.
They must o' bin good mates!
They were cuddlin' 'n' touchin' each other a lot.
Anyhow, thi got talking t' mi
Told 'em I'd not bin out before
"Ow old are you lad? 14/15?"
"I'm 18"
Thi sort o' laughed, dunno why
Then one of 'em offered me a cucumber sandwich
I thought t' mi sel'
"I dunno much about nightclubs but I dunt think folk normally bring cucumber sandwiches!"
But I were 'ungry so I ate it
Then I think 'e thought we were mates coz 'e were touchin mi leg
I 'ad to crow for Gav an' Tolly
They came in like Peter Pan and rescued mi and I set off for 'ome

I went to t' phone box n' called mi mum
Didn't know town reet well
So I waited for 'er outside o' mi old school
There were some scary lookin people on one side o't' road snappin at each other like crocodiles
So I stood under t' lamppost so I were int' leet an' t' cars passin could see mi
Felt safer like that
Time passed
Tick tock tick tock
T' crocodiles were lurkin
Each time a car passed I stepped out a bit
To look for mi mum
Drivers kept lookin at mi nervously n drivin off
Maybe thi thought I were a crocodile too
N they kept smirking at mi
Then some officers pulled up like privateers in their blue and white flashin galleon
Made us stand again t' wall as I asked for parle
'N' thi searched mi for treasure
Asked us if I pulled into port for rentin
"Rentin' what? I'm Waitin for mi mum."
"Aye cap'n! Hahaha! I'm sure you are! Dressed in tight little hot pants!"
"These aren't 'ot pants, they're chinos?!"
Then mi mum turned up an said "oh aye! This streets t' red light district!"
"Well ****** me!"

Never, never again... Until uni happened
Ceyhun Mahi Jan 2017
Hayal rüya diyarı hep saçar,
Ateş olur ki buz ve buz ateş.
Hayal Alemde her ne yok ne var,
Güneş olur ki ay ve ay güneş!
Lakin bu dünya hep hayır değil,
Zira ki var orada harıstan,
Zalim diken dolu gıcır değil,
Sorar gönül: o nerde gülistan?
Nazik zaman ve sert zaman döker,
Ve aynı an hayal eder devam,
Katar güzel görüş katar zalim keder,
Ve de olur onun için selam!
  Yalan söyler o pembe tozlu gül,
  Şaşırtılır zavallı her gönül.
Meter: Me fâ i lün / Me fâ i lün / Fe ul
Yanehs MagTa Nov 2012
My name is Aziz,
I am the one 2be up in your buz-nees.
what a pleasure it must be for you to meet me
i greet thee!
so treasure this
to your measure.
I am the one,
who knows the one,
who is not the one to be re-done.
she is this girl
stuck in a whirl
who thinks in a swirl,
that girl
my friend, who was born totally bent!
Tis me she kissed and i couldn't resist
for i am Aziz,
one ******* enough to be all up in her buz-nees.

My name is Aziz
I'm like a venereal disease
not your average menstrual bleed.
One taste of me and you'll be screaming 'Yes please!'
I'll bite into your neck like a sucker with a sore leg
as you beg for more at my door,
te amour.

My name is Aziz
I'm like a contagious disease
not your average ******.
******* puurrlezz!!
I kiss girls in my car and watch them shake it like it's hot. All over the parking lot
dot dot dot

My name is Aziz
grand master of saying thank you and please with easy e. ****! she was not meant for me...what did she mean when she leaned in
Aziz! Aziz! Aziz!
yes? Thank you?? Please *******, FREEZE!!

my name is Aziz
I've got her heart on my sleeve, so I'll make like a tree and leave this to be, as it's not meant for me.
She likes sea shells on the sea shore unfortunately not more, what a bore. I don't care that she's not sorry, but why do i feel so sore.

My name is Aziz
i miss, Miss.
I miss her in the morning i miss her on the phone i miss  her cause she ran all the way home.

My name is Aziz
i think i know that lady!
she'd always call me baby
she hasn't rung me lately.
She no longer goes to the beef she doesn't eat
Do you know why maybe..
Is it cause she hates meat??
Whereas i love eeet.

My name is Aziz can i talk to you please?
I wanna say all these things
like ring a ling ling
where did she get that bling
My ******* knee hurts cause it's in a sling.
I wish i was a Saudi king
if i was would you tell me why you wear that ring??

My name is Aziz
can i see you please
or are you no longer for lease... Is it because you think I'm a sleeze?
I'll beg on my knee and say please (-) the thank you
i promise not to prank you.
There's all these things i wanna say.
I understand that you may be gay,
i don't need a lay.
I just need to speak to you Shenay nay.

Your name Aziz.
wala, you said you love me, wala, i said i love you too. I'm sorry i wasn't meant for you.
See, it's nearly a full moon and I'm still so blue...
I really wanna see you.
But I'm too stubborn to actually talk to you.
Even though our love was enough i'm not sorry i played bluff.
but now, this all feels too, much
Don't you see, i was in a rush.
I should have hit you over the head with your crutch.
But instead i kissed you, your lips, they were so lush.
They even made me blush.
You weren't my crush, but now I'm crushed. Because of us my brain's gone to mush.
I wish i was still your baby and we could pretend that it's all groovey, maybe even watch a movie.
But in the perfect world my frnd I'd be stryt and u, u'd be my perfect m8.
A story of love I suppose.
Wrote this for ***** and giggles initially but they've open wounds so deep all of which i thought were meek even non existing but it was only my internal emotions resisting.
This must be my favourite one that I've ever done, thus far.
Brandon Sep 2011
***blebee* buzzing
From flower to my shoulder
Don’t pollinate *me
Elisa sanlatte Mar 2014
See, I don't like to call him ex
I like to call him y
As in why the **** did you leave me?
And I know I sound so weak admitting
That you took a part of me when you left

A laugh
A buz buz of a honey bee
A bitten lip
A moan
A delighted gasp

All stolen away in your little black bag of secrets

I want it all back
Return that ****, dude.
It wasn't yours to take

And also
Some truth...

You were really never mine to keep
You don't belong to anyone
(Though you do claim you are a spawn of Satan)
But I thought you were an angel
A dark, mysterious, mischievous little angel
Who ****** me over
And y'know ****** me over
And also causes me to get into a fetal position
Whenever My Heart Will Go On plays on my shuffle

Love is when I loved you

Did you ever love me?
Or nah?
You told me you did

"I'll always love you."
"It's not you, it's me."

Reasons or excuses
Or psychological disturbances
Or maybe I was just too ******* in love with you

Either way, I still wonder

And when you breeze into a room
I want to hate you
Because I'm so tired of the tears collecting
At the rim of my tired dark eyes

You little ****
Ex boyfriend thoughts.
Tryst Mar 2015
Arm gooin' daàn me muvva's
An arm gonna goo by buz
Cos me feet am bloomin' urtin'
An I aint got me an oss

Then arm off to ave some bevvies
An arm gonna get kaylied
If yow'm in the Jolly Nailor
Then arl shaàt ya one inside

Doh goo bein' a soft apeth
Doh goo doin' owt thats daft
Cos when yow'v dun ad' a skinful
Then yow know yow just get saft

If ar doh see yow befow'r yow goo
Arl see yow on anon
Cos arm kippin' on the sofa
Raànd me mums aàs back up um
İçimde yarın seni göremeyecek olmanın üzüntüsü var
Buğulu, her an ağlamaklı gözlerini görememenin
Sanki çocukken kırmışlar da seni öyle mahzun bakıyormuşsun gibi Dalgalı deniz saçlarını kalbime dolayamamanın
Elini her saçına götürdüğünde yalnızlığın kıyıya vuruyor gibi
Kırgın, buz ellerinle hayata tutunamamanın
Her sımsıkı sarıldığın eller seni bırakmış gibi
Yere kapanmış kimsesiz ağlayan çocuk sesini duyamamanın
Birini kaybetmişsin de onun sessizliği gibi
İçimde bugünün son gecemiz olmasının dayanılmazlığı var
Geri dönmeyecekmişsin gibi

İçimde yarın seni göremeyecek olmanın üzüntüsü var
En çok da seni bunları başkasına derken duymanın çaresizliği var
Muzaffer Mar 2019
rem yeri
mağduruyum uzun zamandır
imarlı ifrazlı
ifrazatlı uykularım var
geçer diyor mütehassıs
saatleri geçirme
bir poşet leblebi yazıyor rengarenk
otanı için depresif günlere
dar ve loş
ne güzel de bakmış o yıllar
susçu cazibe
kreşondo çakıp durdu
yüzdü denizlerimde

su dalgası

hepsi içimde
kalıcı yaralar gibi
devşiriyor her defasında
yeni bir kesiğe
son geyşa da gitti
şeyla bakıyorum maziye
dün de
kalsa da dikiş izi
tepemi attırıyor
makas unutuyor kimi
ölmezsem bir ümit sözde

ama geçti bor’un festivali
woodstock gündem’de
eski kayıtlara bakıyorum
jimmy esrarla sahnede
ama tırmalamıyor kulağı
üflüyor sadece
kim anıyor beni bilmem
belki hapın etkisinde

yollar buz
başım kel
gözüm perde

ne zaman kliniğe gelsem
kayıp oluyorum bu evrende
akşam soğuk bir odam var
bir mum, biraz meze
bir de şarap olur mutlaka
gülümser plaktan zeki
göçerim hayallere

yakışıklı ölümdür tek arzum
şişmeden kafa, gövde

uzatırlar bir şarkıya kefeni
usulca girerim içine...
Muzaffer Sep 2019
yağmuru seviyor
beni de
sanırım - yani
o minvalde
hissettiriyor en azından

özellikle bekletmeyi
boğa heykelinde
tepelerimi sis kapladığında
çıkıyor birden soprano
şarkılar söylüyor
naftalinli, lavantalı
gönlümü bir hoş ediyor

gülüşüne biraz boya katıp
ve buz attığında rakıya
ağzında kalabalık azalıyor

ve arada.
şarkı söylediğinde
pado kokuyor nefesi
fakat arabesk sevmiyor
ne enteresan değil mi?

öyle herkes gibi
aşkım, sevgilim demiyor
vaha san diyor sürekli
sevdiğini başka türlü
belli ediyor
A. Ş. 'yi ben ekliyorum
cümle sonuna
günbe gün IQ' mu
iflasa sürüklüyor

şiire ilgimi bilmiyor
cahitten 35 yaş ezberinde
hasta beşiktaşlı, çarşıya kayıtlı
zararsız bir argosu var
racon, protokol,
kafa, göz yarma
hepsini ezbere biliyor

derin kilitliyor gözü
içimde kendini katlıyor

aralayıp nefesi hesapsız
dudağımda oruç bozuyor

birgün tövbe derse !?

This poem is Turkish...
Ayesha Oct 2022
Morrow, morrow, city of dreams
Turpentine, slowly sifting
Invades here in sashes of silk
Sounds through bone, bone
Fluid, lures the brain:
It follows coy, curious
Shuffling its thoughts, like one
With fingers, like you
with seasons— blue, and then bold—

The crows shift on the wall
Linseed a moment, and then acetone
I can only overhang and see
The stretches of the city
Forever overspill, overkill— overt
And covert— sounding through
Its buz-busses and snorts; crickets,
Cats, night, white, night
An ox-y-mo-ron, you
Are an orchestra, a tryst

Sweet mo-no-to-ny, a
Platform in a plaza
A plaque on a platform in a plaza
I ransack the dictionary in search of you
The road to lead to the relic of you—
Feed the retrospect’s imagery away
Then the crows look at me
Like I killed their maa
Lit up a June solstice in the beautiful light
Pollution and sound pollution, you
Are homecoming, I say
I say, nothing blinds like home, I say
And I cough the air out like a slang
Your city is ****, a skullduggery
To last the brazen evening
And sag by the night, you are slant
Static, ruthless to the stone come for moss
A slap on the face
Of my sentimentality
How I love to draw you: this way,
This, however I like, since you
Are sightless like a TV, hive of bee
You jig like rain, like sun, woe to me
Like sen-su-a-lity
A satin city, itty bitty pretty
Silly, let me study!

— The End —