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Danny Valdez Jan 2012
There are literally dozens of them in the valley.
Mexican food places
that end in 'betos' or 'bertos'
but for me
there was never any other
besides 'Losbetos'.
It sat at the crossroads of
Greenfield and University
a few hundred feet from my Dad's house.
Growing up through my teen years
it was always apart of my routine.
it was always there.
I took great pride in that place
always pledging my love
for their immaculate burros.
Bean & cheese
beans, lettuce, rice, and cheese
a Country burro, with eggs, potatoes, and cheese
and of course the churros.
That's all I would order from that place.
I'd walk in
and the owner
who was always working
in his jeans and Losbeto's shirt
with the fancy leather belt and shiny Mexican buckle
I'd walk in and he'd always say
'Bean & Cheese or Country?'
From my days with Ian as ***** punkers
carrying back our brown bags of burros
to eat them while watching Jason Lives.
Then being married, living at my Dad's
my walks to Losbeto's
afforded much needed breaks
from my pregnant and moody new bride
or years later
when I was down & out
3 bucks to my name
I'd spend it there and it was always worth it.
The cheese was melted
the beans tasted like my Nana's
the tortillas were fluffy and soft
it put Filiberto's to shame.
Every woman
that has ever danced with me
and then exited my life
went through there.
One time, over a four day period,
I went in there with three different girls
a new woman everyday
and on the fourth I went in alone.
The owner's round face lit up
and he laughed loudly
as I approached the counter in my boots & leather jacket
"No girls today, my fren?"
"Ha ha ha! No, no, not today."
It was like going home
every time I walked in.
Made friends with the owner's son
and we'd always *******
about our Dad's and how nothing pleased them
he even hooked me up with a few Losbeto's hats
for preferred customers only.
I had it made.
Until last week
life falling apart
woman left me
job fired me
no money for the bus to job hunt
I was stuck.
But that night I was with a friend
and he said, he'd buy us burritos.
So we pulled up from the back
and I instantly sensed something was wrong.
The family's SUV was parked in the drive-thru
the sign shut off and darkened
a big orange U-Haul parked next to the side door.
It felt like pulling up to your house
with yellow tape surrounding it.
Without saying a word
I jumped from the truck and ran
straight for the backdoor.
When I saw the inside
my worst fears came to life
my heart sank into my gut.
The room was empty
everything moved out
lines on the walls from where
the prep table used to be.
The owner and his son
were sweeping up
while the little ninos ran around
with smiles on their faces
but none of the adults were smiling
not one.
"Wha? What's going on? Everything okay?"
I asked, hoping they were
just moving out old equipment
or something.
"No bro. We're closing down, homes."
The son said to me, with a glum look.
"What? No. Why?"
"They raised the rent on us, can't pay it, we're not making as much as we used to."
I felt guilty
I hadn't eaten there in nearly two weeks.
"So that's it? You guys are done?" I asked
The son looked to his Dad and asked him in Spanish.
He told him and then he told me,
"We're gonna try and find another location with cheaper rent, but I don't know. We'll see."
Then he gave me his number
and I said goodbye
walked back out to the truck
where my friend was waiting.
"*******, dude. You look like a family member just died."
"Yeah, that's what happened. Basically."
I'm gonna starve now.
Sjr1000 Aug 2014
Long Valley lay outside my bedroom window
high desert Northern Nevada,
each sunrise
brilliant red
in the passing dawn,
the petroglyphs
we were drawn.

The asphalt became a dirt road
then the dirt road ended.

Along Long Valley
like some drive through zoo,
herds of wild burros
separated by Pinion pines
the white sage
the dust devils
and the tumble weeds
and a 52 Studebaker body
perfectly preserved
in the high desert dry air
one could only wonder how it got there.

Long Valley had its own expanse
its own vibration to the air
distinct and unique
filled with wonder
way out there.

The petroglyphs
10,000 year old drawings
at once was
the shores of ancient
Lake Lahontan
you could feel it there.

Trying to decipher
the lines and curly cues
circles and swirls
stars and shapes
an alien consciousness
from another land
another time.

This was no one rock
acres and acres
of generations
communicating with one another
the rocks worn away
from thousands of years of sitting
forming perfect lounge chairs,
perhaps sitting alongside
some receding shore line.

There were  stone rock walls carefully stacked
mysteriously standing  scattered
in the desert
no one knows what it really means.

While lost in the tones
the scents and vision
of the millennium,
on the hillside
through the Tamarack
and Pinion
there emerged
four wild mustangs
at a distance
on the top of the ridge
not those that wandered
into our Virgina City yards

But wild animals
tied to the horses of the millennium.
Power and Strength
spirit gods
reminding us of where we were.
The winds blew
the black mane
of the male in front
wet from sweat
chest heaving in breath
and then they were gone
over the hill
from where they had come.

The petroglyphs were silent.
The sounds of the winds
the sounds of the small stream
less than a drop
in the once Great Lahontan Sea.

Before the sun went down
we needed to leave
driving along the sides
of dry river beds
up rocky hillsides
along the electrical lines
to the dirt road
to the asphalt
as the Long Valley
sunset shot
spires of red.
When the cowboys and silver miners left the Comstock, they abandoned their horses which became free and became the wild Mustangs often now considered a nuisance and often starving.  It's become another tragedy when civilization and nature meet.
The journey to the petroglyphs is a true story, my son James was there, father and son there's a whole other poem for another day.
The mustangs we encountered were healthy, free and truly wild animals, and the spirits of all animals that had once ran free.
Fue domingo en las claras orejas de mi burro,
de mi burro peruano en el Perú (Perdonen la tristeza)
Mas hoy ya son las once en mi experiencia personal,
experiencia de un solo ojo, clavado en pleno pecho,
de una sola burrada, clavada en pleno pecho,
de una sola hecatombe, clavada en pleno pecho.

Tal de mi tierra veo los cerros retrasados,
ricos en burros, hijos de burros, padres hoy de vista,
que tornan ya pintados de creencias,
cerros horizontales de mis penas.

En su estatua, de espada,
Voltaire cruza su capa y mira el zócalo,
pero el sol me penetra y espanta de mis dientes incisivos
un número crecido de cuerpos inorgánicos.

Y entonces sueño en una piedra
verduzca, diecisiete,
peñasco numeral que he olvidado,
sonido de años en el rumor de aguja de mi brazo,
lluvia y sol en Europa, y ¡cómo toso! ¡cómo vivo!
¡cómo me duele el pelo al columbrar los siglos semanales!
Y cómo, por recodo, mi ciclo microbiano,
quiero decir mi trémulo, patriótico peinado.
La hélice deja de latir;
así las casas no se vuelan,
como una bandada de gaviotas.

Erizadas de manos y de brazos
que emergen de unas mangas enormes,
las barcas de los nativos nos abordan
para que, en alaridos de gorila,
ellos irrumpan en cubierta
y emprendan con fardos y valijas
un partido de "rugby".

Sobre el muelle de desembarco,
que, desde lejos,
es un parral rebosante de uvas negras,
los hombres, al hablar,
hacen los mismos gestos
que si tocaran un "jazz-band",
y cuando quedan en silencio
provocan la tentación
de echarles una moneda en la tetilla
y hundirles de una trompada el esternón.

Calles que suben,
se adelgazan
para poder pasar,
se agachan bajo las casas,
se detienen a tomar sol,
se dan de narices
contra los clavos de las puertas
que les cierran el paso.

¡Calles que muerden los pies
a cuantos no los tienen achatados
por las travesías del desierto!

A caballo en los lomos de sus mamas,
los chicos les taconean la verija
para que no se dejen alcanzar
por los burros que pasan
con las ancas ensangrentadas
de palos y de erres.

Cada ochocientos metros
de mal olor
nos hace "flotar"
de un "upper-cut".

Fantasmas en zapatillas,
que nos miran con sus ojos desnudos,
las mujeres
entran en zaguanes tan frescos y azulados
que los hubiera firmado Fray Angélico,
se detienen ante las tiendas,
donde los mercaderes,
como en un relicario,
ensayan posturas budescas
entre las nubes tormentosas
de sus pipas de "kiff".

Con dos ombligos en los ojos
y una telaraña en los sobacos,
los pordioseros petrifican
una mueca de momia;
ululan lamentaciones
con sus labios de perro,
o una quejumbre de "cante hondo";
inciensan de tragedia las calles
al reproducir sobre los muros
votivas actitudes de estela.

En el pequeño zoco,
las diligencias automóviles,
¡guardabarros con olor a desierto!,
ábrense paso entre una multitud
que negocia en todas las lenguas de Babel,
arroja y abaraja los vocablos
como si fueran clavas,
se los arranca de la boca
como si se extrajera los molares.

Impermeables a cuanto las rodea,
las inglesas pasean en los burros,
sin tan siquiera emocionarse
ante el gesto con que los vendedores
abren sus dos alas de alfombras:
gesto de mariposa enferma
que no puede volar.

Chaquets de cucaracha,
sonrisas bíblicas,
dedos de ave de rapiña,
los judíos realizan la paradoja de vender
el dinero con que los otros compran;
y cargados de leña y de jorobas
los dromedarios arriban
con una escupida de desprecio
hacia esa humanidad que gesticula
hasta con las orejas,
vende hasta las uñas de los pies.

¡Barrio de panaderos
que estudian para diablo!
¡Barrio de zapateros
que al rematar cada puntada
levantan los brazos
en un simulacro de naufragio!
¡Barrio de peluqueros
que mondan las cabezas como papas
y extraen a cada cliente
un vasito de "sherry-brandy" del cogote!

Desde lo alto de los alminares
los almuédanos,
al ver caer el Sol,
instan a lavarse los pies
a los fieles, que acuden
con las cabezas vendadas
cual si los hubieran trepanado.

Y de noche,
cuando la vida de la ciudad
trepa las escaleras de gallinero
de los café-conciertos,
el ritmo entrecortado
de las flautas y del tambor
hieratiza las posturas egipcias
con que los hombres recuéstanse en los muros,
donde penden alfanjes de zarzuela
y el Kaiser abraza en las litografías al Sultán...

En tanto que, al resplandor lunar,
las palmeras que emergen de los techos
semejan arañas fabulosas
colgadas del cielo raso de la noche.
Victor Marques Jan 2014
Não sei como é viver em paz,
Canta o sapo e bom rapaz.
As cabras pastam nos montes,
Burros e frescas fontes.

Tantos problemas sociais,
Politiquice e  coisas banais.
O ser humano tenta ser justo,
Hipócrita a qualquer custo.

Sociedade portuguesa tão triste,
Nossa identidade existe.
Enfermo em águas termais bem quentes,
Amor a nossos semelhantes.

Outrora nossos navegadores o mar eternizaram,
Dragões e tormentas ultrapassaram.
Hoje estamos num tempo perdido sem beleza,
Falta amor à mãe natureza.

Victor Marques
O espectro é virtual
por trás do vidro
vive-se uma vida
notícias seguem soltas
e o rio desce

A correnteza leva
levas de burros
que berram bobagens
bradando incongruências
aos seus estilos de vida
e o rio desce

A turba canta
canções de esquecimento
que em dias se esgotarão
pelo cansaço, pela delonga
e o rio desce

Solitárias fotografias
sorrisos que não riem os olhos
e frases bonitas
e ideologias baratas
e batalhas inúteis
e pratos ornados
e opiniões passageiras
reiteradas, reiteradas, reiteradas
e o rio desce

Como corpos despidos
e livros abertos
lê-se por ler
fala-se por falar
mostra-se pra ser
e se é por mostrar
e o rio desce
Victor Marques Oct 2013
As aldeias

Outrora as plantas eram verdes e singulares,
Aldeias dispersas expostas ao luar,
Pelourinhos estranhamente nus,
Candeias e pouca luz.

Cavalos, burros com albardas e ferraduras,
Charruas, enxadas e portas sem fechaduras.
Cabras, ovelhas, cães e as alcateias,
Galinhas e galos  passeiam nas aldeias.

Tantas Igrejas do tempo do Marques de Pombal,
Se expõem e embelezam Portugal.
As fontes são antigas com água para beber,
Ribeiro que corre por correr…

O xisto e o granito ficam imortalizados,
Exaltam o trabalho de nossos antepassados.
Aldeias lindas que enchem livros nunca lidos,
Aldeias dos amores e dos amigos…

aldeias, portugal, granito, xisto
Talvez se escrever o sono venha
Cansada do excesso de cansaço
Nas alturas menos certas
Creio que há 2 horas que devia estar a dormir
Se pudesse
Mas embora o cansaço esteja presente
Nos meus músculos, olhos
Não chegou ainda à base.

Talvez o meu cérebro seja notivago.
Chego a estas conclusões na exaustão da noite
Quando, por desespero, pego num lápis
E desacredito-me ainda mais.
Mas passo a explicar:
Durante todo o dia sinto-me dormente
Ah, para quê falinhas mansas?
Sinto-me burra, sem conseguir pensar
Mas na chegada da noite
Com o silêncio e a escuridão que se sentem na noite
Tudo se liga e se ilumina
E o meu cérebro trabalha e penso, penso, penso
E mais certezas tenho de que sou burra
Não que tenha pensamentos burros, não!
Mas por que raio tê-los agora e
De forma tão agressiva e exaustiva
Sem chegar a ser agressiva e exaustiva o suficiente
Para escrever alguma coisa de jeito
Ou para me fazer cair para o lado
Suficiente apenas para uma mais noite em branco
Talvez nunca tenha acordado.
Speaking Eyes Jan 2021
Era tan improbable que nos separemos amor mío…
Parece que a veces los burros sí vuelan…
To my endoses love... Christopher.
Aquí estoy,
Merezco que me azoten.

No lamí la rompiente,
la sombra de las vacas,
las espinas,
la lluvia;
con fervor,
durante años;

No me postré ante el barro,
ante el misterio intacto
del polen,
de la calma,
del gusano,
del pasto;
por timidez,
por miedo,
por pudor,
por cansancio.

No adoré los pesebres,
las ventanas heridas,
los ojos de los burros,
los manzanos,
el alba;
sin restricción,
de hinojos,
con los poros erectos,
con los brazos al viento,
en comunión de espanto,
de humildad,
de ignorancia,
como hubiera deseado...

¡como hubiera deseado!

— The End —