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Yenson Aug 2019
If after a certain age
you cannot be your own counsel
forget everything and go become a Socialist
they do a good line in regurgitating Bullshite

With mixed up minds
and ideology of hate and envy
Devils Advocates on temporary release from the madhouses
they say politics is spin and opposing sanity is power

The boring tonton Macoute
fantasists and deluded failures in hidden affrays
no rhyme or logic, the demagogues of the brainless and losers
paranoid semi-illiterates pontificating on their superiors affairs

What the blind butler saw meets what life below stairs reakons
as they drain the remaining drops of champagne flutes they ferry
in silver trays back to the scullery
and in that familiar Valhalla, they are gods who rule the world
One day 
you will find
that the infinite
is finite
and you'll realise
that you've been fed a line
of bullshite
all of your life.

Spellcheck is telling me
bullshite is not right,

spellcheck can kiss my ****.

I write it as I say it
and if I say it
then it's right it
has to be
or it's not me
writing it.
Shanne Mar 2018
I said a few stupid things

Like, incredibly stupid.

So stupid, in fact, that I wish I never said it in the first place.

I have this condition

It’s called spouting bullshite disease.

And it affects the people around me when it gets triggered.
Clarkia Jan 2023
I miss you
I want nothing more
Than to be in your arms
But I won't tell you
Because of self respect
Or valuing myself
Or some bullshite like that
Jan 25, 2023
Yenson Oct 2020
Overwhelmed by his brilliance
in reluctant admiration and acceptance
they spat out their distasteful putdowns and criticisms
it all overwhelms as they are overwhelmed again and again
by their glaring inferiority
they boil and redden alarmingly
tepidly searching their negative backward minds
looking for disparages and and asinine discontinuance
from their pantries of ******* nonsenses and festering bullshite
to drown out their limitations
for the differences are unassailable
the genuine might of the refined and erudite mind
to the narrow infected musings of uncouth semi-illiterates
the social inadequate muzhiks on the defensive resorts to type
and hauls manure in words
Overwhelmed by the man and his brilliance
its the only recourse of the crude defeated outshone clots
tellingly the more stringent the condemnation from dull paysans
the higher the admiration of the esteemed man that touched their raw
and sensitive bleeding nerves
Yenson Oct 2020
Overwhelmed by his brilliance
in reluctant admiration and acceptance
they spat out their distasteful putdowns and criticisms
it all overwhelms as they are overwhelmed again and again
by their glaring inferiority
they boil and redden alarmingly
tepidly searching their negative backward minds
looking for disparages and and asinine discontinuance
from their pantries of ******* nonsenses and festering bullshite
to drown out their limitations
for the differences are unassailable
the genuine might of the refined and erudite mind
to the narrow infected musings of uncouth semi-illiterates
the social inadequate muzhiks on the defensive resorts to type
and hauls manure in words
Overwhelmed by the man and his brilliance
its the only recourse of the crude defeated outshone clots
tellingly the more stringent the condemnation from dull paysans
the higher the admiration of the esteemed man that touched their raw
and sensitive bleeding nerves

— The End —