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Vaibhav Sharma Apr 2015
I had had my worst best friend,
though my story didn't end,
but I had had my worst best friend....

The story began when facebook was growing its trend,
I striked an account and reqested her to be my frnd ,
That time something giggled my hand,
But i never knew i gonna have my worst best friend.....

Singing in loud,so that every person can hear me in croud,
I woke up from sleep and felt some proud,
that was just a dream that never gonna end,
But i never knew i gonna have my wrst bst frnd....

Thinking that life will be so easy as it never ends
but who ever knew i gonna have my worst best friend...
Suffering from bitter wounds,
I had many of my friends,
But the one made me special,
And that was just my worst best friend.....

Times gonna be the worst till the end,
As i am going to get so many of "soo called frnds"...
Though these issues are going to ruin me till the end,
But i had had my worst best friend

I know things will never change and memories never end
but at last this topic grew trend
that i had had my worst best friend,
had had my worst best friend.........
Put the clocks back
and don't forget.

I'm putting mine back,
time is aware of that.

take from Peter to pay Paul,
and what's it for?
because later
we take from Paul to pay Peter,

and just to remind you,
we are all on the meter
and it's ticking away.
Very soon, those in power
will move the clocks forward
by one hour,
*******, as if I'm not old enough
they want to make me older, thIs
is why
I rely
on a sundial.
Woke up to a Winter view
that'd be nothing new
if it was Winter
it's July
the Summer season,
can you tell me the reason why
the sun ******* to leave the sky

and I'm looking
what's the game here.

the day's going to drag
it's already lasted for more
than a year

and it's only five of the clock
ConnectHook Nov 2021
Strange blond O,
A strong blonde
Long-***** star;
Norse gal on BDT
Strangled boon.
England's robot
Bore St. Ann gold.
(London gets bra!)
R-angled Boston?
Strong A/O blend,
A ****-****** RL
Lost grand bone
Dragon B stolen;
(Dragon Ben lost)
No BT gland rose.
Nose (or BT gland)
Nor to be glands
Beg. Last noon Dr.
******, bro. . . Lent.
Blood rages. TNN.
Best ***** rol'n
***** loads NTB;
Stole grand ***,
Got ngrs on blade.
Strong leo band?
Stolen dog bran!
No globe strand
Orgone land bst
Abort son legnd;
Ron's ***** belt:
***** and T-logs.
Ron, let's ban God!
(No L.D. Regan-bots:
Lord gets no ban.)
Staged non-bro L
Steal goon bndr,
Set grand loon B:
Grade B loons, TN
(Or one's LGBT dean;
Be gone, old trans !)
God's banner lot
Non-blots raged. . .
Good bats lernn.
Non-brats: lo GED
Lots o' danger, N.B.

L E T' S   GO   B R A N D O N !
Semi-coherent word collage
based on finite choices
with infinite possibilities

Each one should have the same 13 letters used.

Come on. Admit it.
I mined this vein amazingly well

— The End —