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it's been a long trip since innocence
the distant city of joy
where my tongue believed in candyfloss
my footsteps in lyrics
sugar coated moments wrapped in colorful layers of truth
so many layers of truth

I since took a degree in doubt
they taught me how to earn a living
feeding fear to babies
selling carrots to dinosaurs
how all immortal things
are shiny posters on double-decker buses
running over bridges at night

fantasies are clinging to minds
like fluff to a sticky tape
when church bells ring till death do us part
I sigh, lift my pint and cheer:
another graduating photo.
Thomas Thurman May 2010
Dear Sir: This application form,
from one potential employee,
will tell you how I should perform.
I have a first-class BSc,
ten years of writing ANSI C,
some Java; Perl with DBI;
and tendencies to wander free
and gaze, all wordless, at the sky.

I know perhaps it's not the norm
to mention this on one's CV.
I wonder if you'd just transform
the job I'm asking for, to be
not writing code, but poetry.
Do ask your boss. It's worth a try.
He'd sing, himself, when he was three,
and gaze, all wordless, at the sky.

I'd stay till ten beneath a warm
duvet, and then I'd climb a tree,
my face upheld towards the storm,
or paddle barefoot in the sea.
Perhaps a friend comes round for tea.
Perhaps among the corn we'd lie
in silent solidarity
and gaze, all wordless, at the sky.

Sir, I enclose an S.A.E.
I wonder if you might reply
and leave your desk to run with me,
and gaze, all wordless, at the sky.
For the benefit of any HR managers reading, I would like to explain that this is not entirely autobiographical.
Mateuš Conrad Nov 2021
iskra (title): par (the body to bypass the 502 bad gateway)

O these tender winter nights,
when the moon graces the skies at night,
i missed him....
in my native tongue he's known as ol'
baldy... he's not known by the name Luna...
just like the sun is a she...
& not Helios...
i missed him... how i missed him when
the nights were short...
when the biting air mingling with
frost didn't nibble at the hands
and explore x-rays...
bone-father... pristine eye:
he who discards unnecessary dreams...
will never allow recurrent dreams
to fester your mind...
   i look at this migrant crisis & think...
why are these people looking for
an elder of the north?
am i the elder?
    another question: could i be as welcoming
with a ***** attested to Abraham...
- once upon a time
i was taking a train from Romford
to Liverpool St...
a single mum with her child...
the child approached me
with a book & started reciting  the words...
in deutsche... i tried to hide weeping...
oh course i shed a tear...
a child was reading to me
about... operating trucks...
constructing scaffolds...
             doing the "magic" that diggers do...

you can just skip to the song: Utreise...

i imagine that if i were united with a woman,
the role of father would drastically undermine
my relations with the woman...
pointless talk...

i'm currently undertaking a
nvq level 2 stewarding course... so a preliminary test
of your English & Mathematics skills...
i almost completed the English skills test today,
i'll do the Maths tomorrow:
i always preferred a su doku to a game
of scrabble / a crossword...

overall score... 56%...
passable... grade C...
now the stats...
comprehension at 80%
text comparisons... eh... 50%
implicit meaning 33%...
    you're getting the drift?
poets should never be NVQ tested on their language
skills... you start reading e. e. cummings
or william burroughs?! FAIL... outright fail...
too much freedom you see...
you have to have a return policy...
a return framework...
you need to learn English parrot...

language features... at 75%...
using glossaries (67%)
organisational features (ditto)
bias (a big ******* fat 0... it ought to be O%)
bias... maybe i just misread something
or... never mind...
NVQ level testing: it's not like getting a BSc in
chemistry... oh **** no...
it's a mind spaghetti pressed...
you need to be double sure... i.e. wrong at least once...
****'s sake...

fact & opinion (50%),
writing style (75%),
written communication (60%)
writing (33%)... seriously? seriously?!
format & structure (40%),
organisational markers (60%),
persuasive language (33%),
complex sentences (50%),
GRAMMAR (80%),
verbs (75%),
     punctuation (36%),
   spelling (78%)...

   but bias at O%? you ******* kidding me?
i can't tell the difference between reading
propaganda in newspaper & reading directions
to get from A to B?

NVQ jokers... you must be stupid...
let us help you...
******* left high school with some A-levels
now they think they can rough up a BSc
owner... you know... i did this one ****** module
at university, some sociology course...
they told us to write an essay...
that we couldn't plagiarise...
what the **** did i do?
i plagiarised... we were supposed to be monitored
some some giant precursor of an A.I. Brian...
brain... that was supposed to pick up plagiarism...
sure... but if you know the "magic" of rewording
& have a ******* thesaurus handy?
i had to listen to some music,
my focus was elsewhere...
i plagiarised the essay: through & through...
managed to get a 1st for it...
did the, "system" catch me ought?
of course it didn't... so much more computers
& rules & what became my totem...
no wolves on these isles... the foxes will suffice...

NVQ *******... just regurgitate:
it's not even remotely related to learning... its a parrot
parody... but... after the initial test...
let me tell you...
i never learned so much grammar as i did now...
not under the GCSE model, for sure...
if only the English punctuated like the rest of
Europe apply diacritical marks...
but i write: outside the realm of giving a flying-****
& a gingerbread to consider what's
formal what's informal... it's... arrr... art!
you bring me down to a level of proficiency in
understanding: oi! black: to the right...
white's: down...
to the centre...
                        it's somewhat debilitating when
having to make distinctions...
what is from what's... because somehow
the practice of... congesting? concentrating...
compounding words is... informal?
if the apostrophe is so hideous when it comes
to don't vs. do not... **** away with it
when it comes to the possessive article!
don't use it... so how does: it's Sams bicycle look
like now?!
pretty ******... people make up these rules
only to give themselves gatekeeping stature...
gatekeeping hierarchical procedures...
o.k. o.k. i get it...
but i'm writing this only as a retaliation:
don't think some of us don't know what's

i'm ******* gagging for the mathematical questions,
i hope a su doku comes up...
it probably won't...

i never had so much encounters with grammar,
people who don't write poetry have ****
for brains...
there are so many formalities...
... is not even a recognised punctuation:
"strategy"... you can't allow yourself
the " " markers... whoever wrote the NVQ exam
obviously didn't read any Heidegger...

i forget that the 'obvious' intention is...
i generally appreciate 'said' as a quote...
"x" indicates toying with metaphors, misnomers &
insinuations... but no... oh no...

studying history doesn't give you the luxury of
studying grammar...
seems like grammar is fine... 80%...
bias at a big fat 0 of O%... come on?
first they test you, then they double-sure...
language so rigid is bound to be:
a non-language...
        soulless "thing"... but fair enough...
after the last, failed, terrorist attack... i'll plough through...
i like tending to the flock...
i like the look on...  faces... that seem to recognise me...
as if they know me from a dream...
and there i am... in the flesh...

my Indian companion... i fixed her clip-on tie
for her, i took the knee doing up her borrowed
steward jacket... blah blah...
she told me she was diabetic, complained about
how for a week her other companion told her
to watch her sugar intake: i will have nothing to
do with reminding you of anything...
she was freaked out by autumn leaves
piled up in the park, how she was afraid about
not knowing what might be lurking
beneath / in the pile...
i told her about my apprehension
with regards to swimming in the sea...
how i much adored swimming
in waters where i could see the depth:

swimming in glass...
how she was afraid of cycling after falling over...
how her mother made the analogy:
cycling is like flying...
only today, with my hood up...
yeah... it really is... your view is so unobstructed...
if you don't look down and spot
the tip of the handlebars...
you can almost forget your legs are peddling...
she finally managed to fathom enough
strength to kick a pile of leaves:
to no surprise... nothing but leaves beneath
the leaves...

a walk in the park... i like the idea that a woman
must be comforted...
i like women with suspicions of reality...
one little phobia here...
another little phobia over there...
i like pocket-sized minds & hearts...
its fits "in" nicely: to whatever grand event is
happening, otherwise...

the match "might" have been taking place...
but the park was so gloriously available to wander
in alone, at peace...
it made more sense playing the authority figure
with a walky-talky...
asking people to drink up their beers before
getting to the venue...
such a... simple role... not a plumber or carpenter
in sight... if this is work... then i don't know
what loitering is... all it took was a change of attire
to turn: this load of ******* into work...
from what otherwise would be considered...
loitering by the load of *******...

O but the moon is high in the sky & winter is finally
playing the ******* accordion like
it might be slapping a heron against a rock
to death... love it... no other month is so magical as this
one... while all the people slip into a pseudo-hibernation
faze... i find myself rejuvenated: realigned...
the cold serves me abundance that no fruit
can ever bring...

gone are the bothersome insects, esp. the flies...
while the cats self-impose their own curfews...

why is it, that in Poland you see hordes... of crows &
kafkas... hordes of them: like clouds...
but in England... solitary wind-bits...
at most... in Huginn & Muninn pairing...
as if the ravens in England adopted the nobility
of swans... in Eastern Europe them come as...
messerschmitt: schwarzkreuzwolken...

see... when the English speaking world starts
playing funny... political, social, whatever...
grammatical... i tend to "forget" i speak English:
oh how i adore this tongue...
it's an armchair, compared to all the other tongues...
with one exception: the elder English,
which has to be.... most probably...
if not the modern variant, then any other variant of...
what was spoken in Saxony was also
probably spoken in Thuringia,
Swabia... Pomerania... etc.

    like the guy who delivers some of the packages
to my door... der glücklichenmann...
for a long time i couldn't place him,
his "accent" was no accent at all...
several scenarios later did he disclose his origins...
Deutsche... ein glücklichendeutschemann!
ich muss sein in güt: gesellschaft!

eh... perhaps the German grammar structure
when translated into English was
***** a little by French grammar which:
who borrows from who:
western Slavic grammar is so similar to French
grammar... if i were only this,
before... i was taught by a self-righteous monolingual,
later a Spanish woman teaching French:
perhaps i could be speaking French right now!
im diesem augenblick!

but the guy leaving packages... only today i picked
it up... he does have an accent... he has a German
he hid it so well prior... before he freely disclosed
his national identity... i wouldn't have known...
now he accents his speech like a German might...
prior to: undistinguishable...
amazing... i could the same with my ******
mother tongue... but i'm schizoid...
i can make clarifying distinction between the two tongues...

only today... for once he sounded so German
when speaking English, he almost had me fooled thinking him
a Schwiezer!
das "Himalayamann"...
    mein gott: so ich gedanke(n)...

but English can only become insufferable once,
of twice, three times i strike gold...
i end up drinking and teasing some German....
it's not like the zeppelins are coming,
are they?!

let me know... i must know... the part where i'm to be
educated about a minority status,
by a minority that is becoming: less & less...
minder und minder ein minderheit...
i'll cook my own ******* curry:
this that & the other...
too bad you will not "make east" of my peoples' food...
how much, do you ******* want?

it seems:

genug ist nicht genug!

i turn to German to make a "sacrifice":
i turn to it for: TROST...
English is too cosmopolitan... at times...
in London: all the ****** time...
i looked at Derby supporters when
they played Fulham like animals...
not in a bad "sense": someone ought
to herd these ******* home
to a warm pillow...

i don't like being reeducated concerning
statures of anti-racism... that's ******* *******-wanking
i can't be... anti-racist...
i can be: counter-...
i can... not-,
           but anti-racist is a belief in the inhumanity
of those that express their, little, piquant...
tastes... i can't be anti-racist...

if i want to **** a chocolate ice-cream cone...
mein gott: weltpolitik!
nein! nein! nein!
          zu hölle: mit diese scheiße!

it only takes one ******* would-be Jihadi to
identify you as a German
before the 2nd concludes...
hey... why don't i try pretending to be: German?!
women of my own ethnicity can't tell the difference...
let us, do German!

such sights to see... solche ist winter!
der mond...  neugier ohne frage(n)...
Mateuš Conrad Jun 2024
i'm a poet i'm a rat i will scuttle in darkness
and shimmering teeth
smiling at the moon
because i

walked the old haunts with myself
where i would sit in the night
drink and lament: by lament indeed
i indeed would cry
like a baby
unabashed like a baby a man-baby
not a man-child
but but a man-baby

i'm no Peter Pan or for that matter
what a poor choice of a demigod
coming from a man high on
who?! who do you "who"?!
i'm not evening asking i will not drop
the "N" bomb...

        no... i will: with my Hot-Vizier
a man who knows Islam
i swear to god i need to find release
and release i will find
i need the stabbing numbing of the heart
i need to numb the heart
once more
forget this Eden
this slow ebbing Eden...

Nietzsche and the mysterious catatonic
Pole he became...
O wait: i'm a heavy drinker
i'm a mini not-me Dionysus
imagining my psychiatrists wondering
about that original diagnosis
as psychotic
and schizophrenic they mistook for
being bilingual: or they completely forgot
that i told them i heard
"voices" in English
but didn't hear them in Polish...
i wonder where i fit on the spectrum
of categorizing intelligence as a mental

but i did tell them... square in the face:
once you let me out of "here"
i don't know where DA will be or become
with all the:
-ing                          getting to rubric stance
rather than float about like
rogue planets
devoid of concept of meteor
or sun....

Geidi Prime to Geydi Sigma...
the satellite team nocturnal responding:
skin? mostly peeled otherwise
to my imagining: crawling...
thrombosis -
i like the sound of that word:

skin is crawling with nettle-worm
we're constantly itching, Sire...
life is good but we have to complicate
it to make more bearable
even with the surplus of advantageous tools
women have the internet
and washing machines
men have AI

and i've never used too many APPS
but every time i mention that
i used chatGPT to help me complete
my NVQ Level 3 in Crowd Management
it's as if i never actually
studied a BSc in Chemistry at Edinburgh

              i never once used a dating app...
not once... i never used a dating app...
me? i just went to the brothel.
simple(s): i.e. image-talk:
but not e:'moti)c;ons)

    (there: ode to e. e. cummings
in one word)

                 Arènes de Nîmes:
AREN (not, i think: AR Eh)
de... d'uh...
NIMZ... not

Boris Brejcha concert:
i wish i was managing security at that event...

re-calibrating my mind
no... my eyes...
this is a problem of the eyes not the mind
the eyes have blind spots...
like so: put Cyrillic not Greek
to good use, for the sake of the Romans:

a rubric Anti-St. off Peter and Paul,
a reply to the Hebrews, rather simple:

ж = ż (or rz, depending on the context
of orthography,
i.e. able to differentiate between
rzeka: river and życie: life...
now for the rubric, short... and sweet!)

/                              ж = ż
/           у = υ (because of
Γγ               gamma) i.e. ooh ooh /
/                х = CH or samo H, not Z
   HEIM INS *****
         HEIM INS *****

                      ц = c     tylko c... nic wiecej!

before i entertain the tail on the e
for the sake of Polish
i best regress to Greek from Cyrillic
i.e. these letter elude me:
are problems for the eyes
to see past:

                 Χχ               these two...

because i know

              Ψψ = Σσς

        Ψψ ≠ Π(Σσς)π

                       approximate to subscript
is identifying a small letter
a progress from Cuneiform and Katakana
i must admit:
therefore establishing chemistry writing...
equations of not words
but artifacts of mind on stone
like able to identify minerals in a Dickensian
pleasure of reading
but i will never finish the Pickwick Papers
i'm sure of that
i abhor English literature
i don't understand why i had to read
Shakespeare like it was a measure
of writing skill rather than skill of recitation
because Shakespeare is not
among the: pardon my Swiss critique
just borrowed it: LOSER poet...
threw in a few sonnets to compensate
but think how lazily they were allowed
to write akin to Seneca...
akin to all these lazily living (also) writers...

ah... back to the rubric of Cyrillic...

           tylko c... nic więcej! nic! poza nic!


oh yes, that's music, the bilingual music
of speech... maybe i can't write music for the guitar
but i can write music for the instrument
of speech that is tongue...

                       ч = chequers...

mind you if i don't find it a problem with
very popular words
like szczerosc: truthfulness...
i could not probably note improve
but if emoticons are aplenty then
at least troll the **** out of the Roman alphabet
like the lazy Cyril trolled Cyrillic with
the easy e and a
but all that effort in I

щ =       šč

point being: if szcz = щ
surely there might be a letter equivalent to

dość! enough!

       thought in reverse:

                         don't make me bring out Jan Hus
and the Czech diacritical study:
you have to remember that there is still
this strange Pan-Slavic
that no Germanic person could or will acknowledge
since: can you believe it!
they don't speak English in Paris!

hence the new Tetragrammaton emerges:

    borrowed from sigma and Caro


             ha! and what vowels to throw into it like
stones? perhaps best to think about breaths
but it did dawn on my
when uttering THe letters like so:
the frictive variation of F
that is... in THE but not in THought....
but is also the same in ALthOUGH...

         и и
и и и



    (meat and two veg, ha... not funny)

Cyril you lazy sod!
hey! look! lookie lookie!
no wonder then: so lazy on the a and e...
bud is going to be the next
Hackney ganster
educating the youth
saying that there is not need to panic
when using AI to pass
NVQ exams:
but believe me...
supervising is dull work...

those forced labor camps in Schindler's List
looked ******* authentic...
then the mood switches
and the women arrive in Aushwitz
and then you know:
a death camp is not a forced labor camp
the snow is falling
the dogs are barking
and the guards are ******* smiling!
i mean: if genocide was that bad
then imagine:
hello eternity hello god
and the people who are last in line
are in front of you:
******* smiling?!
how genius it must have been
to try to reunite the modern Hebrews:
with the Ancients of Rome and Babylon
and Egypt:
to no avail! to no, *******, avail!
they stopped fearing uttering THE NAME
to now openly testifying:
oh, so complicated: say what you will...
we really don't know how to say
the word right now...
we never did... plagiarists of Gilgamesh:
store front: Jesus Saves...

****, this ****! **** it!
well... if tribes galore is what we're mining
then at least the Chinese
and the Indians (blue blue)
don't need mentioning their post-tribal
period as civilizations

in this brief civilization yawn
of Europe
we begin tribal again
thanks to the import of labor from
no... there need not be some right wing revival
i just need to watch Schindler's List
with one more beer
and compare the guards
at a forced labor camp
and the guards at a, the, death camp
and begin to wonder
how the logistics of fooling so many
people to the bowels and furnace of
the birth of Moloch came about
so willingly so sheepishly
fooled by a bar of soap
from work camp to death camp
i'm still rattling my brains
about the coordination of the spectacle:
if you ever worked at Wembley
esp on the egress.. outside...

i can imagine volume: of people: like water...
90 thousand people dispersing from
a Coliseum
after an event it takes roughly 2h...
circa 100 people per tube carriage...
the logistical endeavor: the livid and drinking
insomnia of it all:
if i were a police officer not a security
or a chemistry teacher would i have
the same sort of language freedom as
i am afforded, right now?

money? for this?! you kidding me:
the 20th century literature is still somehow
the stuff of envy while
i'm doing this for the best reason
other than reading a book
and that's called taming the ego
and ensuring it's like a voyager and all
the suitcases are packed
because i can't stop thinking that
i'm an SS-man or a Harkonnen
because that's how i begin to understand being

mind you i was impregnated with that
thought: of being an SS-man
by my teachers in school:
although i have green eyes they saw blue
since green is rare
because the repressive genes that give blue
overcame the possessive genes that
give brown eyes
but i was white or somehow grown piglet
in no tux of pink
and blah blah a history reference point
to that song about a Bomber like
a glass bottle on a wall: the IRA and the RAF
joint: closure:

defunct bombs: only architectural damages...
(would prefer that in a non-plural
expression, i.e. damage... never mind)

        so much for heartache when she goes
all teary commando and
i get to feel **** that's not: ****
then i make a quick and sudden
incision and the festivity is over
and i'm tired of living but adore the mantra:
arbeit macht frei

and it's not just that people lose
intelligence when congregating
it's just sad to behold such affairs
on a daily basis
when you could, quiet simply:
isolate these examples of man
and not be as disappointed as
i found myself being:
on countless times...
these... things... magi-jigs...
             suppose i didn't want to write
the script to the Apocalypse... what then?
Nietzsche had take 1 and take 2...
everyone is feeling embarrassed by simply
being alive...
or strangely alive...
#metoo: getting the jitters like a girly girly
i so wanted for that Billy Eilish #LUNCH
song to not be a ***** ANTHEM
but it's like the White Stripes' 7 Nation
Army at football stadiums...

tummy ache: tum tum...
tum , tum tum tum tum tum

maybe i might just get the rhythm right
with but one word but
the best, acceptable punctuation
(and no, no diacritical markers...
who's who in the know of known who
i.e. knows: who knows)

tum, yes... about right... 5x tum after the initial
but there is at least one other
that i will turn from the comma
into an apostrophe...

tum, no... 6x...
just listening to the song: sorry... right back no back
just shoulders...
and that Cain plum on my shoulder:
am i an angel or just a simple man
devoid: please please poetic audience
tactic me some variation of a hard-on
no no, pretty: pwetty please...


****'s sake can't count
what i see though is:


       something like that...
the basics... no gradations of splendor:
just the POINT of INTEREST...
smoking barrel of a gun is a fake
when the chimneys of Auschwitz
are not touristy destinations of Giza...
am i, hearing you...
sorry... ear wax... am i hearing you just
before the altar of the god Alter and Pronoun?!
maybe... ha ha:
by now who **** knows! right?!
Mateuš Conrad Apr 2020
an abbreviation of: sensible people
                                               "physics": meta-
           and that there's a theatre of
ortho-graphy... no matter!
the trans- avenue is 'ere!
          von krafft-ebing is too!
19th century morality and today's
burroughs in tangiers in
the 1960s -
   two homosexuals should be legal:
in a... polygamous society...
because: wha' toa' dough?
                  never mind the red button:
nukes are nukes and...
           bellybutton piercing is:
beside kissing the frog to be prince...
jerking off is not akin to measuring
blood pressure... or... sugar levels...
it's an act of debility:
it's an act gateway ****...
knee sensation leading up to *******...
no clean shaven ***:
readily a goat made available among
the camel jockeys and...
      19th century: if *******
was a crime... so was... phallus worship
and a gamorrah passport when
eating: "flower patterns" of
"excess" skin... ******* was
as bad as oral ***...
             according to... a very respected
portion of signifying a noted down
period of history...
then again: what ***?
                          granny smithy was
about to be peeled for a pie...

    crayonner les portraits de tes trois imposteurs:
might as well be latin... the portraits
of your 3 impostors...

i must be a dumb dumbing down imbecile
i can craft an "answer"
to... the already solved solution


          solve that i can...
loopholes and blind-spots and
cul de sacs... dodo avenues...

how a dodo is minded a tier above
a mammoth...
perhaps my affair with crosswords...
perhaps just english crosswords...
they're not focusing

1across): forbidden writer given
external stimulus...
               from... prohibited?
      scribler: latin for writer...
              scribo: to write...
"external stimulus": pro...
            pro-scribed: contra prohibited...

  i'm bilingual and supposedly
schizophrenic: i'm already a quadratic of
language... i'll lean toward german...
and some russian...
hebrew and latin and perchance:
i find some greek?!

what are these... puzzle-wordings of...
mono-lingual people?!
an eczema...
crossword puzzles must be...
archeological findings of
mono-lingual people...
not with bilingualism:
the people who already have a crossword
puzzle in their head:
red is: czerwony...
blue is: niebieski...
the earth is: ziemia...
the sky is: niebo...

those real: "adventure" people...

7across) female organißation backed by
iron lady...

20across) this writer getting to stay endlessly
after party creates a row...

clearly the clue is... much more
complicated than the:
the cipher is more complex than the decipher...

some people just like complicated answers
to simple questions...
others... i hate... i hate these "people"...
that have a complicated question:
and the answer is so simple!

12down) sort of ******, getting a BSc
                         of course it's FIRSTDEGREE...
thirst is another matter...

an obvious one:
2down) meadows covered in grass given up

       23across) scot offering a song at funeral...
             alastair is also a greek baby name...
alias: alexander...
        defender / protector of mankind...
hardly a dirge singer...
   clearly not a focus for antonyms / synonyms...
me too dumb... me not good with...

11across) woodpecker and two mythological
figures flying around...
                  a green woodpecker...
   fair enough... the word went out of fashion...
but where does: two mythological figures
flying around come in... for the killer "clue"?!

how about this clue:
ol' term 'pecker: slot 'um shlang in 'im
poops pop zenith circa 1943:
charlie charlie... hail proctor!
how's that for a... 'ucking diguise?!

sure sure... just give me the *******
numbers...     if i had time for this sort of *******...
i'd still be speaking only one language...
forgive! no passport...
head-up-the-****-of: to the west!
hamburger mania! las vegas: swee'
chyl' o' mein...
you'll get the iota and the delta back...
when i see that...
chil' and the apostrophe do not...
allow you to venture into: chill... savvy?!
how's that for a crossword?!

of course: there's the suez and chyle...
sweet: chil': chyle: not chill:
ergo... child o'                          mind-Frrrreeeeze!
Siberian tundra: or the plateau near
bolshevik Belgrade...
come D'cem'ber...
   through: brrr... bi-nautical-collars!
smart doesn't get filtered:
stupid... on the other hand? does...
stupid from being irritated... ****'ed...
       part an' parcle:

imagine the faux pas of: 'nome...
   it's a bit like a colon and followed up
with italics: like so... double the already existing
apostrophe for the surd... 'nome and gnome...
'nife and knife...
      hell! "they" could have... said... so, n'est-ce pas?!

"recently": keith flint died...
yeah... but the brains didn't...
last time i heard... liam howlett...
i'm pretty ******* sure... no grand spectacle...
when that grand: event 'appens...
keith flint died...
but liam howlett is... the brains...
still alive....              nay ******! or... boVer...
for: fer... ferr  urn und fern uber yearn:
          theta: ******* twin of 'i love sophie...
and her sour cream-ups!

here's to "adventure"!
        and of course: any outlandish:
impromtu swabian:
            because the saxons never made it to
the prefix         anglo-.
Mateuš Conrad Aug 2024
Revelation 16:15: i like my Salem Christian wife of a brothel Huck Tua!

the ego thinks: supposedly:
sometimes the thoughts we don't want to think,
ergo being is devoid of ego
there's no therefore...
Duplantis jumped a world record
of 6.25m
and i said Huck Tow-ah
instead of Hawk Tuah...
as in:
i'm pretty sure there's going
to be more where
this linear star movements has
come from:
i was sleeping: i saw Michael...
then i saw Michael become
human and spend his time being
all gay in armor
in clothes:
why was Michael cross-dressing
nakedness with
i fell asleep again
and lo! behold
my tongue went missing,
was missing:
some ***** cut it off!
i heard the story!
she turned it into a spernet
on a tree with an apple
and a gimmick
Eve was the first larynx: the vowels
of ****** and O
i'll still blame her:
because she likes to play
the hide and seek
i'm the bad boy and she's the good girl:
she literally likes this elevation
of hide and seek
with: you're a bad boy and i'm
a good girl... nudge nudge wink wink....
*** can be such
a toy...
a toy of toys...
*** is the toy of toys...
*** is where we finally meet
and child-like
we play
we sort
we make toy from toy and from toys...
this is our playground:
it's not art faking staged
opera or theater:
this is fuckery on Kauai...
and i can feel the Vulcan: tension...
i'm not going to reclaim:
i'm going to claim what isn't mine...

i promised myself i'd last
until the images stopped coming
and words were
becoming complicated:
i.q. tested:
fudge: custard-brain...
i did a stint of that at NVQ level 3
and it was still not my
BSc in Science...
they gave me a Science degree
rather than a Chemistry degree...
i was supposed to specialize in chemistry:
that's what the Labor politics guided
me towards:
you don't get to choose your subjects
at high school:
no... somewhat:
not so much:
i was guilty of lying:
that i didn't speak a second language:
so i was put into the retards
and misfits and class of literacy...
writing your CV dumb-***...
i waited...
i waited...
i'm the dumbo: umb oh?

         i was supposed to have learned
German in high school!
instead they put me into literacy class
and French!
now my tongue is back...
imagine: the serpent as described:
back in the confines of the alcohol
pulsating through it:
rather than blood..
or is that...
thank you:
i have my night guard
and now i have my teeth back: my Hamlet:
and now i have my tongue...
the serpent of Eden:
thank you very much...

who would say a dragon lies?
does Smaug: lie?
or is he the one who sees
past you seeing...
do i, lie?
now that i have my tongue back in my mouth
i can live this life: of dream!
i can finally see through the excited truth:
that there was a me and a young Socrates
occupying the same predicament:
without time:
to be without time in a shared space...

because if you cut a dragon's tongue
while he sleeps...
the tongue will splinter
and give you a Y of the serpent....
a snake...
if: you cut my tongue off when i sleep:
but since you
sliced my tongue off while i slept...
i still haven't reclaimed my tongue
to be the ****** Orator:
this is the first incarnation:
there will be three...
i am the thought:
that becomes the speech:
that becomes the people...

   you cut off my tongue while i slept:
no wonder it turned into a snake:
why not a crocodile?
i was waiting:
the meteor breath the dinosaurs
now the dream of the dragon...
you had, the *******, audacity:
to cut: my tongue off...
while i slept?

so what happens to the tongue...
apparently it has a mind of its own...
and speaks its own per se:
like Odysseus with the Sirens
and Pandora with a Box of Schizophrenia...
but you cut off the head
of Medusa
and what does the Necro-Medusa head do?
magically wakes back into life!
the proof of the existence of soul
resides in Medusa's Head!

Medusa is dead yet her dead head
has all the powers of being alive!
ergo? Medusa proves that there's life
after death!
Joy to Hellas!
the Olympics: Paris is more beautiful
than London:
as testimony to the ****:
let's... bomb... can't nuke that ******* yet:
if only the Nazis nuked London
instead of those two forgetful names
of Hiroshima and Nagasaki...
if the Nazis nuked London: wow!

confetti dream...
          let's conflate:
i admire ****** like Mongolians
admire Genghis Khan..
am i a ****?
don't the French admire Napoleon?
who's to be admired in England?
do i see four kingdoms:
what came of the empire can return
to the unifying processes of kingdoms
and four kingdoms can re-emerge:

i can lay claim to a Dis- Kingdom...
the Kingdom:
and there can be equal share of fight:
hello world: sort of... invited?
and the Welsh and the Scots and the Irish
and the: quasi-Germans: immigrant Saxons...
can lay their claim:
but i'm a tourist with a Russian drinking habit
and i'm not going anywhere: impromptu...
so: hey presto: chomata

clearly you wouldn't have: dared!
to guillotine my tongue:
from my body:
you walked past graveyards of my teeth:
and you imploded:
with guilt:
with shame:
so innocent:
picked a fruit from a tree...
and there was some serpent...
you: stole from me!

you have woken me up: later i will tell George:
who is not a St. Michael Trans Activist:
i kept George where Milton never dared...
George is...
i am storm! i am ridicule!
i am wreath of moon! i am inheritor!
i don't think! i have no pleasure in thinking
as once i did likewise i have no pleasure in music:
just to avoid traffic conjectures...

George isn't a Saint!
George was an Angel!
just like Michael was an angel
until they turned him into a ***** wielding
profanity of where wings ought to be:
******* ruin:
half a stock-broker half a gambler:
images of sword replaced:
now i see my tongue:
and Michael is just plain confused
next in line to be redeemed for his sins...
ought not angels
think of nothing
when in the presence of god?!

— The End —