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jane taylor May 2016
raindrops faintly laughing as they prance
                                                along the leaves
watercress dancing gently twirling slowly
                                                          in the creek
a deer’s neck softly brushing like a whisper
                                                           against a tree
the sun is rising in the forest with hushed tones
                                                             of red on green
a brusk barista whose soul is wounded wants to cry
                                                               but bravely greets
the first blush of sweet dawn's morning ignites resplendent
                                                     ­                             things unseen

Paul Lockley Nov 2010
Me and creativity,
We get on rather well.
We see the world with eyes of awe,
From an Elephant to a seashell.

Hearing the "Caw" of the Crow,so brusk.
Or gaze in wonder at the golden wheat husk.

Inhaling the dawn with enthused delight.
Feel sharp edged frost on a star strewn night.

And when the dark consumes daylight,
There's nought to dampen our delight.
Me and creativity
wordvango Jul 2015
promise is to be honest
brusk sincere in being blunt
I am not one to
be politically correct

severe i might be but true
to what I see
in our society, i don't say nation,

for that divides humans into me and him
the whims of others are no part of what i portray
the cold truth  

we ****. Now and in history.
Conquests and victories
cost lives , throats were slit

so don't let us act innocent,
lives cost and from that America grew while my fathers
were herded like cattle.

In god we trust, to what,
guarantee what the white man seeks , The pilgrims
so took a Thanksgiving,

then slaughtered us. All you Christians who want to
say this land was formed in his name.
Get a clue you are all like ******.
wordvango Feb 2017
he stood at the door caching kudos and high fives
the life of the party the guy at the end of the party
had the lampshade on not much else but a red grin and nose
he was invited to every one
for his brusk take no names personality
he never knew a stranger
then one day he stopped answering the door his phone emails
I found out two weeks later he had met loud Sarah Rubricon
her of the store bought **** and long *** legs
and they had eloped to Vegas
where they are now performing
at Little Ceasar's Pizzeria
just down from the
big names
I am happy  for them and Sarah
by god happy she met her match
she haunted me for  two years
but I miss that Joseph
when I throw a party , it is not the same
Prevost Aug 2020
What color will I paint my soul
Walking into this room of rooms
Bitter biting brusk belittling beggars
Hold you taught
Between yourself and a faux image
of you
Such redemption in condemnation
Drives you to a center
All you got..... is you
Severe the soul from the image of a soul
And paint
with the purest

— The End —