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innerThought Nov 2015
The day we met
You implanted a seed
A seed labellabeled as imperfect

The next day
A tree with the sweetest offerings grew
But with it came decay
Abounded branches of love
Bearing buds of heartbreak
As the heavy branches holding fruits
That remind me of you seek support
From my ribs as they tear through my skin
I bleeeeed I pleeeed for the need
Of the expulsion of the so called seed
Of trust

The next day
I choked on a thorn
When I saw you
And when I coughed up the leaves of death
I love you was my last breath....
The uniVerse Aug 2016
My names Derek
I'm a zombie
meet my friend Eric
he's also like me
a walking corpse
dead behind the eyes
we met at the shops
surrounded by flies.

Where the dead meet
by the frozen food isles
looking for our pound of flesh
blood splattered on the tiles
mmmmmm so delish!
empty stands
just frozen fish
we use our hands.

Nothing can quench our hunger
or satisfy our desires
not the fishmonger
or the burning tires
for this is anarchy
as we feed
gone is our sanity
so watch us bleeeeed
we are all zombies!
Something completely random I wrote on 15/9/14
nivek Oct 2019
you can put your mind into words
let your heart bleeeeed all over the page
go silent with awe at the colour red
remember to breathe and keep on living
keep on living just one more day
and see the Sunrise on all your doubt.

— The End —