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Cry Sebastian Jan 2010
There was this old dawg from Japan,
who thought his left arm was a ham.
He salted it lightly
and took out a bitey
and screamed for some more as he ran.


There was this young girl from the stars,
who stopped for some pudding on Mars.
The more that she ate,
the more she lost weight
until all that was left was her ****.


I knew a young duck called magoo,
who liked to spend time at the zoo,
when the lion escaped,
he put on his cape
and fed everyone carnivore stew.


There once was a girl called Cherise,
who befriended a flock of white geese.
They taught her to fly,
and as years passed by,
she grew feathers, two wings and a beak.


You know the inventor called Einstein?
He once had beer with his eisbein....
A rock n Roll pout
soon formed on his snout
and now he listens to Rammstein.


This­ ninja loved his katana-
he used it to cut through bananas,
one wicked night
he slipped with a fright
and cut off is head in the drama.
Garry Jun 2017
Eaty eaty
Bitey bitey
Eat up. Ignore the zombies
at the door
Icecream sundaes
fresh pulled brains
I bet you'll all want more
Never enough Zombie poems.
Or maybe this is 1 too many
Cyan Tendency Jun 2013
Ya couldn't call me restless
but nah, ya couldn't call me lucid either
Floating on a benzo-pretty philharmonic cloud.

Sharp bitey thinglings softened
they swim backward in confusion
and this Kwan Yin, floating freely
leaves them gasping on the sand.

She regards dark circles, smiling
She regards her injuries, smiling
She regards her troubles, smiling
All around, a pinkish haze

Nay, the chemicals won't will trip her
catch her painted skirt
and tear silk
to be jolted from her reverie
is never to be told.

This she knows, but now she floats
for she must have tangible proof...

that Reality is not real
and the text is set in BOLD.
kfaye Dec 2015
fall-off-the-bone priestess
born under the pale grunge moon
offering up her (fingernails)
to the bitey flash of a laptop screen leaking into an unlit room
and the infinite bliss that is:
red electrical tape
over the blue indicator light at the tip of the power cord.
and she will **** us.
CL Fjell Jun 2019
Loathsome little loving liars
Lying laughingly lazily

Poor pretentious puny pet
Phrasing picture perfect plays

Forty ******* fornicators
Flogging feathered flappers

Words wired without winds
Wistfully woven wrongfully

Bi-curious bitey bell-shaped *******
Bump big butts boastfully

Helping Harry's holey hippocampus
Holes he hides here hazily
Daniel Jan 2020
Smiles are nice. Sometimes smiles are made from big beautiful strong happy cheeks. Sometimes they seem to burst out like popping corks. And sometimes they're just warm and quiet and all fuzzy like inside your chest. Smiles have teeth lots, but lots not too. They can be scrunchy noses sometimes or bitey lips. Some smiles run all the way up your back and tickle your neck before they land. Smiles can all of a sudden be a jumping whole body excite. Eyes have the nicest smiles, I think.
Here's wishing you some smiles, just because they're nice to have.
Today, i got attacked
By a snappy, yappy
Vicious, and malicious
Fighty, bitey
Small Piranha dog
An ankle biting
Non inviting
Four legged fiend
That tried to let me down
Its irresponsible owner
Made me frown
I felt a bit forlorn
But no blood was drawn
And i shall not grieve
At the small Piranhas little teeth
As it tried to savage
My right leg
Like a woodworm would, a wooden peg
With a pegleg
I wandered off
As i saw sawdust
From the Piranhas' owners brain
Not even an apology
From the inane

by Jemia
Amanda Shelton Feb 2019
This life reminds me of
a bitey vampire stocking me,
I feel its teeth on my back.
Don’t look to the past,
for it bites.

Like an unwanted shadow
death is never far behind.

God allows so much but not
out of vengeance, but out
of love for us, he wants us
to grow and develop.
We can’t do that if we
don’t suffer somewhat.

We are all blind and
child like, living as if
heaven is too far away
to imagine its golden gates,
even though it is just
a step away.

The most important thing is
don’t forget to live bravely
boldly and through faith.
Those three things are
what can modivate.

© 2019 By Amanda Shelton
Scorch'd Diana Dec 2023
that's what they call her,
over at Feathers' Merrit.
If one can't fly, she will arrive
handle the trouble and stay with you.
For freedom counts in moments
so long the while she's curing you.

Be a raven,
lost joy and vigour
devoid of surprise and challenge.
Out of the sudden, you spot it
a crazy chick with a cat's gait,
quite glassy as elf compared to a bird,
and with wings, but no feathers
wings of pixies, moths and some kinds of dragons,
almost unheard of
except, she is heard of?

Curiosity takes you by the claw,
and you feel stripped bare
just from her first glimpse alone
after your attempt at beknowledging
in hopes of impressing her.
Quickly you realize,
you are the receiving end.

She knows what you never
caught anyone to know,
tells you of things that actually exist,
cheers you up from feeling embarassed
to having been too blind to know.

Even before the day's end, it's clear:
Whenever she jumps, you follow.
The confidence of a sparrow,
the flight force of an eagle,
gave you an owl's head
that much she's turned you around
in your own favour.

New winds she will teach you,
show galantly how to reach and use them
and also how to give in
for less resistence
is the crucial difference.
There's always new insights
somewhere nearby
worth being found and learned.

Be a goose,
inept in water, an outsider
but no one even close
to ace the airs like you do.
Don't get bitey at her gentle touch.
Let her spread your wings
challenge your fear of the idea
that you are not perfect – yet;
and you will find new grace inside
adrift and entitled of higher pride,
admired by others and begged for advice.
You never lived much happier flights
just having her hands allowed by your side.

Be a duck,
feeling weak and threatened,
hungering stronger on land
but willstrong enough to not
give in to poisons that humans call food.

Known rivers can become childhood glimmers
when you've seen and wondered,
felt and attempted her ways,
memorized her wisdoms
of weather and feather,
of fishes you nag
whose prey you once were
without to even consider
how vulnerable they actually are.

What places and powers exist
once unknown, which now you can't miss.
The gentle, humble streams a willful choice
not cages that're thought of as musts.

And even, be a griffon,
hypogryph, roc, phoenix, dragon;
with every kind of avian creature
she's got the right skills to tag in.
When you're landlocked,
feel stripped of your freedom
plucked like a bad luck ****:
Birdkind comes,
sharp she observes the Merrit rock,
closer than mothers
she knows her fellow birds by heart.

Someday, as if fates sent her your way
for you to breath again,
like that, she lands by,
chirps you the birds
the guiding light in your blanket arms.
And the two of you fly
so, so high.

— The End —