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Mike West Oct 2012
Just as dark rolls back and the sun rises nigh
And dawns light can be seen in the eastern sky.
From his forest home comes carefully and shy
The deer with his headdress held proudly so high.

His keen, bright eyes look sharply and true
For danger learks but that's nothing new
For the experience he has his rack does shew
Ten terminating ends that his antlers do

He steps forth, onto the grassy clearing
Sensing no threat that he need bewaring
He continues farther out, more bold and daring
Making sure the grass is safe before sharing

And just as he is about to feed
On tender grass his most favorite indeed
It hits his side and he starts to bleed
For it has pierced him causing dire need

Unable run, to the ground he does fall
He coughs on his blood, losing it all
And in the distance, hears a cheerful call
"Hooray! I got him!" From a tree so tall

What remained unknown to the wise, old buck
The threat in a tree, such bad luck
Waiting to tie a deer to the top of his truck
A hunter, by who's bullet, the deer was struck.

Please don't think that I am against hunting
It's just the facts of life that I am confronting
Because you'll see me here quietly munching
On a deer steak I fried and am now lunching!
Mitchell Nov 2012
Sneezing transitions in mass transit routes
Tram rocks underneath the black and blue sky
Ahead of me is infinity
Behind me the past,  sticky & stagnant - inescapable

Smells of cat food unintelligible *****
Passed on hopes & forgotten dreams
Cackling whistles of worn out break pads
A man coughs as another rolls up his socks

Next to me a man slumbers dreaming of home
His wife in bed alone, his son's and daughter's
Hide under thin white sheets, waiting for Him to phone
The door creaks open, he'll wait for morning to speak

Hazy recollections across glossy wet cobble stones
Solidarity is the only way to work sometimes
The sting of smoky nicotine flows up my nose
Pushing past the marker of ill-received news

Nights out drinking, talk and talk and talk
More of the same as I frame the outcome summarily
Atop the page is where the life is
A rainfall of experience to purge this ****** emotion

Labeling oneself does not mean defining oneself
That is what the whiskey is for
I hide behind a wall dripping with insecurity
I fear, I love, I live, and one day, I will die

Shuttle to a stop, bewaring of adjectives
I have the urge to stay, but am the last to leave
My eyes adjust to the soft orange glow of the streetlights
And into the night living rather than dead

So in place of the hours I believe I need
Staying awake looking at these pen marks
I need nothing for something only brings more worries
Anxiety being a killer - I try to rid myself of the poison

Humming up the stairs I attentive & aware
There in the elevator savory sweet hickory perfume
Another year away from an old place I called home
Time passes slowly, as I slip in between the folds
Blom In Blou Aug 2020
Skielike hartsbegeerte verskyn oorstelp
Verlang na bo om op berg vas soos boom
Wil staan gaan saam met dit wat is!
Sonder afwagting sonder skroom
In die lewegewende liefste Stroom
Sommer so sonderling se droom
In stralende lagge ligse verwondering
Salig met sagte wit wind wat wolk
Sonder sodanige mondige verklaring
Wil skugter skuif saam as woordlose tolk
Gewortel in aarde geplant vir liefde se bewaring
Sahaj Sabharwal Nov 2018
Oh these tests,
Superflous academic tests.
No time to prepare
For entrance tests.

Difficult to store
Vast concepts in mind,
Oh how to retain so much
Till marks given and paper signed.

Bewaring that,
The examiner is not blind,
And not our bydweller
That gives marks so kind.

All worried,
Smile crease no face.
Will we get through,
Or falter in this pace.

Parents worried about their carreer
They believe books are nifty,
Smartphones are carrier's barrier
With no sympathy.

Parent's and teacher's
Support and hope is essential,
In order to raise their potential.

                                       - Sahaj Sabharwal©
                                        -Pacca Danga ,
#sahajsabharwal­12345 #poem #ACADEMIC #TESTS #jammu #India #poemindia #published #copyright
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Jayantee Khare Apr 2020

A pause.....claused for a cause
A comma, little longer
                     to avoid full stop

A keep running smoothly...
A bump to prevent
                    the obvious slump

Join the hands and pledge
                    to  not join the hands
Unite against the pandemic
                    by staying separated

Support the movement
                    by supporting no movement
Support the society
                    by remaining unsociable.

Spread the awareness
                   by bewaring of spreading the virus
Save the world
                   by staying in...

Prayers for the world...Hope all my HP friends doing well and safe...

— The End —