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Kole J McNeil Dec 2021
Long hair
Long brown hair
Long soft brow hair

Blue eyes
Blue soft eyes
Blue sad eyes

Pretty dress
Pink pretty dress
Flowery pink pretty dress

A chest
A chest so full
A chest so beautifl

Scissors on pretty long har
chop, Chop, CHOP

Blue eyes
Teary blue eyes
Relived blue eyes

A hoodie
A hoodie and black jeans
Black ripped jeans and a band T

A chest
A chest in pain
Chest wrapped flat to body

she, She, SHE
Thats what they see
They will never see their son
I wish I was a boy with short fluffy hair and a flat chest and a deep voice
Argashia Lewter Dec 2013
When I look into the mirror
Sometimes I see beauty
Sometimes I see ugly
But it's times like this
That I see hurt and pain
I try to understand
Why do I feel this way
Trying to get through
Yet another day
Get It Together!
I tell myself
Which is easier said than done
A battle is in my head
Bcuz I keep listening
To All the lies I'm being fed
Over and over and over
It Goes on and on
I can't shake it, Stop It!
Please Stop feeding me
Your negativity
You see the reflection in the mirror
looking back at me
is strong and positive
So don't hate me bcuz I'm BEAUTIFL!
jeffrey conyers Dec 2012
Monday, we planted a seed.
And like that seed.
We will watch it grow.
And in the process we will watch our love grow too.

It will blossom.
In many ways like this seed.
It will grow into a beautifl thing.
Just like our love.

Whether it's a flower.
Whether it's a tree.
It will prosper from the warmth it comes to know.
Just like our love.

What's been planted for happiness?
Shouldn't let anything ruin it.
Least when it comes to us.

Just remember.
We planted a seed and watched it grow.
Similar to the love growing stronger between us.

— The End —