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Sara L Russell Mar 2013

Bring me celestial music of the spheres
Such notes as dance in colours in the mind
The shimmering of distant hemispheres
Where streams of rainbow nebulae unwind

Bright notes cascade in sparkling waterfalls
Light motes resound in echoes through the breeze
From secret gardens hid behind stone walls
Paradise plays enticing symphonies

Our earthly plane is rife with vexing noise
Cacophanies of thundering machines;
Barkings of dogs, vexed babies in full voice
keep us earthbound, locked into dull routines.

Reach for the headphones, cover up your ears,
Take in celestial music of the spheres.
Today I comanded:
Sit dog!
And she did!

Surprise, surprise -
The doors were
free for us to made
two prominent steps
out of appartament
into the
bright new
acted like a leader of the pack;
behaved proudly, dignified,
jumping two steps at a time

The dog's velocity was
surrpasing our knees
like a fast speeded glance:

She was upfront,
paw knocking on the glass door
Tongue and fangs were eager
to run free in the wild

I wanted to chill her bear barkings
cute yawning squiqs
. . . uwauu . . .

Poetemkin Sep 2019

Tнʏ functions are etherial,
As if within thee dwelt a glancing Mind,
***** of Vision! And a Spirit aerial
Informs the cell of hearing, dark and blind;
Intricate labyrinth, more dread for thought
To enter than oracular cave;
Strict passage, through which sighs are brought,
And whispers for the heart, their slave;
And shrieks, that revel in abuse
Of shivering flesh; and warbled air,
Whose piercing sweetness can unloose
The chains of frenzy, or entice a smile
Into the ambush of despair;
Hosannas pealing down the long-drawn aisle,
And requiems answered by the pulse that beats
Devoutly, in life's last retreats!


The headlong Streams and Fountains
Serve Thee, Invisible Spirit, with untired powers;
Cheering the wakeful Tent on Syrian mountains,
They lull perchance ten thousand thousand Flowers.
That roar, the prowling Lion's Here I am,
How fearful to the desert wide!
That bleat, how tender! of the Dam
Calling a straggler to her side.
Shout, Cuckoo! let the vernal soul
Go with thee to the frozen zone;
Toll from thy loftiest perch, lone Bell-bird, toll!
At the still hour to Mercy dear,
Mercy from her twilight throne
Listening to Nun's faint sob of holy fear,
To Sailor's prayer breathed from a darkening sea,
Or Widow's cottage lullaby.


Ye Voices, and ye Shadows
And Images of voice—to hound and horn
From rocky steep and rock-bestudded meadows
Flung back, and, in the sky's blue caves, reborn
On with your pastime! till the church-tower bells
A greeting give of measured glee;
And milder echoes from their cells
Repeat the bridal symphony.
Then, or far earlier, let us rove
Where mists are breaking up or gone,
And from aloft look down into a cove
Besprinkled with a careless quire,
Happy Milk-maids, one by one
Scattering a ditty each to her desire,
A liquid concert matchless by nice Art,
A stream as if from one full heart.


Blest be the song that brightens
The blind Man's gloom, exalts the Veteran's mirth.
Unscorned the Peasant's whistling breath, that lightens
His duteous toil of furrowing the green earth.
For the tired Slave, Song lifts the languid oar,
And bids it aptly fall, with chime
That beautifies the fairest shore,
And mitigates the harshest clime.
Yon Pilgrims see—in lagging file
They move; but soon the appointed way
A choral Ave Marie shall beguile,
And to their hope the distant shrine
Glisten with a livelier ray:
Nor friendless He, the Prisoner of the Mine,
Who from the well-spring of his own clear breast
Can draw, and sing his griefs to rest.


When civic renovation
Dawns on a kingdom, and for needful haste
Best eloquence avails not, Inspiration
Mounts with a tune, that travels like a blast
Piping through cave and battlemented tower;
Then starts the Sluggard, pleased to meet
That voice of Freedom, in its power
Of promises, shrill, wild, and sweet!
Who, from a martial pageant, spreads
Incitements of a battle-day,
Thrilling the unweaponed crowd with plumeless heads,
Even She whose Lydian airs inspire
Peaceful striving, gentle play
Of timid hope and innocent desire
Shot from the dancing Graces, as they move
Fanned by the plausive wings of Love.


How oft along thy mazes,
Regent of Sound, have dangerous Passions trod!
O Thou, through whom the Temple rings with praises,
And blackening clouds in thunder speak of God,
Betray not by the cozenage of sense
Thy Votaries, wooingly resigned
To a voluptuous influence
That taints the purer, better mind;
But lead sick Fancy to a harp
That hath in noble tasks been tried;
And, if the virtuous feel a pang too sharp,
Soothe it into patience,—stay
The uplifted arm of Suicide;
And let some mood of thine in firm array
Knit every thought the impending issue needs,
Ere Martyr burns, or Patriot bleeds!


As Conscience, to the centre
Of Being, smites with irresistible pain,
So shall a solemn cadence, if it enter
The mouldy vaults of the dull Idiot's brain,
Transmute him to a wretch from quiet hurled—
Convulsed as by a jarring din;
And then aghast, as at the world
Of reason partially let in
By concords winding with a sway
Terrible for sense and soul!
Or, awed he weeps, struggling to quell dismay.
Point not these mysteries to an Art
Lodged above the starry pole;
Pure modulations flowing from the heart
Of divine Love, where Wisdom, Beauty, Truth
With Order dwell, in endless youth?


Oblivion may not cover
All treasures hoarded by the miser, Time.
Orphean Insight! truth's undaunted Lover,
To the first leagues of tutored passion climb,
When Music deigned within this grosser sphere
Her subtle essence to enfold,
And Voice and Shell drew forth a tear
Softer than Nature's self could mould.
Yet strenuous was the infant Age:
Art, daring because souls could feel,
Stirred nowhere but an urgent equipage
Of rapt imagination sped her march
Through the realms of woe and weal:
Hell to the lyre bowed low; the upper arch
Rejoiced that clamorous spell and magic verse
Her wan disasters could disperse.


The Gɪꜰт to king Amphion
That walled a city with its melody
Was for belief no dream; thy skill, Arion!
Could humanise the creatures of the sea,
Where men were monsters. A last grace he craves,
Leave for one chant;—the dulcet sound
Steals from the deck o'er willing waves,
And listening Dolphins gather round.
Self-cast, as with a desperate course,
'Mid that strange audience, he bestrides
A proud One docile as a managed horse;
And singing, while the accordant hand
Sweeps his harp, the Master rides;
So shall he touch at length a friendly strand,
And he, with his Preserver, shine star-bright
In memory, through silent night.


The pipe of Pan, to Shepherds
Couched in the shadow of Maenalian Pines,
Was passing sweet; the eyeballs of the leopards,
That in high triumph drew the Lord of vines,
How did they sparkle to the cymbal's clang!
While Fauns and Satyrs beat the ground
In cadence,—and Silenus swang
This way and that, with wild-flowers crowned.
To life, to life give back thine ear:
Ye who are longing to be rid
Of Fable, though to truth subservient, hear
The little sprinkling of cold earth that fell
Echoed from the coffin-lid;
The Convict's summons in the steeple's knell;
"The vain distress-gun," from a leeward shore,
Repeated—heard, and heard no more!


For terror, joy, or pity,
Vast is the compass and the swell of notes:
From the Babe's first cry to voice of regal City,
Rolling a solemn sea-like bass, that floats
Far as the woodlands—with the trill to blend
Of that shy Songstress, whose love-tale
Might tempt an Angel to descend,
While hovering o'er the moonlight vale.
O for some soul-affecting scheme
Of moral music, to unite
Wanderers whose portion is the faintest dream
Of memory!—O that they might stoop to bear
Chains, such precious chains of sight
As laboured minstrelsies through ages wear!
O for a balance fit the truth to tell
Of the Unsubstantial, pondered well!


By one pervading Spirit
Of tones and numbers all things are controlled,
As Sages taught, where faith was found to merit
Initiation in that mystery old
The Heavens, whose aspect makes our minds as still
As they themselves appear to be,
Innumerable voices fill
With everlasting harmony;
The towering Headlands, crowned with mist,
Their feet among the billows, know
That Ocean is a mighty harmonist;
Thy pinions, universal Air,
Ever waving to and fro,
Are delegates of harmony, and bear
Strains that support the Seasons in their round;
Stern Winter loves a dirge-like sound.


Break forth into thanksgiving,
Ye banded Instruments of wind and chords
Unite, to magnify the Ever-living,
Your inarticulate notes with the voice of words!
Nor hushed be service from the lowing mead,
Nor mute the forest hum of noon;
Thou too be heard, lone Eagle! freed
From snowy peak and cloud, attune
Thy hungry barkings to the hymn
Of joy, that from her utmost walls
The six-days' Work, by flaming Seraphim,
Transmits to Heaven! As Deep to Deep
Shouting through one valley calls,
All worlds, all natures, mood and measure keep
For praise and ceaseless gratulation, poured
Into the ear of God, their Lord!


A Voice to Light gave Being;
To Time, and Man, his earth-born Chronicler;
A Voice shall finish doubt and dim foreseeing,
And sweep away life's visionary stir;
The Trumpet (we, intoxicate with pride,
Arm at its blast for deadly wars)
To archangelic lips applied,
The grave shall open, quench the stars.
O Silence! are Man's noisy years
No more than moments of thy life?
Is Harmony, blest Queen of smiles and tears,
With her smooth tones and discords just,
Tempered into rapturous strife,
Thy destined Bond-slave? No! though Earth be dust
And vanish, though the Heavens dissolve, her stay
Is in the Wоʀᴅ, that shall not pass away.
Transcription presented without claim to accuracy. Original text, page 213:
Donall Dempsey Feb 2022
(You Are...My Little Secret House)

my house
a hedge
on my uncle's farm

that only existed
in summer
holiday land

In terms of time
it is the year
called 1963

but that is neither
here nor there
for this is the timeless time

of a small boy who
wishes to be

found when falling
from a tree
into a fairy tale

hedge of many
years standing
thick and tangled with time

there is no door

one has
to beat
one's way in

the only door is
and determination

endure the sting
of nettle
the scratch of briar

crying is
the only thing
not allowed

burrs clinging
to curls
and geansaí

transforming you
into a wild

dock leaves stand near by
to take the sting
out of things

the hedge
behind you

but once inside
it blossoms out into
a makeshift  palace

that only
a child could

a hedgehog

the other
various creepy crawlies

sunlight now
and then
comes to visit

the rain
drops in

gossiping in
and drabs

a roof of bird song
and green

a wall of pig squeals
and chicken clucks
moos and barkings

I a creature
other creatures

sharing this
the same

I am
for their acceptance

oh I must go. . .
a butterfly
needs to talk to me
mottor: „fountains are drying by habitude” – Sixtus Aquarius

in the common acception
in the heart of small capacity of aunt Haby
there are still surviving reserves

and I quote:  
“what poetry mister Gee?
dreams and illusions which go off on one
to humbug us for good”  

aunt Haby sticks her hand
illustratively in the ground and says man
I know for a fact:
what’s in my hand
is no ‘green planes on the wall’!  

the thing is
that there is no way of knowing
how much poetry is there in the ground
at World's End  

so the Poeth-dog is coming it sniffs
her demonstrative hand
and then the beast raises its foot
some ms Habies are even stroking him
on this matter
arguing that it’s ordinary but they know better

for most often is driven away
from heaven
and everything is reduced to a few solemn
and sexymenthal cry-barkings
this is where I come in
friendly like a racing horse
a flyer swimmin’ on the ground
and aunt Haby jumps on me
she just found out I’m transporting poems
internally and internationally
and reality is that o-kaaay
what can I say?
aunt Haby is sad
her hand hurts like hell
I walk airborne underground like the gadfly
I save her urgently to the worlds end
right there where the land is resurrecting us
after the glaciations
where the entire world is wrenching in tears
of laughter
- From Zoon Poetikon
Norbert Tasev Jul 2021
The sound of murderous silence can already be heard in our crooked minds. Shadow-struck landscapes, peninsula debris wander all night in us and are increasingly addressed in our inner selves! Our hidden, petty secrets cannot be uttered by the essence of cheap, flattering words: the romance of our desires could be felt better and a whole, meaningful human life could be traversed in the star myriads of our saddened dreams! Wounded souls interrogating themselves along the streets of Time roam like goal-lost ghosts; with numbing consciousness they would expect dissolution from superstitious kisses and the immortal pleasures of the metamorphoses of the Universe!
Enlightened consciousness is crystal clear to ourselves. In the subconscious of beating hearts, why are we afraid of a trembling flow of dreadful responses? We would be happy to put down the burden of our Sisyphean existence many times with pleasure so that the clutches of our endless orphanage that are bound together can be dissolved! "I'm getting more and more ominous torment at the expense of my days!" His tormented petals would still be cherished by the half-nailed soul; ringing a call for help selfish-calculating profiteers!
The safe havens of consciousness are still marred by doubts! Due to human mortality, another sadistic Judas is being created. In the washed-out parallel of the world, ordas-chaos wolf-blinds echo like threatening barkings! - The daily bread of our betrayals is spreading: because it is seldom anything else that the self-prostituting, treacherous age can do! Dreaming, I am still waiting for the redemptive romance, if my despair comforts me with new hopes! I am often ashamed to see his loyal lovers swapped by an exotic nymph!
Donall Dempsey Feb 2020
(You Are...My Little Secret House)

My house
a hedge

on my uncle's farm
that only existed

in summer
holiday land.

In terms of time
it is the year

called 1963
but that is neither

here nor there
for this is the timeless time

of a small boy who
wishes to be invisible.

Found when falling
from a tree

into a fairy tale
hedge of many

years standing
thick and tangled with time.

There is no door.

One has to beat
one's way in.

The only door is pain
and determination.

Endure the sting of nettle
the scratch of briar.

Crying is the only thing
not allowed

Burrs clinging to curls
and geansaí

transforming you
into a wild creature.

Dock leaves stand near by
to take the sting out of things.

The hedge closing
behind you.

But once inside
it blossoms out into

a makeshift  palace
that only a child could cherish

A hedgehog
keeps house.

The other occupants
various creepy crawlies.

Sunlight now and then
comes to visit.

Sometimes the rain
drops in

gossiping in drips
and drabs.

A roof of bird song
and green sunlight.

A wall of pig squeals and chicken clucks.
A wall of moos and barkings.

I a creature
amongst other creatures

Sharing this
the same moment.

Grateful I am
for their acceptance.

Oh I must go. . .
a butterfly needs to talk to me.
Donall Dempsey Feb 2024
(You Are...My Little Secret House)

my house
a hedge
on my uncle's farm

that only existed
in summer
holiday land

in terms of time
it is the year
called 1963

but that is neither
here nor there
for this is the timeless time

of a small boy who
wishes to be

found when falling
from a tree
into a fairy tale

hedge of many
years standing
thick and tangled with time

door?there is no door
one has to beat
one's way in

the only door is
and determination

the sting of nettle
the scratch of briar

crying is
the only thing
not allowed

clinging to curls
and geansaí

you into
a wild creature

dock leaves
stand near by
to take the sting out of things

the hedge closing
behind you
but once inside

it blossoms out into
a makeshift  palace
that only a child could cherish

a hedgehog keeps house
other occupants
various creepy crawlies

now and then
comes to visit

the rain
drops in

in drips
and drabs

a roof of
bird song
and green sunlight

a wall of pig squeals
and chicken clucks.
a wall of moos and barkings

I a creature
amongst other creatures
sharing this the same moment

I am
for their acceptance

oh I must go. . .
a butterfly
needs to talk to me
(You Are...My Little Secret House)

my house
a hedge
on my uncle's farm

that only existed
in summer
holiday land

In terms of time
it is the year
called 1963

but that is neither
here nor there
for this is the timeless time

of a small boy who
wishes to be

found when falling
from a tree
into a fairy tale

hedge of many
years standing
thick and tangled with time

there is no door

one has
to beat
one's way in

the only door is
and determination

endure the sting
of nettle
the scratch of briar

crying is
the only thing
not allowed

burrs clinging
to curls
and geansaí

transforming you
into a wild

dock leaves stand near by
to take the sting
out of things

the hedge
behind you

but once inside
it blossoms out into
a makeshift  palace

that only
a child could

a hedgehog

the other
various creepy crawlies

sunlight now
and then
comes to visit

the rain
drops in

gossiping in
and drabs

a roof of bird song
and green

a wall of pig squeals
and chicken clucks
moos and barkings

I a creature
other creatures

sharing this
the same

I am
for their acceptance

oh I must go. . .
a butterfly
needs to talk to me

— The End —