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Butterfly Aug 2010
i am broken
can you feel
your destroying me
i cant keep still

thoughts are racing
my mind is blank
who would have thought
you would use your rank

the places ive gone
the things ive had to see
broke down the bariers
so my eyes could see

searching for hope
in a world of broken glass
marked for a future
certain of death

the razor that sits
beside my skin
will help me be free
help me to win

sometimes i dream
of what it could have been
a world of pretty flowers and
no mention of your sins

the life i am in
is the one i shall stay
i want to break free
but then i wouldnt be me

when i can take no more
i shall warm my veins
cut deep...fall to the floor
ApocalypsenoW Mar 2019
I let go of my fear at last
And look at you with open eyes
My enemy, my crutch, my past
You are not welcome in my life

You came in times when i was wounded
In need of comfort and of love
But you have kept me weak and bounded
Without the confidance you stole.

Now that i see you without bariers
I see your true face and rejoyce
Because now i treat myself with kindness
Cause now i know i have a choice

In this amazing vast creation
That we call our universe
The only real revalation
Is that you always have a choice

The only way that your choice matters
Is if you take it with belief
Own your decisions and your actions
Let go of what you cant recive

— The End —