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Words shout and clang

                                         In a bouty bang

                                     Putting this state in a pang

                            Caring not about death showing its fang

                                   The cause of the hullabaloo?

                                      A protest against the heart

                                      Who arbitrarily gives orders

                                      And expects words to group

                                  Even if they don’t like each other

                                        Hate always shatters

                                  When he has to be with love

                                          His placard says

                                 “Pay overtime, your work drains”

                                    Obsession causes a ruckus

                               When she has to stand with reason

                                  She, like fire, blames reason for

                        Always pouring water on her and inviting calm

                                        Fear shouts in concern

                                   He never wants to meet death

                                But at this rate, his life is in danger

                            And his manhood is never to be questioned

                                        Obsession bangs reason

                                         Who sings and cringes

                                   As hate pushes love who falls

                                    Cupid gets to the scene to help

                                        The heart shuts its doors

                                 Sits scared at his desk with worry

                                            Listening to them

                                        Knowing not what to do

                               They forget they have rented a head

                                      Their clashings, crushings

                                       Bangings and suckings

                              Creating a war on my quiet head island

                                 Amoafowaa Sefa Cecilia © 2014
DawynSHunter Dec 2015
How do I hate you
And then suddenly forget
The things you did to me
Left me crying in my bed
All the slammings and bangings
I took to the ground
Wiped all away
No memories found
You think its okay
Its part of parenting
Creating the fear
Burning inside of me
Flames that continue to grow
Leaving me with no escape
Just a piece of rope

I wake up some days
When I forget the pain
Only to hear you screaming my name
Guess some things never change
I used to tell myself
That you treated me fair
Just like the others
But then the threats kept coming
No wonder why I was struggling
To keep my mind in check
your hands from my neck
Eventually I fell
And deep it was
Into a world full of hatred and anger
I never felt more true
You dont even notice
You have no clue
Of my depression and hate
It cannot be tamed
I may forget sometimes
I hate you
And that will never change
a returning feeling is alive again
Ruby Hsieh May 2020
What is the tension of blood?
My father holds a pricked finger to me
One drop of red like morning dew.
Look what you’ve done.
China smashes to pieces miniscule
The sound of tinkling bells.
Shards hide in wooden crevices gleam
Dangerous winks.
To remove all traces they sweep all night.
I wear socks into rooms. Blue ones.
Tonight, I escape the whipping belt
A locked door and four white walls kept whole
I have learned to ignore the bangings.
I keep thoughts alive not distorted
My neighbors hear the screams
I will tell them tomorrow it was the TV.

— The End —