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Rylie Lucas Nov 2017
Alive, but not living
Safe, but not really
Happy, but dying
Truthful, but not to myself
Young, but seen too much
Nothing, and no more to be said
It's Meeeeeeeee
Rylie Lucas Apr 2018
Hallo! It's Ash, and I'm sorry I haven't been able to upload anything recently. I've been going through state testing prep work(boooring) so now that I have finished the Math test, I can write this(yay!). So let's answer some basic questions! Also, if you're just reading this on the home page, check out my other poems on my channel! Thanks!

Age: 14
Birth Name: Rylie Ashtyn Lucas
Nickname: Ashtyn( or Ash)
Gender: Female
Grade: 8
Pronouns: She, Her
****** Orientation: Panromantic, Asexual
Best Friend: Maxyyyyyyy (his poem:
Siblings? How Many?: Yes, 5 brothers that I love dearly( except the eldest, he's evil..)
Birthday: December 15th, 2003
Birth Location: Landstuhl, Germany
Coke Or Pepsi: Coke
1 "addiction": Pinterest

Thanks y'all, sorry for not uploading recently. It's been hectic, not just with school, but also a lot of family drama(if you want more info, message me!)

Love ya!-Ash(tyn)
Lol, idk what this is, but do y'all like it?
Rylie Lucas Mar 2018
Hey y’all! Sorry I haven’t been writing. Been dealing with a lot of home stuff..that I don’t wanna expand on. But, I promise that I’ll get back to writing ASAP. If you still wanna see what I’m up to, you can look me up on youtube. Ashtyn_Lucas 2003 is my name! Thanks so much

Love Ashtyn
Ashtyn Jan 2018
Painting with few strokes at a time,
Careful, precise, and gentle,
staying, inside the lines,
Painting without thought--just instructions,
The madness oh how it,
drives me mental,
Grabbing at the future,
I splashed and smeared,
Covering this canvas with emotion,
I look at my hands,
dirtied and covered in paint,
colors combined calling my fate,

who could take my freedom but me?

So I tossed my manual,
Forgetting those instructions,
Painting with passion,
no effort or rules,
I smiled at the sky,
For now, I am a fool, for the chains, I have placed,
For people so abaist,
This is my will to live,
I thrive to be me,
In the world of judgment and greed,
there will be a day,
where the world will be off guard,
that will be my time to change this world,
to take charge.
By: Ashtyn Riddle
First poem ever.....
Rylie Lucas Dec 2017
Hey Y'all, this ***** is here!

Sorry about the random updates, they(hopefully)will become more regular soon. I've had a lot on my hands, so please don't hate me!!

<3 Y'all!


— The End —