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abby May 2014
you hurt like ache
and adderall
and arnica

you hurt like bruises
and battle scars
and broken bones

you hurt like cuts
and *******
and countryside

you hurt like death
and destruction
and die-hard

you hurt like electricity
and emergency rooms
and edit-undo

you hurt like *******'s
and fire
and fallen trees

you hurt like garbage cans
and gonorrhea
and gang ****

you hurt like hell
and holes in the road
and heartache

you hurt like israel
and illness
and ignition fumes

you hurt like jaundice
and jugular veins
and jack in the box

you hurt like karma
and kissing
and kerosine lamps

you hurt like lightning
and love
and literary terms

you hurt like mother
and mary
and moses

you hurt like nakedness
and nosebleeds
and nervous breakdowns

you hurt like oil spills
and old yeller
and oral quizzes

you hurt like parkinson's
and parties
and panic

you hurt like queens
and questions
and quantum physics

you hurt like rogaine
and roses
and rope burn

you hurt like solar power
and stomach aches
and ***

you hurt like teeth cleanings
and tar
and tobacco

you hurt like ulcers
and underwear
and unrequited love

you hurt like viruses
and venus fly traps
and vapor rub

you hurt like warning signs
and weight gain
and war

you hurt like x-rays
and x marks the spot
and xoxo

you hurt like your mom
and your dad
and you

you hurt like zig zags
and zero
and zip ties

I don't really know if I even like this. But it was fun to make. ******* q, x, and z.
Daniel James Nov 2014
We're both writing notes to ourselves
That we hope the other will find -
Trying to poke and **** out our Jenga pieces
But finding both sides entwined.

She woke me up this morning
With a cry.
She'd walked into a wardrobe or something.
I wanted to know why...

She sent me for some Arnica
I don't know where it hides
By the time I got back
She was already back inside
the duvet covers.

I put the tube of gel down
Climbed back into bed
And said nothing.

We are strange lovers.
Mindietta Vogel Apr 2019
Xtra Tuffs, forgotten. Ten mornings to go.
Let us start with ten miles to Ewan Bay.
Passing Granite Bay and rocks that crowd Junction Island,
seals furtively eye us, and orange-footed Oyster Catchers
stay grounded while gulls erupt into flight and frantic shrieks.

Zip, peal, zip: from dry suit to tent.
Storm teacher. We learn water below,
water above, water without, and water within.
At Bog Island, fingers are colorless, wrinkled fruit, and we
must think of wetness in layers.

Zip, stuff, zip: from tent to dry suit.
Bog Island becomes a convalescent home, made of polyester tarp.
To stay warm, Yoga in the rain. Two are napping.
While we rest, beached ice become snarling growlers,
I see and listen in the quiet way.

Zip, stuff, zip: from tent to dry suit.
Before crossing Jackpot Bay, we visit a waterfall.
While we lurch to avoid bear ****, dark blurs leap into vertical flows.
Tonight, we tuck our tents under a canopy
of alders against a rock wall, slicked with falling water.

Zip, stuff, zip: from tent to dry suit.
Four days of dampness and heavy brows. The sky teases with streaks of blue
that enliven ice-green bergs. Suddenly, sun spills over clouds.
Wordless gasps and elation melt our moods.
Glacial air chases warm rocks. We race to dry our gear.

Zip, stuff, zip: from tent to dry suit. Again Island found, in Gaanaak Cove.
Blueberries drip from the bushes like the rain of the past four days.
Yellow arnica stand like sunflowers, and I feel her here.
The commuting breeze sounds like morning traffic on the Glenn.
Chenega, that achy glacier, growls like a distant tarmac.

This morning, rays of sunshine dance on my tent for a few seconds.
Zip, stuff, zip: from tent to dry suit.
We arrive to Nassau Fjord as unwelcome, party crashers
To hundreds of seals lounging on their icy chaises.
Don't Go, I think. We were uninvited.

Zip, stuff, zip: from tent to dry suit.
Haibun, Didactic Cinquain, and Diamante:
These formulas are like the handrail method Jonathan teaches for reading a map.
Intentionally point off course to the stream that goes into the lake,
or veer to intersect the road to the parking lot.

Zip, stuff, zip: from tent to dry suit.
At Dual Head, the tide is a mirror to itself.
The echoing waves, equal and opposite to my breath.
I relish the watercolor and poetry on the beach under our
first and only setting and then rising sunshine.

Zip, stuff, zip: from tent to dry suit.
Despite the small-craft advisory in Whittier yesterday,
We are delivered from the Sound on calm waters
​as we reunite with family and former self.
I believe I am more than I was.
Tu ne vas pas me croire.
Moi-même je n'en reviens pas !
Je suis traumatisé, grand brûlé,
Mutilé de guerre
Tout cela à cause de tes huit soeurs
Tes ombres femelles, les Muses.
Je te raconte, excuse les sanglots,
Les spasmes, les soubresauts de ton petit oiseau orphie
Dépecé, déplumé, vide de toute substance.
Ratatiné. Ratiboisé.
Tes fieffées soeurs, ces gredines m'ont violé !
Je ne suis plus que l'ombre de moi-même
Sans tambour ni trompettes
En plein tunnel de Fréjus
Entre la France et l'Italie.
Je ne me souviens plus très bien du début de mon calvaire :
Je dormais à poings fermés
Je rêvais de toi et je sentais tes paumes chaudes
Qui me dorlotaient et me murmuraient des mots doux
Tu disais que j'étais l'oiseau lyre
L'oiseau de feu l'oiseau paon
Tu voulais que je pavane
En toi sur ton balcon
En faisant mine de regarder les étoiles
Et que comme Marlborough je m'en aille en guerre
Mironton mironton mirontaine
On se ravitaillait tous les deux pour supporter l'exil
Et de provisions en provisions nous ne sortions plus du lit.
Tu me disais "qui aime bien châtie bien"
Et "quand on s'aime on sème "
Et tu me châtiais de va et vient subtils
Et tu semais ma semence aux quatre vents
Sur les champs blancs et roses de ta chair
Tu disais no nu niet
Pour battre la mesure
No nu niet de ta petite voix
No nu niet de ta grosse voix
Une caresse pour marraine
Une caresse pour la Muse
J'étais aux anges
Je dormais du sommeil tranquille
Des orphies
Je croyais que c'étaient des formules bibliques
Et que tu baptisais ainsi l'oiseau
Je croyais que c'était toi,
C'étaient tes ombres qui se relayaient
C'étaient elles qui étaient à la manoeuvre
Pour me punir de t'avoir choisie toi, mon ange,
Et pas elles, ces diablesses
Déguisées sous leurs masques de la comédia dell'arte.
Rien ne me fut épargné sous la férule de ces Amazones
A huit elles m'ont pénétré par mes neuf orifices
Ou étais-tu alors
Quand j'ai crié ton nom ?
J'ai perdu mon dernier pucelage
J'ai eu beau leur dire
Vietato l'ingresso qui !
Leur dire que j'étais Cagnolo Nogerola detto Roméo
Et que ma Muse à moi n'était aucune d'entre elles
Mais bel et bien toi, Giulietta Cappelletti,
Elles m'ont fait endurer ce que je souhaiterai pas
A mon pire ennemi, foi de Montecchi.
Elles m'ont tatoué la peau de long en large
De phrases inintelligibles
Elles ont gravé dans ma chair des choses insensées :
Chiudi gli occhi e sogna, Farinelli !
Dante, ti amo !
Portami ovunque tu sia. No !
Non smettere mai di splendere con il tuo sorriso !
Nacio nustra maravilhosa historia de amor !
Gracais mi amor por compartir un viaje tan romantico !
I love you forever
Elles m'ont dégusté comme on déguste
Un riso venere con gamberi e crema de zafferano
Elles m'ont emmaillotté de chapelets
Et de litanies
Elles m'ont marqué au chewing gum
Comme on marque au fer rouge
En me laissant leurs mots d'amour.
Je me suis retrouvé au centre de l'arène
Comme un gladiateur en guenilles
Et j'ai chanté de ma plus belle voix de castrat
Un Lascia ch'io pianga
Que n'aurait pas désavoué Haendel...
Me voilà à tes pieds ce matin, émasculé,
Implorant ta miséricorde, Muse bienfaitrice,
Je voudrais que tu me cautérises ces plaies
Que tu me soignes de tes Furies de soeurs
Tu me manques !
Concède-moi cent jours d'indulgence
Comme délai de latence
Le Ciel te le rendra au centuple !
Te saludo Mama
Del nostro Dio
Je sais que seul toi pourra effacer le traumatisme
Me débloquer, me redonner le sourire
Aurais-tu un peu de teinture d'arnica
De la racine de ***** contra et un peu de cyprine
Pour lentement me badigeonner?
Universe Poems Aug 2021
Here we are as one scar,
with both our bodies,
tightly in the cream jar
Arnica cream soothe
Inflammation sometimes,
isn't visible,
to the naked eye
Internal contains another spy
Those emotions,
that never said goodbye
Treat the outside,
but from within
and, let your life begin
The starting line,
can commence at anytime
There is no competition,
for the finish line
Start and, finish,
in your own time

© 2021 Carol Natasha Diviney

— The End —