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Travis Durston Aug 2014
We used to be close you and I. Always laughing, playing, bonding. Then one day it all changed, you weren't there anymore.
My importance to you faded like a tattoo, slowly becoming insignificant in your life. I was just another tool to help you get what you wanted.
One second I was your world, the next I was a burden.
Years passed where we grew apart, you were no longer my father. You weren't even a friend. I can't find a word to describe what you are to me anymore: boss, coworker, aquantence?
No matter, your real son will always make you proud.

I am and always will be just a burden to my father.
Everyday we meet knew people and we make ties.
It's hard to make friends.
And when we do its like a fine thread.
You just don't know when its going to break.
So you fight, fight to keep them satisfied.
But what is friendship.
It's a step down from love and a step up from aquantence.
It's hard to tell who's a real friend and who just wants to use you.
Try hard not to be used.
Or am I socrates?  do I play socrates with myself?   is socrates a genuine soul or a total *******?  would I win an argument,  I am fascinated to make his aquantence over beer, where he may stare into space for awhile before asking a question, and that question is a question, and I pause, with nothing to say back, would we just go on like this?  asking arbitrary questions until one of us got drunk enough to leave?  I wonder

— The End —