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Nhlanhla Moment Jun 2015
Father, Mother, Brother
how can you watch me burn and do nothing
why do I have to be something when you'll just sit there and do nothing
Could you wait just two years or 25 months
before I form and become a someone
even though I'll have to wait another 16 years for you to sell me into hell

Oh guitars, strings, beautiful women, burnt wings
Palpilated lungs, gross strings
5000 thousand punches for Memory
here you are, take your  guitar back
Without you Memory I am just a Moment and no one remembers me
Fly Memory, be the star of the show
Some things you cannot erase unfortunately
especially if past the times of threes

So a new chapter has to unfold naturally
Soon we go into old age and the occult evils **** our inner child
But Mother at 16; this feels like 1976
You couldn't wait until you were 18
And now a programmed memory has to take your punches just to have the momentous opportunity to be young again
So scarred and ***** - loose you regret the decision that you took

so from an artist here is then live tragic drama, we die because you fail to brace yourselves and lose the war against lust and its evil friends
why am I born Memory  to be abused and take the fall of the irresponsibility of others?
Whose Life is it anyway?
Why am I born to wipe the buttocks of other men and on retirement have them wondering where I have gone
Is it not their own filth anyway?
Are they so crippled that they cannot clean up after themselves?
To the crippled I aplogize that some mock you

It is out of the disrespect of Divinity
Out of the disrespect of Life
A spit on humanity
A shame to soul for those who do these evils have sold their souls
Much to the unfair despair of innocent children
I will tell you this from a child just born or 3 months old: "Why do they bring me into an evil world when they have not even bothered fighting and wrestling against these evils. for every child born how many souls are saved or the world changed?"

Poor child many of the poeple here don't live to fight evil.
They live to sustain it
They hold up its pillars and cast black magic like a futuristic video game
They cannot care sincerely and deeply enough for the scarred, the martyrs, those who die for their Nation
They serve self and ego and an age old reptile livelihood of feeding on negative energy
Without murders, evil rituals and sacrifices: they starve to death
You and I both on Deathrow, I don't know why you'd even bother coming here
What's sad is that the truth seekers and soldiers of Light have done all they had to do
it's a matter of the children of all nations to choose Heaven over Hell
But heaven does not beg for occupants
the Light is
not maybe, not predicted
Just is. like Justice
If that's anything, I have earned my Freedom
It's up to every soul to search within itself the voice and will to stand against the shoulders of evil
Memory I have taken all these punches for you and fought for you, time to get off the wheelchair and stand on your own
Memory take your guitar of burdens now, I have proved my point as a passing Moment.
Happiness was on my side but really symbols of Luck got me this far and my dead grandmother knew it before me.
Tricia Trout Oct 2010
You always said you'd be there for me, but Mom, you're not.
Where are you? Where've you gone? I think you forgot
About all the promises you made to me.
You've never been here, you've always been away, are you ashamed of me?
I think of the times you made me cry,
And I gotta wonder why, why do I care?
I see you don't, you never did, all you've said is lies.
What about when I was five, and that boy touched me wrongly?
You seemed mad, and you told my aunt
"You can't tell her dad."
I'd thought it was my fault, I didn't know, how was I supposed to?
I think back on it now and I just break down.
Thanks to that and thanks to you, I'm so ****** up now.
You can't call yourself a mom, cuz you arent one, to my brothers or me.
I hate you and I hate me.
Sometimes I can't stop crying.
I've given up, my wrists have bled,
And sometimes I wish I was dead.
Oh how I wish to forget, forget everything.
You never mean what you say or say what you mean.
I've got hurt, shame, guilt, pain, and rage.
I keep my emotions locked up in a cage.
I never wanna see you again, just go to hell.
In shadow of your selfishness, I fell.
You're not my mom, you never were, get outta my life.
All this pain you've caused, it still cuts me like a knife.
I was forced to grow up way too fast.
Inside I'm just a little girl, scared and ashamed of my past.
I'm being destroyed inside cuz I hate myself
For something I can't help.
Don't even try to aplogize;
Saying sorry won't make up for all the lies.
Thanks to you I hide what I feel,
Thanks to you, I'll probably never heal.
I hope you're please with how I turned out to be,
Cuz it's all thanks to you, Mommy....
Vampyre Kato Jun 2016
I Know You Heard In The Sky
These  Wings Were Maid To Fly
Every Night I Pray That I Wont Take My Life
When I Awake I Want To Die
I Aplogize Okay
You Deserve A Reply
Its Difficult For Me To Have Company
Than Say & Waive Good Bye
I Cant Put You Through These
Of I'm A Stay Then Walk Away
Cos Your Heart Has Enough Pain.
I Been Using Awkward Things To Paint
I Want To Live To See Such Things As Dreams  Display
Obviously Thats Why My Body Has Not Sailed Away
My Heart  Is So Open
I Wont Owe No Hell To Pay
I Walk With ****** Boots
Through Roots Of Doom Each Day
Your Happenings  Are Happening
& This Is Just The Way
Pain Crys Rain
In A Scarf  Box Angle
Angels Are The Rainbow
If It's Sunny Why Am I Feeling
Funny Why Won't The Rain Go
Cost The Pain Wont
I Push  Every Woman Away Even Guys To
My Mother & Father  Ran Out Of Supplies  
I Never Had Somebody By My Side
It's Always Temporary
I Don't Have A Sanctuary
Its Very Scary
I Pick Up Vibes
& I Might Get Em Twisted
I'M Calling Cost I'm Dying
Crying Giant For Eye Lids To Listen
Let Me Break Down My Vision
Remember That Night
That Awkard Light In My Kitchen
When I Was Fed Up With Ascension  & I Was Flipping Position
& You Said Kato Your Fine
Your Tripping
I Been There
I Know My Mission
Then Then Next Week Out Back Of Class You Confessed
You Felt Something Missing
I Guess The Facts To Your Path
You Slamed On My Ash
You Didn't Have A Grasp
On The Wishing
Wrong Or Right
Is Not A Point  Of View
Just To Get My Point Across I Had To Point A Few
Real Situations
I Refuse To Be Infused With Distant Visitation
& When I Speak Of Separation
I'm Blamed
& I Cant Take It
I'm Done Being Anxious
I'm Done With A Relations
Im Dead Or On Vacations
Jester Andre Aug 2018
They finally learned how to love me;
I can now feel them care and worry;
And see them giving me attention—how merry!

Some gave me thanks, while some kept saying sorry;
Why do you aplogize, dear crony?
You never did anything faulty
Can't you see? I'm finally happy.

For I can now feel their love for me
As I lie in this coffin, lifeless, and devoid of any vitality;
One by one, they walked in just to see my body
Now I feel like a famous celebrity.

The corners of my lips curled up; smiling bitterly
Wanting to shout and scream so loudly
Why didn't you tell me those words that might have made me happy
When I was still living in this world full of negativity?

But I do know the answer, honestly;
For regret is stronger than any emotionality
Oh, look how much they regret their insensibility
As they lost me, yet learned to love me—finally.

— The End —