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Fynn Sep 2017
Once there was a boy, as brave as poor
he lived on the streets of Tamkador
A fearless young lad, stealing his food
some days some bread and other days fruit

He was fast and clever and so he survived
without getting caught and fearing his life

Tamkador was ruled by a king, proud and rich
He had knights, soldiers and even a witch
He did not care for his people only for wealth
He did not care if it damaged their health
Whoever did not do as he wanted
got simply beheaded

He took what he wanted, sending his horde
waiting behind without drawing his sword

but the soldiers were fearful so they did as he told
because better craven and alive then dead and bold

the day then came when the siege begun
and the King refused to end the fight
some poor soldiers tried to run
and got killed by archers in the night

The citizens had no more food
screams got loud, we'll die, we're *******
But the boy from the streets, Asher his name
did not fear death and not the pain

He snuck past the guards to speak to the King
he did not steal food, or gold or rings
once he reached him he spoke out loud
what many people thought but were not allowed

My king please hear me, i speak for your folk
they are in pain they need more food
You need to surrender, they will leave us alive
They just want peace for such a low price
give up your crown and save you people
They wont **** you, they are not evil

They just want you to bend the knee
and pay them a good tribute fee
after you have plundered them
Now swallow your pride and save your men.

The king called the guards told them to fight
but the guards stood still in this meaningful night
Asher took the word and continued speaking
with every word more guards were leaving

All this grief and annhilation how it hurts my heart inside
all the innocent who suffer from your stubborness and pride

Is this what you wanted?

Your heart is cold without a feeling
you wouldnt even understand the meaning
of my words if you would care
but hear me mylord dont you dare
to take your folk down with your pride
we wont wait any longer no we wont bide

Is this what you wanted?

Nevermind how high the cost may grow
you will never break us, no

We want to live and we dont need your lead

This is what we want
Eleete j Muir Mar 2023
Therefrom the manichaeism wormhole of the
Trivalency of Heaven, Earth and Hell,
A space built ''into space''- The Cinvat Bridge;
The obscure by the still more obscure,
The past and the future, matter and anti-matter
Collide between the two annhilation properties of Srosh and
Vizarsh; provoked over a magian sciomancy thistle,
A spirit indestructable in thought, word and deed,
A most lovely triumvir soul of As Above, So Below, Alike on Earth
Whose transference shadow never grows less for the *****,
That crosses the sky united in the dark whilst life
Reverberates grave requitable impious impunity beyond its
Negative Mass so that All Souls may rise shining
Into the paradise light-land at the final all encompassing
Purgation of the ''Nethermost Hell''.

Qualyxian Quest Apr 2020
I fear no life after death
annhilation a word so scary

my family in Ireland
tales of wee folk mystic fairies

green the Dublin park
brown Trinity library

yesterday she spoke of Notre Dame
as I drove home from Cary

If my love were with me tonight
shower then strawberries

but my mind is often broken
I wait although she tarries

Her hair was long and brown
Her kisses red like cherries


— The End —