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Aeryn Jun 2015
Loving you was like eating green grapes.

Pushing, pushing, then pop through the skin.

Tasting the sweet success
Letting it flood my mouth
Only making me want more.

But green grapes are sour at their peak of ripeness, at their most beautiful.

The sour sting in my jaw is what it feels like after your sweetness was gone,
Affter I couldn't think about you without wondering if maybe that thick skin was thick for a reason.

That maybe green grapes should come with a warning label.
Francie Lynch Aug 2014
You play three.
Me, seven.
Fifteen for two.
This is where I lose you.
Your phone vibrates,
You leviate
Sitting across from me,
Making me an unwilling audience
To all the drama.
You vibrate. Your shoulders droop
Like the gape-toothed village idiot.
You gesticulate,
Fading in and out
In a semi-conscious awakening.
You're trembling under stones
Sitting on your chest.
It shows in your tembling hands.
Twenty, for two...
Twenty-five, for six...

I overhear your child is truant,
Another wants a ride,
Another a car, doctor or lawyer.
You're shuffling in your seat.
Not to worry.
Affter the stones are lifted,
And you're properly pegged
In the stink hole, the game's over.
Thirty, for twelve and a go. Game.
So deal with it.
Claire Elizabeth Aug 2014
I’m drunk,
actualy drunk and i find that all i want is you,
even affter ive forgotten alot of other peoples names.
i think my brain is fried and i still don’t care because the psrt that holds you is still ther and i think thats all that matters, really.

— The End —