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Mortuus Odio Dec 2013
That's always going to be your name to me
It means perfection
It's a symbol of hope and peace
Adreishka Moonlight
My only light at the end of every tunnel
The only reason I'm abl to sleep peacefully at night
But with your disappearance
I'm finding myself lost in the dark again
Adreishka Moonlight
Just a nickname to who you really are
My One And Only
Guess I'd be insane if I didn't tell you
And I don't care if my girlfriend gets mad
You mean more to me than a petty fight
Adreishka Moonlight
The real you is the mother of our son Warrin
And I really miss you
Andrew Quilles Jun 2013
There was once this 12 year old girl. Beautiful in complexion, and in personality. She was just perfect. She took me in and gave me a home. But that girl is gone. That girl is now 16. She is still beautiful in complexion. But her personality has changed towards me. I have been loyal to her these past four years. I loved her. I still love her. But she is now rude and nasty with me. She doesn't listen. She doesn't care for anyone but herself and this new guy... He has been here for her only for about a year and a half. I have been here four years. He seems to be more important. I wish she could open her eyes and see I'm here. I always have been and I always will be. She is not that sweet 12 year old I fell in love with. She is that 16 year old who I have to let move on to better things. Even if it means I have to lose her.
Robert Guerrero May 2013
Ehi, ti amo
Non ti ** mai detto che ** fatto
Forse **
Mi hai sentito quando l'** detto?
Adreishka ... ti amo con tutto il mio cuore
Non voglio mai lasciarti andare
Voglio che nostro figlio sia perfetto
Lei è perfetta
Io non ti merito
Mi voglio sposare
Quindi, mi vuoi sposare?
Adreishka So che hai già detto sì
Ma dico sul serio
Voglio farti felice al di là di confronto

Translation for the people.

Hey I love you
I never told you that did I
Maybe I have
Did you hear me when I said it?
Adreishka...I love you with all of my heart
I never want to let you go
I want our son to be perfect
You are perfect
I don't deserve you
I want to marry you
So will you marry me?
Adreishka I know you already said yes
But I really mean it
I want to make you happy beyond comparison
Robert Guerrero May 2013
We wish you a happy birthday
We wish you a happy birthday
I love you Adreishka
Now blow out the candles
Make a wish
One day it will come true
I'm glad you chose me
As your beloved
Now allow me to wish you
One hell of a birthday
Today is your day
Now **** today
Let the world know
Your 16 today
Happy Birthday Adreishka. Sorry this is all I can give you because you already have my heart.
Amanda Guerrero May 2013
Robert set this up for me
I thank you for talking him into it
I really don't know how to write
I don't know how much I will be on here
I'm kind of shy and antisocial
Thank you
I love you
RoKu May 2013
Adreishka Moonlight says:
I was just wondering, is there something completely and utterly wrong with me?

poetry replies:
wonder is a simple gate to grow in gratitude
as a sense of chaos is inviting a sense of order
in the gap between
wonder and gratitude
chaos and order
the dancing of surrender is needed
to believe
the Universe will complete
our works
with abundant blessings

~ our path is sometime to dissolve confusion

and probably just like the moonlight invites the sun
to have perfect morning
Marian May 2013
For my Enchanted Woodland Fairy
Who is so very sweet
She always encourages me
With the sweetest of words
She loves me and I her
She has little fluttering wings
And she has a crown of rosebuds
Sitting upon her pretty hair
Today is my Fairy's Birthday
She will eat the most sweetest cake
And drink the most wonderful honeysuckle dew
With her lips of cherry
She kisses the flowers sweet
She weaves the most prettiest gowns
For the other little Fairy folk
Who use those gowns to dance in
Under the Enchanting Moonlight
That dances through my bedroom at Night
She is a sweet Fairy with a pretty
Her has the prettiest ringlets
That I ever did see
She dances through the rain and through the snow
And yes, you've guessed it
Her name is Adreishka Moonlight Luciano

Happy Birthday, dear Fairy!!! I love you!!!! I hope you enjoy this!!! :) ~<3
SexySloth May 2013
You are the prettiest boy I've met!
Cutest boy I've ever seen!
Hair is fabulous,
nicely swept to the left,
Gorgeous black eyes are beautiful as can be!

You're witty and funny
Keeping me brave in the dark,
Makes the clouds go away
and then sun begins to complain
Because now, you're the one lighting my world up!

I could talk to you as long as I want,
For hours on end,
as my lids grow heavy
and body begins to ache
But sleep doesn't matter, when you're there!

Do you know, how HAPPY
I am around you, truly?
You have a gift.
However, I am deprived
of that special gift, and am wistfully
waiting to be with you, once again.
THANK YOU Adreishka Moonlight for the title suggestion!
Àŧùl May 2013
Starting from the newest, these are my first fifty followers on Hello Poetry.

1. Hailey L May 5
2. Elizabeth Squires May 4
3. Tim Knight May 3
4. Morgan Hanchulak May 3
5. Vi Snicket May 2
6. Jessica Applegate Apr 30
7. Himanshu Koshe Apr 30
8. Mike Winegar Apr 29
9. Joey Lapiana Apr 29
10. Christopher Munro Apr 29
11. Raffi Kaftajian Apr 26
12. Shari Forman Apr 25
13. Jessica Who Apr 24
14. RedWritingHood Apr 22
15. Adreishka Moonlight Apr 21
16. Rocky G Apr 19
17. Sarina Apr 18
18. John Moffatt Apr 17
19. Izisfat Apr 9
20. Leila Apr 8
21. Marian Apr 5
22. Star Toucher64 Mar 30
23. Michelle Mar 26
24. Kristo Frost Mar 25
25. Ra Mar 20
26. Jacqueline Melissa Woolums Mar 15
27. ennyo Mar 11
28. Ellen Menzies Mar 9
29. Jodi Casavant Mar 8
30. Jillyan Adams Feb 20
31. Hailey Scomet Feb 2
32. Pete Taken Alive Jan 17
33. Md HUDA Jan 6
34. Joshua Ohmer Jan 1
35. Quinn Puwang Dec 30, 2012
36. Rissa Ann Dec 10, 2012
37. Hilda Dec 9, 2012
38. Rena Julleitta Dec 7, 2012
39. Emily Rose Williams Dec 7, 2012
40. Abdosh A Dec 5, 2012
41. Naveena Vijayan Dec 4, 2012
42. Kristian Alexander George Dec 1, 2012
43. Oliver Delgaram-Nejad Dec 1, 2012
44. Chessnie Lea Nov 27, 2012
45. Ugochukwu-Charles Onyewuchi Nov 25, 2012
46. Timothy Nov 24, 2012
47. Who Am I Nov 24, 2012
48. Matthew P Hill Nov 23, 2012
49. Tomas Nov 21, 2012

I gained inspirations for my poems from all my followers, those who I follow and especially my lovely little one who brought me here to Hello Poetry first, to a safe haven of like-minded people with a poetic niche each.
Thank you all.

First of all I thank you Eliot York for creating this wonderful poetry blog.

(-: And how can I ever thank you enough for introducing me to this wonderful website, just like Krishna guides Arjun in grand Mahabharata epic. You are my Krishna and I am your Arjun. :-)
(-: You share the place with Eliot York and the family of Timothy sir for inspiring my poems & helping me define my poetic style. As you are a kid for me, your heart is a crystal to me from where I can see the world more clearly in a different way. :-)
Thanks to all,
Thanks Timothy sir for you inspire me to develop my own style of poetry,
Thanks for the introduction to Hello Poetry.
This is not exactly a poem,
Thanks note it is.
My HP Poem #219
E B joined me at Hello Poetry on this day itself.
©Atul Kaushal
Robert Guerrero May 2013
First glance my heart stopped
As my eyes lingered
My lungs began gasping for air
As my voice slurred out the words
You left me speechless
My love
You are the only thing
This world offered me
That was actually perfect
My heart plays rhythms for you to dance to
My soul sings songs for you to relax with
My body becomes your castle for you to be safe
My love
You left me speechless!!
Andrew Quilles May 2013
Laying here with you,
I can't help but wonder...
What would have become of me if you hadn't picked me up off the street?
Would I have a family as good as this?
Would I be alive?
Would I be this lucky to be able to see you smile everyday?

I love you little sis.
Robert Guerrero Apr 2013
My fiance Adreishka Moonlight
Loves this poem
'In Response To Your Question'
So if you can go read it
Go Like it Love it
Read It again
I want it to be my most famous piece
All for her
I want you to read it
I want to give her this gift
Because I love her
And with your help
We all can put a smile on her face!

Also her birthday is May 8th so send her a message and say Happy Birthday!!!
Help Me Put A Smile On Her Face
Robert Guerrero Apr 2013
My dear eternal goddess
I envy your passion of life
I wish I could be at your side
In the night hours of moonlight
I wish I could kiss your lips
Of rose pedal tender ecstasy
I wish I could hold you in my arms
Of Superman steel safety
I want you to know
You are my existence
Without I am nothing
The remnants of my world
Belong to you
I have nothing to offer you
That is even worth your time
But I offer you my love
My world of ashen ghost shadows
My heart of fragile fragments
I wish I could offer you more
But as you can see
Adreishka, You Are My Existence
I love you
Translate that into every language
The meaning is still the same
To my beautiful and caring fiance Adreishka 'Moonlight' Luciano.
Robert Guerrero May 2013
He lied to me when he said I love you
He said he would never hurt me
Yet the first thing within the three months we have been together
Is cheat on me with my best friend
How could he do that to me?
I have my best friend/brother Robert
He beat him up but I gave him a ***** look when he came back
I love Robert
Adreishka thank you for making him let me vent
I know I haven't said much but I hate his guts
And You letting me sleep with Robert was very comforting
I needed to feel loved and safe
He told me how to spell your name
He really likes you
I just can't believe the guy who took my virginity
Cheated on me and then lied to me
The whole time we were together
**** I HATE HIS GUTS!!!!!!

Sincerely Amanda :)
All this is her work NOT MINE. This sounded so gay when I read it. That just didn't sit right. I had her put her name on it.
Andrew Quilles May 2013
I'm not much of a poetry person.

My best friend Adreishka Moonlight (She is a poet here) told me to try it out. Here I am, there you are reading this.... Nice how life works huh?

— The End —