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 Mar 2014 Winter Silk
Finish me
 Mar 2014 Winter Silk
I look at you and all I see
are the ruins of what was once a

I look at you looking at her
and all I see
is the way your gaze held mine

I look at myself through glass
and all I see
is a broken painting.
A piece of art that you started
but didn't bother to finish.

Finish me
DEVILS food & cake

Gaining weight, it is not easy
So go eat what you want
Stuff that pizza in your mouth
Potato chips dont count

Go ahead and take a bite
It's as easy as just that
Buy new clothes as you grow
And you wont see yourself as fat

Eat it all, not just a bite
It's only a few pounds
The weight will surely come right off
Just as fast as it went on

Don't listen to what doctor's say
Their opinion doesn't count
It is your life after all
To do with as you want

So give yourself the pleasure
Of eating chocolate cake
Don't worry if you gain those pounds
It's just your life at stake

Carl Joseph Roberts
This is the Devil talking to all of us out there who are trying to loose weight. Im not calling anyone fat and I'm trying to loose 20 pounds myself. So much harder then it used to be to get it off. So the devil on your shoulder says these things but we cannot listen if we want to reach our goals.
After smoking my first pack
Of cigarettes
(Cheyenne Cherries, $2.09 at Marathon)
The novelty wore off pretty quick.
It didn’t feel cool anymore,
Didn’t make me feel important.
The cigarette was just something
To stick between my fingers,
**** between my lips,
Inhale and feel something
(feel Hell)
In my lungs.
A prop.
It was just a stick
With a red, smoldering ****,
A piece of tobacco
To play with before the ember
Ate way down to the filter
And singed my fingertips.

Now, I think I light up
(Cheyenne Cherries, $2.09 at Marathon)
Because the smoke is so
******* enticing. It’s beautiful,
A kinesthetic work of art
(like a ballet),
The way those silver
Tendrils curl so languidly
From the tip into the air,
So graceful, so smooth.
When I smoke
I can’t help but to imagine
I’m watching a group of dancers.
Or something.

And I think I light up
(Cheyenne Cherries, $2.09 at Marathon)
Because there’s nothing better to do
Half the time and at least
It flouts the boredom
(for a few minutes or so),
At least it interrupts the
Relentless monotony of Life.
Kurt Vonnegut mentioned
Something about smoking
Being a noble form of suicide.

Well, so it goes.
I didn't know I needed you
Until you were not there
Didn't begin to feel your love
Until it disappeared

And now you're gone
And I can't breathe.
Two people stand together
Equal inseparable so it would seem
One gave the Other everything
Thinking what’s shared is returned
The Other reserves their self uncaring
The Other took what One gave
Now a thief the Other walked away
And never returned what One gave.
 Mar 2014 Winter Silk
Erica Jong
I was sick of being a woman,
sick of the pain,
the irrelevant detail of ***,
my own concavity
uselessly hungering
and emptier whenever it was filled,
and filled finally
by its own emptiness,
seeking the garden of solitude
instead of men.

The white bed
in the green garden--
I looked forward
to sleeping alone
the way some long
for a lover.

Even when you arrived,
I tried to beat you
away with my sadness,
my cynical seductions,
and my trick of
turning a slave
into a master.

And all because
you made
my fingertips ache
and my eyes cross
in passion
that did not know its own name.

Bear, beast, lover
of the book of my body,
you turned my pages
and discovered
what was there
to be written
on the other side.

And now
I am blank
for you,
a tabula rasa
ready to be printed
with letters
in an undiscovered language
by the great press
of our love.
 Mar 2014 Winter Silk
I was never a sinking ship, just the remains
of an ocean liner, settling on the sea’s lips.
At least, that’s what I think.
I am not a tragedy, no,
but so many of my pages are empty and, my god, I need
you to know that if I am a book,
I am half-complete (not half-unfinished––I'm learning, you see?),
but it’s the back half,
and a few scattered paragraphs before that.
Now and then I write in my own history,
just for others to read and believe
there’s something more to me
than a leather bound cover over cheap poetry.
That’s all I am, really.

I’m just trying to keep my head above the water.
I keep my secrets close, and my happiness bottled
––for the nights when I need something stronger
than spirits that burn on the way down,
something that can keep these ghosts
from crawling back out my mouth
to tumble from my lips at last.

Listen, I'm really not hard to figure out.

It’s broken glass,
it’s the smash of a car crash,
it’s the smell of smoke and ash,
it’s a statue of a girl learning to laugh,
and to know, and how to venture
into you. I count the number of times I've been sure,
on my knuckles instead of my fingertips,
because it wasn't the touch, it was the fist
that first said: I am better than this
(fires will die but they fight harder than all else).
Besides, my fingers are not for counting out.
I think they're for you,
to weave yours through,
and to feel on your skin
when I spell out I love you,
because my fingers do not flinch
as easily as my mouth does cringe
and strangle truths in anger.

If you feel I am pulling into myself,
remember I'm likely collapsing inwards,
and know this:
broken homes beget broken bones,
but more often they spit
broken boys and girls from their lips.
My body is new,
no longer mould and mildew,
but steel, mortar, and brick,
and stone
and stick.

I am almost always cold.
My wrists look too thin for the weight of my world.

I carry on, but I am not strong.
**** knows how long those days have been gone.

To the person who will somehow fall for me:
I am not a tragedy,
but a mess of a story.
I write dumb rhymes to feel like I'm growing.
I speak as a cynic, but at heart I'm all dreams.
Sometimes I take a minute to listen and, slowly,
I think I'm becoming someone worth being.

I seem bare as a clinic and empty as glossy magazines,
but it's all a set and some props, one day I'll end scene.
I'm not ready yet, but on One Day, I'll be.

I swear, I'm almost there.
My world is readying,
like winter prepared
to yield to spring.
 Mar 2014 Winter Silk
Kenny Brown
Four turns…
Four turns point down within these boxes.
Tail bitten chased by following red foxes.
These lovers leave ***** trails through the sand,
But good friends extract tattoos on my lonely souls hand.
Please, please captain help me wax my earnest ears.
Crashing on the rocks nightly reaps woeful tears.
And yea it’s beautiful music that draws me near
But where does the soul go at the conclusion of yet another year.

Three queens…
Why do you bring me here?
Why do you suddenly appear,
Out of air with songs so clear?
Now I’m lost without a seer,
And can’t hold a trace of what is dear.

Bowman of the woods rid this path,
Of harsh kings evil epitaph.
And let me not follow in a fools wrath.
Artemis’ hand leads the chart at last.
Ensure stern sister that I do not break fast,
And spend my days limping one way dragging a sore cast.
So the pieces left do not shatter.
Internally ingest information attempting to make the mind fatter,
Meanwhile every movement causes clatter.
But can even one remain sane without a stain.
Surely mother nature could do without acid rain.
If it came to the choice of not a single more day of pain,
I’d still choose love.

One pair…
Running through a great deciduous metropolis
Good goddess hanging by my side there’s no stopping us
Immune to infectious wounds pouring out blood and pus
Even joyful alone with strangers on a late night city bus
In these short days it’s far from all I need
What’s the point of getting chest beaten with golden greed
Just take me to that luscious garden
And I will sing loves long lost pardon
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