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I love the sunrises and sunsets.
They harken to a definitive time of total change.
From light to dark and back again.
Life seems like a series of moments, that the greatest loves of our lives come and are gone before we realized what had come and gone.

Such is life, but seemingly long pauses interupted with moments sublime.
Life, sublime
The loneliest man in the world
Is The man that sleeps without the benefit of even a blanket to covet him.
Were it for any other reason, but for Love.
Were it for any other season to endure,
And every star hung in Heaven's grace above, would cast themselves down, as sacrifice forevermore.
Our paths cross briefly
Like messengers of the divine, to remind one another of Love, and Hope, and Honor, and all the good that stirs in you that I can see, and in turn what you beheld that swims in me.

Thank you
Good bye
Once given life,
Love loses not a single breath,
But pines for it's lover
For an eternity after death.
There is more to Being than this Life.
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