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"The stones between Heaven and Hell grind the hardest."
Sorting it all out
The how's and the why's
The sanity from the insanity
And the Truth!

That ******, vile, 5 letter word
That sends everyone running
From each other,
One another,
And the reality of our own
***** dog,
got ****
Freedom relegating
Needing a miracle, a healing miracle for our home.
Let Love sweet Love be the order of each day, that not time nor distance nor hurt lead us astray from what we hold dear, each within the other's eyes, what souls God's own hands brought near, to flourish, not die.

To count my faults, forget all joys,
and those things in you that chafe my hide,
were that all the truth, then Love would cry

"Thou art fools bye and bye! Have I not sweetly enamored thy two souls, to look beyond the faults and selfish strife, that thou hath over looked, when man became husband and woman wife?"

Love emplores .
" Let not so sacred a thing as a once happy union be thrown out like trash for anger' s woe. Be humble, settle in agreement just this one case, that many a year has passed with one for the other at each 's side, delighted in the gaze of the other's eyes, and true to say Love was welcome to seat upon the hearts that together made but one beat."

I love you.
Karma leads us blindly
To the fruits
of the seeds we have grown.
Be they bitter or sweet,
What yield we reap,
Our hands alone have sown.
Those that know
Know all too well
How hard grind the stones
between Heaven and Hell.

— The End —