Some people are what Ms. Kimberly in first grade called
quick learners. They just know how to know,
even when it comes to the blurry subjects,
like love.
I guess I’m not a quick learner,
because I’ve asked three friends
what a butterfly is,
but I still don’t feel them in my stomach, and my skin doesn’t tingle —
sometimes it itches, but not because your hand’s holding mine.
Because I make lists every night before I can sleep,
but there are no boxes to check off for
the symptoms of love,
and I only take quizzes that end with an answer.
Because I don’t cannonball into a public pool,
no matter how sweaty it is outside, I only dip my toes in
a little.
Because there was one thing I was taught
growing up:
never tell a lie, just like George Washington,
and even if I’m not a quick learner,
I’ve always been a good student.