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  Oct 2014 sabrina
Some people are what Ms. Kimberly in first grade called
quick learners. They just know how to know,
even when it comes to the blurry subjects,
like love.
I guess I’m not a quick learner,
because I’ve asked three friends
what a butterfly is,
but I still don’t feel them in my stomach, and my skin doesn’t tingle —
sometimes it itches, but not because your hand’s holding mine.
Because I make lists every night before I can sleep,
but there are no boxes to check off for
the symptoms of love,
and I only take quizzes that end with an answer.
Because I don’t cannonball into a public pool,
no matter how sweaty it is outside, I only dip my toes in
a little.
Because there was one thing I was taught
growing up:
never tell a lie, just like George Washington,
and even if I’m not a quick learner,
I’ve always been a good student.
sabrina Jun 2014
staying up til 3:34am just thinking about his kisses

angrily fluffing pillows because they're not him

tossing and turning wondering if he's doing the same
sabrina Jun 2014
has no concept of time; he stole that with whispered sweet nothings that went something like, " forever, baby, forever. i promise."
sabrina Jun 2014
dwells on the past, holds grudges over spilled milk, firmly believes people don't change, googles "how to move on,"
sabrina Jun 2014
thinks too highly and too low of herself, smiles at her own jokes in public, avoids eye contact, lives entirely in her own mind.
sabrina Jun 2014
reads too much poetry, falls in love too often, cares too little, leaves too fast, talks too quietly, cries too loud.
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