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It’s yours it’s mine,

Yeah we just plod along to the melancholy beat this world gives us,

Don’t take it for granted, you’ve only got one! So live it and live it well.

This doesn’t just mean go to all the extremes! (Bungi jumping or the likes)

Jesus didn’t give his life for you to just waste away!

Yet he gave us gifts along with this life.

Oh yes, with just our senses alone, we get to see his magnificent creations.

Along with the wonderful aromas of the flowers we get to smell, all while seeing such beauty or hearing the songs of birds at play. Oh we could go on for days,

Get on your knees and thank him!

Turn a new page and drink in his glory!

Oh yes, life is beautiful!

Oh yes stand up and turn away from the darkness this world wants us to follow!

Next time life starts to feel too hard to bear, look up and pray for happiness

It’s all around us we just need see it

Feel it

Smell it

Or taste it.

Oh and last but far from least

Love all around

Oh yes Life is glorious!

(Mike and the mechanics, lyrics in the living years

“Say it loud, say it clear (oh say it clear)

You can listen as well as you hear

It's too late (it's too late) when we die (it's too late when we die)

To admit we don't see eye to eye”)

Oh yes, tell them how you love them no matter what time of the day or who hasn’t said sorry, say it loud and say it clear.

A quarrel is often so difficult to overcome but it’s far more difficult to carry on with a quarrel when love is what your opponent is punching back with, for you can’t fight love!

Oh yes, rocky and narrow are the paths life leads us to dwindle along

But if you have Jesus as you compass you will not find yourself lost, we need just have faith!

Oh yeah life is amazing, for our Daddy in the heavens gave it to us

And wow what a birthday present!

Thank you Jesus
Warren-Johnson Sep 2018
Shouldn't I at least know to keep some joy?
That only i get to reside in its capital city,
When will I rather cease to feel and be numb to all your hurt you provide?
Oh rather spare this world my existance!
And bring a life with that can make diference!
Alive?  no im sure hell be here so how can i be alive?
Joy be it real or only a carrot to be dangled infront of this donkey?
Warren-Johnson Feb 2020
Out of nowhere Air Supply’s  song jingles in my mind,

I'm all out of love, I'm so lost without you!
Too often I’ve felt that throbbing inside! Truth be told it took a whole lot of hurting to realize we can’t rely on anyone but ourselves for that happiness and once we truly happy alone then a partner either fits in or not if they do it can only only compliment that in harmony!
Must say it be a awesome thing to have that harmony on a permanent basis, but I know I won’t fall apart without it !
Hmmm what a waste! me the hopeless romantic hahaha yeah why else do I only hear the poetry in music?
Warren-Johnson Nov 2018
Jesus shines through You!

It is in your smile!
Or the way you just are!
As a dad, I see what a mom truly is!
But not just a mom, You are!
No a Mom who has Jesus!

God Gave You beauty!
Beyond any to compare!
This be not only apearence!
No a small role that would play!
No a Mom who has Jesus!
Be radiantly aglow!

Thank you Lord Jesus for Moms
Be it  their loving touch
Or the kindness they bear
A raginging lioness to shelter her children from any dispair!
Her lifes second purpose be her little darlings with the most loving care!
But first she seeks Jesus

His footsteps she follows
For no other as selfless
As our King Jesus Christ !
I dedicate this to. mariandra heunis
And all moms i know
Warren-Johnson Dec 2017
Wow the friend you were!
Always there!
Always caring!
Never too busy to listen!
With love in abundance!

Now you left us!
Hearts torn  to shreds!
Missing you as never before!
All I can do is pray!
Maybe I should done this more
Maybe I should have called you more

I Pray that all our lives you have touched, be blessed by the love and faith you showed, that you be received home to our father, looking Down over us I pray we do you proud!
I pray that we all find solace, that Dayne and Shanice find strength to continue,and to shine as your kids always do! Looking over them I'm sure you will be!
I pray that your Mom is kept by the lord!
I pray for Bilinda loosing Annie is not easy on any of us!
Father God guide our hearts as we enter a time of great Grief!
Give us the wisdom to do all we do in good favor to You!
My father God I pray that you keep Dayne and Shanice close that your presence be felt!

I pray this all in Jesus name
Warren-Johnson May 2017
With pen we show our hearts
True feelings to our cores
Through this very medium we share it across the shores
For me it was my once wife
That led me to this strife

In healing I put pen to paper
That'll  be the reason we write
For they wrote on our hearts
Be they not the poets?
The poets of our hearts!
Warren-Johnson Oct 2018
Stress ticks over inside of me, as if mechanically part of me!
And these shacking hands be that of a chronometer!
How many times have i heard,
“It will all be ok!”
I think much kinder words have been spoken!
As if they hold no part of this drastic itinerary!
Mindfully i say!

Smell take it all in!
Its not all decay!
There are roses too!

Oh, hear the beautifull song as the sparrow gayly chirps, his thanks to life!

Open my eyes!
Drink in all its beauty!

Feel the world with all my senses!
As air rushes over me!

Its all alive!

And I’m part of this great creation!

Im alive!


Thank you Jesus!
Warren-Johnson Aug 2021
I had/have a dream how those great speaches start (Martin Luther King jnr) (Nelson Mandela)

Oh not to steal from their glory but I'd say I too dream!

A dream of a life where we needn't be  bothered by treachery and deciet!

A dream of a life where violence ceesed to exist!

A dream where love meant just what it should

A dream where there were only true's
No false box to tick

A dream where I would be seen the same whether I arrived on a donkey or a Leer jet

But these just be dreams!

What a glorious ponder maybe induced coma be a option?
At least my heart can reside there whilst I dream!

Oh dream on
Warren-Johnson Sep 2018
The Ultimate sacrifice
Be not ceasing to exist!
As mostly, id far rather do!
No it be everything from breathing or these eyes feeling like buckets of sand dropped in them! Just as a reminder i suppese why you hurting the same reason you been crying!
Yeah it will be me just missing you to trying to cope effortlessly!
My ultimate sacrifice be enduring torture id swap in a heartbeat for any physical pain imagination can provide!
Oh i wish
Warren-Johnson Sep 2018
Roseacre the name of the suburb i grew up in.
Today on a bench at a clinic named roseacres i ponder,
Would a acre of roses make me happy?

Well if i could pick of them each day for you?
Oh yes a smile each day, i would have!
Warren-Johnson Mar 2020
As lockdown pursues the hours of day five many a moment to ponder!
Most will seek that missing link, yes the link the one that they know is not in their lives! A lot not sure what it is!
It be a relationship with Jesus, a step back into our faith, knowing he died for Me and You! or meeting him for the first time! the wonderful event  of being saved!  
With all my heart and soul I pray all I the people I know and love and multitudes more gain this wonderful loving relationship and tremendous event of being born again!
Along with these thoughts I ponder I identify those logs in my own eye as I look at the world for the splinter in theirs!
I realize with much lament those I wronged or have been wronged by myself as with them would probably not get the opportunity of expressing this! So all I can do is in my heart forgive and pray the same in return!

God Bless our world!
Much love to all!
Warren-Johnson Aug 2018
Wish I was more!
Wish I could have wowed her so that no fight could be to much!
Wish I made that much more of a difference in her life that I’d be the one!
I wish that a misunderstood truth was explained in detail! And not me seen as a liar!
I wish i didt even have this insignificant past ro be questioned!
Oh if only i wish!  
I wish I wish I wish
Hmmm obviously time has proven I am not anyone’s person that valuable! For wishes like these!
A reality I’ll have to somehow learn to live with!
Sadly i hope somehow there is hope but that seems to be just my silly wishfulness alone!
i wish i wish i wish
Warren-Johnson Mar 2019
With life’s experiences and my resilience to relationships as my own defense.
I can't help but ponder out a space so numb, I'm surprised that I feel at all!
Listening of things said in others relationships and worst of all the feeble lies told!
My ******* meter or shitemeter goes of the charts!
With much regret and a skin crawling decision of staying out of others business!
I realise!
Yes the hurtfull lies can damage!
But that be not for that they have any strength!
It is only the narrow sightedness of those who allow themselves to be that weak! To trust and believe what people say! Having said that certain people should be by default trust worthy! And excuses will be just that excuses!
Lies fashioned to mascarade as reasons for their actoins! Well mostly id say these are just scape goats they use to avoid the truth and not take ownership of their actions!
And they wont, and mostly the person on the receiving end of this is either bad mouthed and most likely even convinced that its all their fault or doing!  (deflection)
Yeah one word comes to mind, whimps!
Yes ***** spineless whimps that would rather emotionally scar or abuse a kind persons generosity or many other scenarios they they use to get themselves ahead, well at least they think, ahead!
Their words are as their hearts, frail and soon to wither away!

You can slander my name to all!
Say hurtfull things to me!
Or of me!

But without any substance it will hold no weight!
So I get to take one thing away from this all.

Happy not just a state of mind, for it be a place
Oh so much so it’s a place, a time, a destination and a goal
It be where we should reside

When you walk into my home I want you to feel it!
When you look at me my heart will show it! For happy is where my heart resides!

Happy I need for me first!
If those that hearts are set in unhappiness they need know it remains their choice!

My Happiness is mine! no one else can steal it or navigate it!
I am the captain of this ship!

Oh happiness is mine!
I own it’s title deed

As a lush garden I aim to keep it in bloom!
So who ever should visit even a fleeting moment in my life! Should know happiness be mine!
Warren-Johnson Oct 2017
A sweet smile she has that Masks such pain!
She sells off happiness as if she owns it all!
Yet not even a glimmer of a smile truly from within!
Or is not maybe just hope?
Or faith there is happiness yet to be had?

How brave you are fair lass!
I see you here with words of sorrows,
I'd wish not on my greatest enemy,

Oh I pray for you that hope is not just a awesome word we lay in wait for,
That this release is more than just a release,
But rather also a mode of transit,
To a far better space,
That it makes your heart smile seeing those words of hope,
Of love,
Of happiness beyond your expectations,

Your happiness will unfold yet !
But needs to start within,
I pray, oh how for this i pray !
Warren-Johnson Feb 2018
How often it’s said,
“Don’t hold grudges, life’s too short”

The same sentiment will apply then why waste our time on those not worthy!

Far more Important I’d say don’t waste these mere moments we share on earth on people who have no purpose other than to use and add no value to ours!

Our traits are sincerity, love and loyalty!
Be bold as you can boast them as who you are! for they be noble qualities!
Yes you can be proud of who You are!

Hence don’t sell yourself short because people you thought to be friends, don’t hold that same moral compass!

No send them packing!
No shame in saying “ they not cut of the same cloth”
No quite the contrary be proud,
core values can’t be bought!
It’s who we are thanks to our parents ethics!

Hold that banner high!!
Never waiver!
Remember who you are !
Yes you have that option you can choose to be you!
Your best chance success’s in anything yeah!
Warren-Johnson Sep 2018
Come take your damage goods!
An emotional state bearing remnants of a shattered heart littering my soul!
Almost whole! certain i was!
In fact, because of you i know!
For i wrote it!
(”This is real wow”
”For she holds my heart! and I know I have hers!”)
Yeah now im broken no cause to even breathe!
I be only damaged goods!
Of course you wont want!
Warren-Johnson Apr 2017
Cant see through the emotion for sense !!
Can't make sense of it all and then I try and it's when it rips through me like a hurricane , how did I allow this again how did I let you in , now I don't know the way out !

All I know is there is only emotion and no sense can't see through the emotion as if it's a cloud so dark, I can't see any light how dismal they call this emotion love, well I know our minds feel the same emotion in good or bad but then is there any good ?

Is there love? dose it exist ? Or is it our way of selling ourselves off for a sad song in our playlists?
How can we see through an emotion that's a lie we created ?
What dismal cloud , suppose That's what we call life oh let's live it!  
Wow what a sad song !
Warren-Johnson Jul 2017
A motivational speaker cracked a little joke the best years he'd ever had were spent with another mans wife!
The audience aghast with much disgust, He then softly said
She was my Mother

How true it is how the years spent being raised are what mould us and steer us on our paths and although mostly different challenges than our parents had experienced, but it's that foundation that leads us to make proud moral decisions!

If you still have the awesome privilege of having your parents thank them sometime!

Once they leave us on this great rock we call home it will be memories to be cherished and many a moment wished you told them even more how you love them, no Matter how often said!

I, like the artist David Gates lost my Dad and can relate to his lyrics In The song "everything I own"~
"You sheltered me from harm
Kept me warm, kept me warm
You gave my life to me
Set me free, set me free
The finest years I ever knew
Were all the years I had with you

And I would give anything I own
Give up my life, my heart, my home
I would give everything I own
Just to have you back again

You taught me how to love
What it's of, what it's of
You never said too much
But still you showed the way
And I knew from watching you
Nobody else could ever know
The part of me that can't let go

And I would give anything I own
Give up my life, my heart, my home
I would give everything I own
Just to have you back again"

If you have them still, take heed to our loss we can never get that time again!
But you have it now! so make it count!
If you are upset with your folks
Remember they too are human
They too make mistakes!
Those are our learning blocks!
Not stumbling blocks!
I make mistakes for my children to learn from, so they don't have to make the same mistakes as I !
Warren-Johnson May 2017
Only in darkness can we see the stars!
Martin Luther king JR
"(His word so true yet, I realize, far more)"

Oh but what are stars ?
Glimmers of hope ?

Yes for they are light
Far away
They are as our sun

Then why look to the darkness ?
For there is always light!

We Need to see!

Those heavenly bodies burn so bright
Have shown many a wayward stray home!

Why look to the dark what would you see?

Yes chin up cause it's up there they shine!
Soon you'll be home

Don't look down!
You'll sink!
you'll drown!

Don't let it catch you!
Look for the light
The answers always there!
You can!
You will!

Chin up see the way home
Warren-Johnson May 2017

Be heard!
Why be silent?
If you don't who will!
We all have to!
These corrupt leaches will bleed us,little by little society will be bled dry!

Yes you the feeble worm that just leaches!

Give us our country back!

If you can't make your own rather be a *** on the beaches!

Oh no they too are just leaches!!!
Oh no! What to to do?!?!?!

Here I sound like a preacher
But exposure might not have an immediate affect!
It may not show!
But but we slowly can get rid of these corrupt elect!

Make your voice boom Zuma down!
An idiot we given to follow!
With no skill
And words only hollow!
Oh what a clown!
Speak out!
Don't stop!
We all deserve more
Cry your beloved country hmmmm
Yes cry out my beloved country!
Warren-Johnson Apr 2020
When evening falls
Where once was light is now dark

As with the heart

‘‘Twas a place to leave your mark

Was it not happiness I sought?

Yet darkness you brought!

Pondering this as birds pass by, songs in flight!

I come to realize ‘‘twas never yours!

My happiness be mine!

Now knowing this I’ll not give up happiness nor fight!

For negative be negative! I’ll have not that!

That sinister trait!

Your dark won’t be!

For its light for me!!!!!
Warren-Johnson Aug 2018
I am now spent to my core with no way out or no way forward or wherever,
Cant say whats next, but is there a next?
Cant see it!
Tried to find it!
Dont know how to look!
Do i even want to look!
Do even want a next!
Next what breath?
I cant want for any!
Dont want to anymore!
Warren-Johnson May 2017
Love you as a person
a bubbly one yeah
I Adore you as a friend.
Heard your stupid comment
Which I take with much lament

oh you sent him a friend request on fake book, he's gonna stalk you hahahaha giggle, snigger  

So if I'd show interest in any pretty lady I'd be a stalker?

Well no! for after you I realize, you can't ****** me in the bedroom, I'd be the master there!

"Oh yes I'd found great pleasure!
Great passion and flair"
Don't we all enjoy being the best at something?  

Life's full of up's n downs and many a costly fare!
Which in your case led my heart to care!

But you be very folly, if that's what you think of me there!

Yes I now I realize why I put those barriers there!
And even more now!
For you'd need to ****** my mind!
To get my heart ever in a bind!

Oh if I showed interest,
I'd be not a stalker!

No this I can say without any shame!
I'd be not a stalker!
I'd be Fair game!
Warren-Johnson Jan 2018
Somewhere, amongst the debris
of cigarettes after ***,
And a failed attempts at sleep, resulting in a restless time of mangled sheets.
I  tried to forget what it means to love.

I forgot what it means to breathe,
to sit still, and just be.

To heal oh wow I wish, yeah more like, let go no time to waste, they are on your heels.

Somewhere, beneath these hooded seams
of solitude and well-versed grief,
beats a heart less cynical,
less tamed by vague distraction.

My nervous ticks and bad habits,
line of best fit for a near-hit
of satisfaction:

I was told Warren you are better than that hmmmmm, how?  yes I wonder how? Where ?

We attach ourselves to emotions and allow people in again! Bad idea!.. Why for them to make an idiot of you, for them to say things until you give in and find yourself dependent on someone else, to long for them to wish for more? And then ! Nothing!!!!!

This is not enough, I know.
This is not nearly enough
to cool the bray of life
that still rattles meaning in my bones.

I thought I forgot what it means to love,
what separates a house from a home.

Can we ever though? for its wounds leave scars with furrows that to be visible to any who care to look!

Well I’ll use this medium as a coping tool!
To heal hopefully!
Grow hopefully!

Write, write, write !

I’ll find life again!
Warren-Johnson Jul 2018
Only through identifying and admitting our weaknesses can we identify our weaknesses!
Never let pride be a weakness for being to proud to seek help or admit to a weakness you will not prosper there!
Rather relish pride of accomplishment over where you were once weak!
If help be needed, seek!
If apologies be sought, do so!
As with thanks!
We can always better ourselves!
Finding strength!
We can always be more!
Warren-Johnson Aug 2019
Time spreads thin
Memories grow dim
Life goes on they say
Trying to keep hurt at bay
Miss you we do
Feeling lost
Empty at times
Hurts more at times as these
But you my friend in our hearts always you reside
Warren-Johnson May 2017
If we don't act from the heart
Then from where?
For if it's not from the heart
Why bother?
Why start?

For if these actions are questioned, I hold my head up high!
I know the source be honorable, and I needn't be shy!
It came from the heart so to me, never a lie!

So if not from the heart

Warren-Johnson Jun 2017
I amble along life's dreary road
It's paths so crooked, and plenty a stumbling block.
Truth is we need them to get through those dismal days, although it feels as if this dark and dreary cloud will hang over my head for eternity!

And then tomorrow brings sunny skies as we forget their lies, those empty promises.

Thing is I have to see it! And it will all make me stronger yet!

My foresight tenfold gained those dismal clouds, I see through them for their worth!

I smile on my own as I forget your smile!
I'll laugh at jokes again yeah!
I have so much I've gained so much, yet I've lost so dearly and I remember again!
Momentarily lost love once more births such pain!

But I look up and remember I can smile on my own!
I know how to love without refrain!
Yes I remember I need to love myself first and all else will find hope!

Yes I am allowed to be first for once I'm the most important person in my life for once!
Its all mine I can have it all! life's mine again!

Why oh why!

Why did I loose sight of this to start!
Warren-Johnson Jul 2019
Society today be mere puppets at play
Led by there noses what media should portray
A negative society!
With it's morals in decay!
Oh but it be our choice where to tender our time,
Open the good book and read of pure joy!
Your father in heaven
Has better news for you yet
For this he gave his life
Without any grimace
Yes how awesome be that news!!
No matter how often I hear it
I find myself in awe!
He died for me and you!  
Wow how special are we!
That the Son of God has washed our sins clean! And set us free!
In awe I stand!
Thank you Jesus!
Warren-Johnson Jul 2019
Eyes on fire
Her beauty ablaze
With heart of gold
True and bold
Rare find I'm sure
But beyond her beauty
It be her heart to amaze!
Warren-Johnson Jul 2020
Oh so much so it’s a place, a time, a destination and a goal
It be where we should reside

When you walk into my home I want you to feel it!
When you look at me my heart will show it! For happy is where my heart resides!

Happy I need for me first!
If those that hearts are set in unhappiness they need know it remains their choice!

My Happiness is mine! no one else can steal it or navigate it!
I am the captain of this ship!

Oh happiness is mine!
I own it’s title deed

As a lush garden I aim to keep it in bloom!
So who ever should visit even a fleeting moment in my life! Should know happiness be mine!
Warren-Johnson Sep 2018
Warren-Johnson Nov 2017
A famous singer sings his number one hit Hero
And the words hit home, but not for the meaning he bleats out, rather the ending "I can be your Hero"
I'd be sure it's every fathers unsung anthem!
So I'll put words far closer to my heart, for my Girls❤️

If I'd ever given you reason to doubt
No remorse could ever be enough, even if I'd shout!
There'd be no river wide enough!
No mountain high enough!
No ocean deep enough!
To stop me ever striving, to be all you need me to be!
I Will Be Your Hero!

You'll teach me more than books have ever known!
To know a Love a part from any other❤️

Many an anguished moment shown , from bumping a toe or any other low!
But greater the elated ones, even the mere Daddy I love you! oh!

Great triumph, joy and pride to see and appreciate into whom you have grown!
I'd know no shame ever! In saying, that's my Daughter!
More often with such Glee!
For you bring such jubilant thoughts, wow my child❤️!!!!
There be no second of any hour
I'd give no less than my all!

Just to be your Hero!

I'm your Dad

Warren-Johnson May 2017
She comes to me as wildfire
Consuming all I have to give
TIME she take it all
It's mine to give
Yet I have so little control

I take a step back and realize
It's mine
Oh wow
I grasp the depth
The reality that it's ripe
It's there for me

To Cultivate
To nurture
To appreciate
To reap
Oh destiny your mine

I boldly remember
Who I am

I'm awesome!

I'm blessed by by the best
How fickle of me to let that slip
I'm backed by the greatest ever !



Warren johnson
Warren-Johnson Apr 2018
Oh I Adore you yes!
I adore you not just because I amble around like a love struck teenager all over again.

I adore you for the way you love me!

I adore you the way you look at me! Undoubtedly love in your eyes!

I adore you for the awesome person you are!
Allowing me to be a part of your life!

I adore you for showing me it’s ok to love again!

I adore you for the new lease on life!
You have shown me through loving me as you do!

Oh yeah I Adore You!

Just for who You are!

Oh Yeah I do!

I Adore You
Warren-Johnson Sep 2018
A star so bright i saw tonight!
I thought of you!
Not for its sheer beauty in this wondorous sky! Although i could relate them!
Not for its radiance!
There too i could relate as you shine always!
No not for many other reasons I could compare!
But for the simple thought!
A wish upon a star!
I wished you were mine!
Warren-Johnson Sep 2018
I sit in a garden all dull and dry, here and there spring trying to push her colour's through.
And then I hear and see so much more ! Life in abundance!

No not the drone of the delivery truck struggle up the hill,
But the hundreds of birds in song!
Chirping away, here and there a butterfly goes with the wind to a new blossom.
A joyous sight by far!

How often do we stop and listen let alone hear?
Fact is life as we know it be equal in audio to that drone of the delivery truck!
Yet life should be as those birds sing in flight!
How often do we smell the fragrance of the spring blossom?
Look at the wonderous skyline?
Or hear the joyous song birds?
Happy not just a state of mind, for it be a place
Oh so much so it’s a place, a time, a destination and a goal
It be where we should reside

When you walk into my home I want you to feel it!
When you look at me my heart will show it! For happy is where my heart resides!

Happy I need for me first!
If those that hearts are set in unhappiness they need know it remains their choice!

My Happiness is mine! no one else can steal it or navigate it!
I am the captain of this ship!

Oh happiness is mine!
I own it’s title deed

As a lush garden I aim to keep it in bloom!
So who ever should visit even a fleeting moment in my life! Should know happiness be mine!
Warren-Johnson Oct 2017
I have to forgive you to move on they said
Yet how does that help?
What justice is there in that?
You just get away with ruthlessly bludgeoning my heart?
You denied all your wrong doing!
But guilty you are!
In this real world that means what?
That you in your sick tormented ways that feeds on others hurt,
Gets to choose their next victim?
Or I can choose not to be the victim!
Revenge would only make you look good and I bad!
Rather I'll let you dig your own grave and wait for that day to kick a bit of dirt in.
Forgive you I must?
If do that I'd never again trust!
Oh you got that right already!
No I'll just find true happiness! Find someone who appreciates, what you were too blind to see!
Warren-Johnson Aug 2018
The truth shall set you free!
Free of what ?
I revealed everything and it only came back for me to be called a liar!
Somehow I need to believe that in truth all will be shown!
Oh but will she see?
Will pride prevent acknowledgement?
It will riddle me like a cancer this I know!
And true I’ll remain hers for I love her so!
Ill never love another i know this!
Although said before never be an eternity!
But i promised her just that!
And true ill remain!
Warren-Johnson Jun 2017
You awesome
I see you!
Although thousands of miles apart!
That only be distance
I'd walk
Without a doubt!
Or any other fear!

I see you for your truth
For I only had to listen
I see you for your integrity
For it taught me some of mine
I see you for your beauty
For I only had to look
I see you for your worth
For I only had to think
I see you for your love
For I only had to feel
I see you for your heart
For I see how yours melts mine
I see you for your souls glimmer
Even if, I only got a smile


Warren-Johnson Aug 2018
It’s Time!
Time to stand up stop wallowing in this grief!
Stand fast in Faith asking Gods hand to make me the better man!
The one she’ll see as whom she can rely!
She can Trust!
Believe in!
Look up to!
See honor in!
Find strength in!
(Although such a strong person hardly needed)
I know my greatest strength lies within my faith!
For through Gods work, my heart will be to a honest compass!
So now I dedicate this day and many to come to You my Daddy, oh steer my life!
Help me be the the humble servant you need of your child!
I pray my Lord my soul to keep!
As I take my direction from being trapped in earthly ways!
Teach me Jesus I pray !
Warren-Johnson May 2017
i used to write sadness darkness and despair,
Truly found it healing!
Out of life's deepest darkest lair.

Now I find myself free and need to air
For I've learnt words come to me, maybe it's just a bit of loneliness,
but now I have to share.

Out of the fight of despair and dismal triumphs against me I found light.
So once again I'm compelled to do what I've grown to love,  WRITE !
Warren-Johnson Sep 2019
Life be awesome
Oh yeah we have our ups and downs
But life is a short little adventure we get on earth!
Best to live life to the fullest!
Love true!
Love with all you are!
Be your greatest!
Forget those who don’t appreciate you!
Surround yourself with people who lift you up!
Who you can look up to and aspire to grow with!

Life is beautiful!
Embrace it and tell those you love, how much they mean to you, at every opportunity!

When asked how old I am at birthdays
My reply be, I’m not!
I am 47 years young!

The way we look at life be as the sentiment of the Glass be it half full? Or half empty?

Are we busy dying?
Or busy living?

Yes love life!
For its Yours!
Warren-Johnson Sep 2018
It's been said people come into your life for a season, a reason or a lifetime!
Well, the people there for a season although not all negative experiences pass through only.
Then those for a reason probably more to their own benefit!
But those, there for, a lifetime not only give a reason but make us want to be more!
They never leave you no matter the circumstances!
I know my soulmate and although she only sees a season I know my life is to be spent with her!
I hope with all I am she sees this true!
For i’ll be here waiting, I love her beyond all this fighting!
I would do whatever to have her realize this!
Been told of late there is no-one you cannot live without!
Well maybe true to some extent, however, what if there is someone, I wish all I am don't want to be without?
What if my soul seethes for her like lungs desperate for air?
I have to just show her that I am here and if it takes a lifetime for her to see it, ill be sad till the day she does! Yes, sad! although life doesn't allow us to spend all our time together, nor would I think it healthy! But yes sad for every minute I loose with her I cannot regain!
Warren-Johnson May 2017
How we trade passions throws for securities, and build fortresses around our hearts, losing a little of ourselves each bit

Like the way she made your soul smile with butterfly tingles in courtship.

Don't flutterbye butterfly

When last did you take in the awe of a garden, the snapdragon flowers , or with its boastful song the vibrant colors of the beautiful songbird.

Don't flutterbye butterfly

Like going to a safari park and being so disappointed for not seeing the lion and it's **** but seeing the hundreds of swallows nesting in the wall of a riverbank, or the sheer beauty of the flycatchers and bee-eaters.

Don't flutterbye butterfly

How we forget to live and love it all! Why else would God have given it all to us! How much less do we give of ourselves by not looking at life as love! Love cause God gave it all to us in love!

Don't flutterbye butterfly
Drink it's sweet nectar

          Life yeah
Warren-Johnson Nov 2017
Love  be not selfish
Love be not jealous
Love be not envious
Love be not rude
Love be not idle

Love be an emotion
Love be faithful
Love be forgiving
Love be a want
Love be a hope
Love be a need
Love be joy
Love be selfless
Love be true
Love be kind
Love be patient
Love be righteous
Love be respectful
Love be trusting

Love be a home filled with children's laughter.
Love is greeting a stranger with a sincere smile.
Love is treating others with care, taking a small moment in all our activities to consider the next person.

Looking at our world, if love was a species, surely it it would be a protected species.

Is love still alive ?
I'm sure yes
God created us in his image
God is love
Love was Our species (the human)
Love should be me
Love should be you
Love should be a nation
Love should be our race

What have we become?
Warren-Johnson Aug 2018
From one of our greatest writers of all time, a extremely real quote of the heart brings me to pen.
Time is very slow for those who wait.
Very fast for those who are scared.
Very long for those who lament.
Very short for those who celebrate.
But for those who Love time is eternal!
”William Shakespeare”

Wow my hearts aglow in thoughts of you!
For i know to my last breath i will love you with all my heart and soul!
To think Eternal Wow it needn't cease there at my mere mortality!
Wow no i can say i will love you forever!
Mean and its not flawed!
My love for you is True!
Is pure!
Is forever learning!
Is selfless!
Is unique!
Is exclusive!
Wow and now i get to promise legendary!
Warren-Johnson Nov 2017
Love hurts, no way
How can it?
Love is of God
Love is all things good
Love is all things pure

It's us
We hurt
We hurt to love
To be loved

It's us that hurt each other
But not in love
No in love we don't go and break another's heart
In love we don't betray
In love we don't forget the greatest love ever!
Gods love for us!

Love can't hurt us!

It can do far more
If we allow,
It can heal
Make us whole

I hurt to love
Be loved
Every day
And I know I am loved
Every day

So are you you may not see it or know it but you are!
Warren-Johnson May 2017
Love isn't blind
Love trusts
Love is dependent on this trust
Love is reliant on its parties to be-

Love doesn't need wealth
Love doesn't need lies
Love doesn't need many (only 2)

But it surely needs you !
Warren-Johnson Aug 2021
I've often heard it said you need to love yourself in order to love someone else,

Yet we with little thought, for those we love❤️ sacrifice all!

That be good! as long as the sacrifice made brings you joy!

However on the contrary we allow the mundane needs of others be the sacrifice of our happiness, pleasing others or at times just to avoid criticism or conflict.

This being said being considerate to others needn't fall away, yet be it a sacrifice to your happiness or wellbeing, then take stock of your needs wants goals, and first make sure they remain achievable!

All the time be YOU! never waiver there !

Be true and be true to yourself first, and if being true wasn't a priority that be positive change to administrator!

Others will either fit in or sacrifice (the same rules apply to them too!)

So be True!

Be Happy!

Be Loving! (for you can't fight love)

But most of all be

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